import { NotyfArray, NotyfNotification } from './notyf.models'; import { INotyfOptions, INotyfNotificationOptions, DeepPartial } from './notyf.options'; /** * Main controller class. Defines the main Notyf API. */ export default class Notyf { notifications: NotyfArray; options: INotyfOptions; dismiss: (notification: NotyfNotification) => void; private view; constructor(opts?: Partial); error(payload: string | Partial): NotyfNotification; success(payload: string | Partial): NotyfNotification; open(options: DeepPartial): NotyfNotification; dismissAll(): void; /** * Assigns properties to a config object based on two rules: * 1. If the config object already sets that prop, leave it as so * 2. Otherwise, use the default prop from the global options * * It's intended to build the final config object to open a notification. e.g. if * 'dismissible' is not set, then use the value from the global config. * * @param props - properties to be assigned to the config object * @param config - object whose properties need to be set */ private assignProps; private _pushNotification; private _removeNotification; private normalizeOptions; private registerTypes; }