/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The ontology Authors * This file is part of The ontology library. * * The ontology is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The ontology is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with The ontology. If not, see . */ import * as uuid from 'uuid'; import { Claim, RevocationType } from '../src/claim/claim'; import { Address, KeyType, PrivateKey, Signature } from '../src/crypto'; import { Identity } from '../src/identity'; import { now } from '../src/utils'; import { Account } from './../src/account'; describe('test attest claim', () => { const sockUrl = 'ws://polaris1.ont.io:20335'; const restUrl = 'http://polaris1.ont.io:20334'; const privateKey = new PrivateKey('7c47df9664e7db85c1308c080f398400cb24283f5d922e76b478b5429e821b95'); const publicKey = privateKey.getPublicKey(); const account = Account.create(privateKey, '123456', ''); const identity = Identity.create(privateKey, '123456', ''); const ontId = identity.ontid; const address = account.address; const adminPrivateKey = new PrivateKey('7c47df9664e7db85c1308c080f398400cb24283f5d922e76b478b5429e821b97'); const adminAddress = new Address('AdLUBSSHUuFaak9j169hiamXUmPuCTnaRz'); const gasPrice = '500'; const gasLimit = '30000'; function randomClaim(): Claim { return new Claim({ issuer: ontId, subject: ontId, issuedAt: now() }, undefined); } function claimWithId(id: string): Claim { return new Claim({ messageId: id, issuer: ontId, subject: ontId, issuedAt: now() }, undefined); } test('test attest new', async () => { const claim = randomClaim(); const result = await claim.attest(sockUrl, gasPrice, gasLimit, account.address, privateKey); expect(result).toBeTruthy(); }, 10000); test('test attest existing', async () => { const claim = claimWithId('4df086e3-713d-489d-96fe-8c1bb08ce3eb'); const result = await claim.attest(sockUrl, gasPrice, gasLimit, account.address, privateKey); expect(result).toBeFalsy(); }, 10000); test('test revoke existing', async () => { const claim = randomClaim(); const resultAttest = await claim.attest(sockUrl, gasPrice, gasLimit, account.address, privateKey); expect(resultAttest).toBeTruthy(); const resultRevoke = await claim.revoke(sockUrl, gasPrice, gasLimit, account.address, privateKey); expect(resultRevoke).toBeTruthy(); }, 20000); test('test revoke non existing', async () => { const claim = randomClaim(); const resultRevoke = await claim.revoke(sockUrl, gasPrice, gasLimit, account.address, privateKey); expect(resultRevoke).toBeFalsy(); }, 10000); test('test getStatus ATTESTED', async () => { const claim = claimWithId('4df086e3-713d-489d-96fe-8c1bb08ce3eb'); const result = await claim.getStatus(restUrl); expect(result).toBeTruthy(); }, 10000); test('test getStatus ATTESTED by different attester', async () => { const claim = claimWithId('4df086e3-713d-489d-96fe-8c1bb08ce3eb'); claim.metadata.issuer = 'did:ont:TVgarJ2yuWDqXk5WjUwHZEgFqJZUKDNX1C'; const result = await claim.getStatus(restUrl); expect(result).toBeFalsy(); }, 10000); test('test getStatus NOT FOUND', async () => { const claim = randomClaim(); const result = await claim.getStatus(restUrl); expect(result).toBeFalsy(); }, 10000); test('test revoke existing and status', async () => { const claim = randomClaim(); const resultAttest = await claim.attest(sockUrl, gasPrice, gasLimit, account.address, privateKey); expect(resultAttest).toBeTruthy(); const resultRevoke = await claim.revoke(sockUrl, gasPrice, gasLimit, account.address, privateKey); expect(resultRevoke).toBeTruthy(); const result = await claim.getStatus(restUrl); expect(result).toBeFalsy(); }, 20000); });