import { Backend } from '../lib/api'; import { Test } from '../test/test-types'; export declare namespace TestRunnerCliArgs { type Mode = 'suite0' | 'suite1' | 'model' | 'unittest' | 'op'; type Backend = 'cpu' | 'webgl' | 'wasm' | 'onnxruntime'; type Environment = 'chrome' | 'edge' | 'firefox' | 'electron' | 'safari' | 'node' | 'bs'; type BundleMode = 'prod' | 'dev' | 'perf'; } export interface TestRunnerCliArgs { debug: boolean; mode: TestRunnerCliArgs.Mode; /** * The parameter that used when in mode 'model' or 'op', specifying the search string for the model or op test */ param?: string; backends: [TestRunnerCliArgs.Backend]; env: TestRunnerCliArgs.Environment; /** * Bundle Mode * * this field affects the behavior of Karma and Webpack. * * For Karma, if flag '--bundle-mode' is not set, the default behavior is 'dev' * For Webpack, if flag '--bundle-mode' is not set, the default behavior is 'prod' * * For running tests, the default mode is 'dev'. If flag '--perf' is set, the mode will be set to 'perf'. * * Mode | Output File | Main | Source Map | Webpack Config * ------ | ------------------ | -------------------- | ------------------ | -------------- * prod | /dist/onnx.min.js | /lib/api/index.ts | source-map | production * dev | /test/ | /test/test-main.ts | inline-source-map | development * perf | /test/onnx.perf.js | /test/test-main.ts | (none) | production */ bundleMode: TestRunnerCliArgs.BundleMode; logConfig: Test.Config['log']; /** * Whether to enable InferenceSession's profiler */ profile: boolean; /** * Whether to enable file cache */ fileCache: boolean; /** * Specify the times that test cases to run */ times?: number; cpuOptions?: Backend.CpuOptions; wasmOptions?: Backend.WasmOptions; webglOptions?: Backend.WebGLOptions; noSandbox?: boolean; } export declare function parseTestRunnerCliArgs(cmdlineArgs: string[]): TestRunnerCliArgs;