/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The ontology Authors * This file is part of The ontology library. * * The ontology is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The ontology is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with The ontology. If not, see . */ import { Address, CurveLabel, KeyParameters, KeyType, PrivateKey } from '../../src/crypto'; import { PublicKey } from '../../src/crypto/PublicKey'; import { SignatureScheme } from '../../src/crypto/SignatureScheme'; import RestClient from '../../src/network/rest/restClient'; import { deserializeTransferTx, makeQueryAllowanceTx, makeTransferStateTx, makeTransferToMany, makeTransferTx, makeWithdrawOngTx, ONT_CONTRACT, makeApproveTx } from '../../src/smartcontract/nativevm/ontAssetTxBuilder'; import { State } from '../../src/smartcontract/nativevm/token'; import { comparePublicKeys } from '../../src/transaction/program'; import { addSign } from '../../src/transaction/transactionBuilder'; // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length import { reverseHex } from '../../src/utils'; import { WebsocketClient } from '../../src/network/websocket/websocketClient'; import { signTransaction, signTx } from '../../src/transaction/transactionBuilder'; import { TEST_ONT_URL_2 } from '../../src/consts'; import { Account } from '../../src'; describe('test transfer asset', () => { const socketClient = new WebsocketClient(TEST_ONT_URL_2.SOCKET_URL); const restClient = new RestClient(TEST_ONT_URL_2.REST_URL); const gasLimit = '20000'; const gasPrice = '2500'; const adminPrivateKey = new PrivateKey('7c47df9664e7db85c1308c080f398400cb24283f5d922e76b478b5429e821b97'); const account = Account.create(adminPrivateKey, '123456', ''); const adminAddress = account.address // const adminAddress = new Address('AdLUBSSHUuFaak9j169hiamXUmPuCTnaRz'); const sm2Account = { 'address': 'ATk57i8rMXFSBpHAdX3UQ4TNe48BBrfCoc', 'label': 'sm2Account', 'lock': false, 'algorithm': 'SM2', 'parameters': { curve: 'sm2p256v1' }, 'key': 'jQUCWPZZN1tN0ghtsYHuLZoBGdFfUaRaofKSHEYctMIKLdN3Otv52Oi9d3ujNW2p', 'enc-alg': 'aes-256-gcm', 'salt': 'jn+zIuiOC5lrn+vrySF1Lw==', 'isDefault': false, 'publicKey': '1314031220580679fda524f575ac48b39b9f74cb0a97993df4fac5798b04c702d07a39', 'signatureScheme': 'SM3withSM2' }; test('test_transfer_asset_ONT', async () => { const from = adminAddress; const to = new Address('AH9B261xeBXdKH4jPyafcHcLkS2EKETbUj'); const tx = makeTransferTx('ONT', from, to, 1, gasPrice, gasLimit); signTransaction(tx, adminPrivateKey); console.log(tx.serializeUnsignedData()); const response = await socketClient.sendRawTransaction(tx.serialize(), false, true); // tslint:disable:no-console console.log(JSON.stringify(response)); console.log(tx.getHash()); expect(response.Result.State).toEqual(1); }, 10000); xtest('test_transfer_asset_ONG', async () => { const from = adminAddress; const to = new Address('AVDEiCVQzm7EffYH6vBQNXKYXR7RdVGNsA'); const tx = makeTransferTx('ONG', from, to, 0.00003321 * 1e9, gasPrice, gasLimit); console.log(tx.serializeUnsignedData()); signTransaction(tx, adminPrivateKey); const response = await socketClient.sendRawTransaction(tx.serialize(), false, true); // tslint:disable:no-console console.log(tx.getHash()); console.log(JSON.stringify(response)); expect(response.Result.State).toEqual(1); }, 10000); test('test get balance', async () => { const to = new Address('AJAhnApxyMTBTHhfpizua48EEFUxGg558x'); const result = await restClient.getBalance(to); console.log(result); expect(result).toBeTruthy(); }, 10000); xtest('test transfer assets with sm2 account', async () => { const sm2PriEnc = new PrivateKey(sm2Account.key, KeyType.SM2, new KeyParameters(CurveLabel.SM2P256V1)); const sm2Pri = sm2PriEnc.decrypt('123456', new Address(sm2Account.address), sm2Account.salt); console.log('pri: ' + sm2Pri.key); const tx = makeTransferTx('ONT', new Address('ATk57i8rMXFSBpHAdX3UQ4TNe48BBrfCoc'), new Address('AcprovRtJETffQTFZKEdUrc1tEJebtrPyP'), 100, gasPrice, gasLimit); signTransaction(tx, sm2Pri, SignatureScheme.SM2withSM3); const result = await restClient.sendRawTransaction(tx.serialize()); console.log(result); expect(result.Error).toEqual(0); }, 10000); test('test transfer with multi sign address', async () => { // tslint:disable:max-line-length const w = [{ name: 'MyWallet', version: '1.1', scrypt: { p: 8, n: 16384, r: 8, dkLen: 64 }, identities: null, accounts: [{ 'address': 'AXmQDzzvpEtPkNwBEFsREzApTTDZFW6frD', 'enc-alg': 'aes-256-gcm', 'key': 'YfOr9im4rOciy3cV7JkVo9QCfrRT4IGLa/CZKUJfL29pM6Zi1oVEM67+8MezMIro', 'algorithm': 'ECDSA', 'salt': 'RCIo60eCJAwzkTYmIfp3GA==', 'parameters': { curve: 'P-256' }, 'label': '', 'publicKey': '037c9e6c6a446b6b296f89b722cbf686b81e0a122444ef05f0f87096777663284b', 'signatureScheme': 'SHA256withECDSA', 'isDefault': true, 'lock': false }], extra: '' }, { name: 'MyWallet', version: '1.1', scrypt: { p: 8, n: 16384, r: 8, dkLen: 64 }, identities: null, accounts: [{ 'address': 'AY5W6p4jHeZG2jjW6nS1p4KDUhcqLkU6jz', 'enc-alg': 'aes-256-gcm', 'key': 'gpgMejEHzawuXG+ghLkZ8/cQsOJcs4BsFgFjSaqE7SC8zob8hqc6cDNhJI/NBkk+', 'algorithm': 'ECDSA', 'salt': 'tuLGZOimilSnypT91WrenQ==', 'parameters': { curve: 'P-256' }, 'label': '', 'publicKey': '03dff4c63267ae5e23da44ace1bc47d0da1eb8d36fd71181dcccf0e872cb7b31fa', 'signatureScheme': 'SHA256withECDSA', 'isDefault': true, 'lock': false }], extra: '' }, { name: 'MyWallet', version: '1.1', scrypt: { p: 8, n: 16384, r: 8, dkLen: 64 }, identities: null, accounts: [{ 'address': 'ALZVrZrFqoSvqyi38n7mpPoeDp7DMtZ9b6', 'enc-alg': 'aes-256-gcm', 'key': 'guffI05Eafq9F0j3/eQxHWGo1VN/xpeIkXysEPeH51C2YHYCNnCWTWAdqDB7lonl', 'algorithm': 'ECDSA', 'salt': 'oZPg+5YotRWStVsRMYlhfg==', 'parameters': { curve: 'P-256' }, 'label': '', 'publicKey': '0205bc592aa9121428c4144fcd669ece1fa73fee440616c75624967f83fb881050', 'signatureScheme': 'SHA256withECDSA', 'isDefault': true, 'lock': false }], extra: '' }, { name: 'MyWallet', version: '1.1', scrypt: { p: 8, n: 16384, r: 8, dkLen: 64 }, identities: null, accounts: [{ 'address': 'AMogjmLf2QohTcGST7niV75ekZfj44SKme', 'enc-alg': 'aes-256-gcm', 'key': 'fAknSuXzMMC0nJ2+YuTpTLs6Hl5Dc0c2zHZBd2Q7vCuv8Wt97uYz1IU0t+AtrWts', 'algorithm': 'ECDSA', 'salt': '0BVIiUf46rb/e5dVZIwfrg==', 'parameters': { curve: 'P-256' }, 'label': '', 'publicKey': '030a34dcb075d144df1f65757b85acaf053395bb47b019970607d2d1cdd222525c', 'signatureScheme': 'SHA256withECDSA', 'isDefault': true, 'lock': false }], extra: '' }, { name: 'MyWallet', version: '1.1', scrypt: { p: 8, n: 16384, r: 8, dkLen: 64 }, identities: null, accounts: [{ 'address': 'AZzQTkZvjy7ih9gjvwU8KYiZZyNoy6jE9p', 'enc-alg': 'aes-256-gcm', 'key': 'IufXVQfrL3LI7g2Q7dmmsdoF7BdoI/vHIsXAxd4qkqlkGBYj3pcWHoQgdCF+iVOv', 'algorithm': 'ECDSA', 'salt': 'zUtzh0B4UW0wokzL+ILdeg==', 'parameters': { curve: 'P-256' }, 'label': '', 'publicKey': '021844159f97d81da71da52f84e8451ee573c83b296ff2446387b292e44fba5c98', 'signatureScheme': 'SHA256withECDSA', 'isDefault': true, 'lock': false }], extra: '' }, { name: 'MyWallet', version: '1.1', scrypt: { p: 8, n: 16384, r: 8, dkLen: 64 }, identities: null, accounts: [{ 'address': 'AKEqQKmxCsjWJz8LPGryXzb6nN5fkK1WDY', 'enc-alg': 'aes-256-gcm', 'key': 'PYEJ1c79aR7bxdzvBlj3lUMLp0VLKQHwSe+/OS1++1qa++gBMJJmJWJXUP5ZNhUs', 'algorithm': 'ECDSA', 'salt': 'uJhjsfcouCGZQUdHO2TZZQ==', 'parameters': { curve: 'P-256' }, 'label': '', 'publicKey': '020cc76feb375d6ea8ec9ff653bab18b6bbc815610cecc76e702b43d356f885835', 'signatureScheme': 'SHA256withECDSA', 'isDefault': true, 'lock': false }], extra: '' }, { name: 'MyWallet', version: '1.1', scrypt: { p: 8, n: 16384, r: 8, dkLen: 64 }, identities: null, accounts: [{ 'address': 'AQNpGWz4oHHFBejtBbakeR43DHfen7cm8L', 'enc-alg': 'aes-256-gcm', 'key': 'ZG/SfHRArUkopwhQS1MW+a0fvQvyN1NnwonU0oZH8y1bGqo5T+dQz3rz1qsXqFI2', 'algorithm': 'ECDSA', 'salt': '6qiU9bgK/+1T2V8l14mszg==', 'parameters': { curve: 'P-256' }, 'label': '', 'publicKey': '03aa4d52b200fd91ca12deff46505c4608a0f66d28d9ae68a342c8a8c1266de0f9', 'signatureScheme': 'SHA256withECDSA', 'isDefault': true, 'lock': false }], extra: '' } ]; const params = { cost: 16384, blockSize: 8, parallel: 8, size: 64 }; const pks = []; const pris = []; for (const v of w) { pks.push(new PublicKey(v.accounts[0].publicKey)); const p = new PrivateKey(v.accounts[0].key); pris.push(p.decrypt('1', new Address(v.accounts[0].address), v.accounts[0].salt, params)); } const mulAddr = Address.fromMultiPubKeys(2, [pks[0], pks[1]]); console.log('mulAddr: ' + mulAddr.toBase58()); const tx = makeTransferTx('ONT', mulAddr, new Address('AazEvfQPcQ2GEFFPLF1ZLwQ7K5jDn81hve'), 100, gasPrice, gasLimit, mulAddr); const multiPri = [pris[0], pris[1]]; for (const p of multiPri) { signTx(tx, 2, [pks[0], pks[1]], p); } console.log('tx:' + JSON.stringify(tx)); const result = await restClient.sendRawTransaction(tx.serialize()); console.log(result); // const mulAddr = Address.fromMultiPubKeys(5, pks); // console.log('mulAddr: ' + mulAddr.toBase58()); // // console.log('pris: ' + JSON.stringify(pris)); // const payer = mulAddr; // const tx = makeTransferTx('ONT', mulAddr, // new Address('AazEvfQPcQ2GEFFPLF1ZLwQ7K5jDn81hve'), 100, gasPrice, gasLimit, payer); // const multiPri = [pris[0], pris[1], pris[2], pris[3], pris[4]]; // for (const p of multiPri) { // signTx(tx, 5, pks, p); // } // console.log('tx:' + JSON.stringify(tx)); // const result = await restClient.sendRawTransaction(tx.serialize()); // console.log(result); // expect(result.Error).toEqual(0); }, 10000); test('test approve ont tx', async () => { const from = adminAddress; const to = new Address('AH9B261xeBXdKH4jPyafcHcLkS2EKETbUj'); const amount = 10; const tx = makeApproveTx('ont', from , to, amount, gasPrice, gasLimit); signTransaction(tx, adminPrivateKey); const response = await socketClient.sendRawTransaction(tx.serialize(), false, true); // tslint:disable:no-console console.log('response',JSON.stringify(response)); const tx2 = makeQueryAllowanceTx('ont',from, to); const result = await restClient.sendRawTransaction(tx2.serialize(), true); console.log('makeQueryAllowanceTx: ',result); if (result.Result) { const num = parseInt(reverseHex(result.Result.Result), 16); console.log(num); expect(num).toEqual(amount) } expect(result).toBeTruthy(); }) test('test get allowance with tx', async () => { const from = adminAddress; const tx = makeQueryAllowanceTx('ong', new Address(ONT_CONTRACT), from); const result = await restClient.sendRawTransaction(tx.serialize(), true); console.log('makeQueryAllowanceTx: ',result); if (result.Result) { const num = parseInt(reverseHex(result.Result.Result), 16); console.log(num); } expect(result).toBeTruthy(); }, 10000); test('test get ongs to withdraw with rest api', async () => { const addr = new Address('AMAqR8Y8JWngDk5QsoGpa7vPhu5Tu5KKeS'); const result = await restClient.getAllowance('ong', new Address(ONT_CONTRACT), addr); console.log(result); expect(result).toBeTruthy(); }, 10000); test('test withdraw ong', async () => { const address = adminAddress; const amount = 1 * 1e9; // multiply 1e9 to set the precision const tx = makeWithdrawOngTx(address, address, amount, address, gasPrice, gasLimit); signTransaction(tx, adminPrivateKey); const result = await restClient.sendRawTransaction(tx.serialize()); console.log(result); expect(result).toBeTruthy(); }, 10000); test('test amount number', () => { const expectAmount = '90071992547409911'; const from = new Address('AJAhnApxyMTBTHhfpizua48EEFUxGg558x'); const to = new Address('ALFZykMAYibLoj66jcBdbpTnrBCyczf4CL'); const tx = makeTransferTx('ONG', from, to, expectAmount, '500', '30000'); const transferAmount = deserializeTransferTx(tx.serialize()).amount; console.log('Expected Amount', expectAmount); console.log('Transfer Amount', transferAmount); expect(transferAmount).toEqual(expectAmount); }); test('sort_pk', () => { const pk1 = new PublicKey('03a3c7a40461238a210d306ce4a79db69800449173e47b9e2fa92b7815d7517872'); const pk2 = new PublicKey('023c5b6e0e4fe8647d1065ecd09c60d251e1e168999202423e3be5d174866f9349'); const pks = [pk1, pk2]; console.log(pks); const add1 = Address.fromMultiPubKeys(2, [pk1, pk2]); console.log('add1: ' + add1.toBase58()); pks.sort(comparePublicKeys); console.log(pks); const add2 = Address.fromMultiPubKeys(2, [pk2, pk1]); console.log('add2: ' + add2.toBase58()); }); test('transferToMulti', async () => { const address1 = new Address('AQ8P6sqpGMFkUeypt8z43iUUDsvexVrF5C'); const address2 = new Address('AJAhnApxyMTBTHhfpizua48EEFUxGg558x'); const tx = makeTransferToMany('ONG', adminAddress, [address1, address2], [0.01 * 1e9, 0.02 * 1e9], gasPrice, gasLimit); signTransaction(tx, adminPrivateKey); const response = await socketClient.sendRawTransaction(tx.serialize(), false, true); // tslint:disable:no-console console.log(JSON.stringify(response)); expect(response.Result.State).toEqual(1); }, 10000); xtest('transferStateTx', async () => { const pris = [new PrivateKey('7c47df9664e7db85c1308c080f398400cb24283f5d922e76b478b5429e821b91'), new PrivateKey('7c47df9664e7db85c1308c080f398400cb24283f5d922e76b478b5429e821b92'), new PrivateKey('7c47df9664e7db85c1308c080f398400cb24283f5d922e76b478b5429e821b93'), new PrivateKey('7c47df9664e7db85c1308c080f398400cb24283f5d922e76b478b5429e821b94'), new PrivateKey('7c47df9664e7db85c1308c080f398400cb24283f5d922e76b478b5429e821b95'), new PrivateKey('7c47df9664e7db85c1308c080f398400cb24283f5d922e76b478b5429e821b96') ]; const addrs = [ new Address('AKBnqmBSTfDPvBv9J8TACDhh5r2FY1T5y9'), new Address('AYEvXsBZcQEvWt98M2jUe7wZjxvAviPNmN'), new Address('AJkkLbouowk6teTaxz1F2DYKfJh24PVk3r'), new Address('AMQAMPhji1bGUX3JQSETdfn5ttKGQ7bkbu'), new Address('ALaRqCkXSWaHMDc5sLEEMVMWqCNDFi5eRZ'), new Address('AX7PwwRCe3C2ZmX43JEb3PSoDFUJU6yeV6') ]; // for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // const addr = Address.fromPubKey(pris[i].getPublicKey()); // console.log(addr.toBase58()); // } const states = [ new State(addrs[0], addrs[3], 1 * 1e9), new State(addrs[1], addrs[4], 1 * 1e9), new State(addrs[2], addrs[5], 1 * 1e9) ]; const payer = addrs[0]; const tx = makeTransferStateTx('ONG', states, gasPrice, gasLimit, payer); signTransaction(tx, pris[0]); addSign(tx, pris[1]); addSign(tx, pris[2]); const response = await socketClient.sendRawTransaction(tx.serialize(), false, true); // tslint:disable:no-console console.log(JSON.stringify(response)); expect(response.Result.State).toEqual(1); }); });