import { VmType } from './../src/transaction/payload/deployCode'; /* * Copyright (C) 2018 The ontology Authors * This file is part of The ontology library. * * The ontology is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The ontology is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with The ontology. If not, see . */ import DeployCode from '../src/transaction/payload/deployCode'; import { Transaction, TxType } from '../src/transaction/transaction'; import { buildRestfulParam, buildRpcParam, buildTxParam, Default_params, makeDeployCodeTransaction, makeInvokeTransaction, sendRawTxRestfulUrl, signTransaction } from '../src/transaction/transactionBuilder'; import { ab2hexstring, ab2str, num2hexstring , reverseHex, str2hexstr } from '../src/utils'; import axios from 'axios'; import { MAIN_NODE, MAIN_ONT_URL, ONT_NETWORK, TEST_NODE, TEST_ONT_URL } from '../src/consts'; import AbiFunction from '../src/smartcontract/abi/abiFunction'; import AbiInfo from '../src/smartcontract/abi/abiInfo'; import { Parameter } from '../src/smartcontract/abi/parameter'; import TxSender from '../src/transaction/txSender'; import { Address } from '../src/crypto'; import { RestClient } from '../src/index'; import json from '../src/smartcontract/data/idContract.abi'; import { VmCode } from '../src/transaction/vmcode'; import { Account } from './../src/account'; import { PrivateKey } from './../src/crypto/PrivateKey'; // tslint:disable-next-line:no-var-requires const fs = require('fs'); describe('test deploy contract', () => { const privateKey = new PrivateKey('7c47df9664e7db85c1308c080f398400cb24283f5d922e76b478b5429e821b93'); const account = Account.create(privateKey, '123456', 'test'); console.log(account.address.toBase58()); const ontid = '6469643a6f6e743a5452616a31684377615135336264525450635a78596950415a364d61376a6351564b'; const abiInfo = AbiInfo.parseJson(JSON.stringify(json)); const txSender = new TxSender(TEST_ONT_URL.SOCKET_URL); // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length const attestClaimAvmCode = '58c56b6a00527ac46a51527ac46a00c30548656c6c6f9c6416006a51c300c36a52527ac46a52c3650b006c756661006c756655c56b6a00527ac46a00c3681253797374656d2e52756e74696d652e4c6f6761516c7566'; // const url = ''; const url = ''; const restClient = new RestClient(url); test('test deploy with avm code', async () => { const tx = makeDeployCodeTransaction(attestClaimAvmCode, 'name', '1.0', 'alice', 'testmail', 'desc', true, '500', '30000000'); tx.payer = account.address; signTransaction(tx, privateKey); const result = await restClient.sendRawTransaction(tx.serialize()); // tslint:disable:no-console console.log(result); expect(result.Error).toEqual(0); }, 10000); test('get_contract', async () => { const contract = Address.fromVmCode(attestClaimAvmCode); const codeHash = contract.toHexString(); // tslint:disable:no-console console.log('contract address: ' + contract.serialize()); console.log('codeHash: ' + codeHash); const result = await restClient.getContract(codeHash); console.log(result); expect(result.Result).toBeTruthy(); }, 10000); test('getContract', async () => { const restClient = new RestClient(MAIN_ONT_URL.REST_URL); const hash = '36bb5c053b6b839c8f6b923fe852f91239b9fccc'; const contract = reverseHex(hash); const res = await restClient.getContract(hash); console.log(res); }); });