import inquirer = require("inquirer"); // @types/globby doesn't export types for GlobOptions, so we have to work a little bit to extract them: // GlobOptions is the second parameter of the sync function, which can be extracted with the Parameters type import { GlobbyOptions } from 'globby'; import {HelperDelegate as HelperFunction} from 'handlebars'; export interface NodePlopAPI { /** * Get the [GeneratorConfig]( by name. */ getGenerator(name: string): PlopGenerator; /** * Setup a generator. * The config object needs to include `prompts` and `actions` (`description` * is optional). The prompts array is passed to [inquirer]( * The `actions` array is a list of actions to take (described in greater * detail below). * @returns [GeneratorConfig]( */ setGenerator(name: string, config: PlopGenerator): PlopGenerator; /** * Registers a custom prompt type with inquirer. * [Inquirer]( provides many types * of prompts out of the box, but it also allows developers to build prompt * plugins. If you'd like to use a prompt plugin, you can register it with * `setPrompt`. For more details see the [Inquirer documentation for registering prompts]( * Also check out the [plop community driven list of custom prompts]( */ setPrompt(name: string, prompt: inquirer.PromptModule): void; /** * Customizes the displayed message that asks you to choose a generator when * you run `plop`. */ setWelcomeMessage(message: string): void; getWelcomeMessage(): string; /** * Gets an array of generator names and descriptions. */ getGeneratorList(): { name: string; description: string }[]; /** * Setup a handlebars partial. * Directly corresponds to the handlebars method `registerPartial`. * So if you are familiar with [handlebars helpers](, * then you already know how this works. */ setPartial(name: string, str: string): void; getPartial(name: string): string; getPartialList(): string[]; /** * Setup handlebars helper. * Directly corresponds to the handlebars method `registerHelper`. * So if you are familiar with [handlebars partials](, * then you already know how this works. */ setHelper(name: string, fn: HelperFunction): void; getHelper(name: string): Function; getHelperList(): string[]; /** * Register a custom action type. * Allows you to create your own actions (similar to `add` or `modify`) that * can be used in your plopfiles. These are basically highly reusable * [custom action functions]( */ setActionType(name: string, fn: CustomActionFunction): void; getActionType(name: string): ActionType; getActionTypeList(): string[]; /** * Set the `plopfilePath` value which is used internally to locate resources * like template files. */ setPlopfilePath(filePath: string): void; /** * @returns the absolute path to the plopfile in use. */ getPlopfilePath(): string; /** * @returns the base path that is used when creating files. */ getDestBasePath(): string; /** * Loads generators, helpers and/or partials from another plopfile or * npm module. */ load( target: string[] | string, loadCfg: PlopCfg, includeOverride: boolean ): void; /** * Sets the default config that will be used for this plopfile if it is * consumed by another plopfile using `plop.load()`. */ setDefaultInclude(inc: object): void; /** * Gets the default config that will be used for this plopfile if it is * consumed by another plopfile using `plop.load()`. */ getDefaultInclude(): object; /** * Runs `template` through the handlebars template renderer using `data`. * @returns the rendered template. */ renderString(template: string, data: any): String; //set to any matching handlebars declaration // passthroughs for backward compatibility addPrompt: typeof inquirer.registerPrompt; addPartial(name: string, str: string): void; addHelper(name: string, fn: Function): void; } export type DynamicActionFunction = (data?: any) => ActionType[] export interface PlopGenerator { /** * Short description of what this generator does. */ description: string; /** * Questions to ask the user. */ prompts: inquirer.Question[]; /** * Actions to perform. * If your list of actions needs to be dynamic, take a look at * [using a dynamic actions array]( */ actions: ActionType[] | DynamicActionFunction; } export type CustomActionFunction = ( /** * Answers to the generator prompts. */ answers: object, /** * The object in the `actions` array for the generator. */ config?: ActionConfig, /** * The plop api for the plopfile where this action is being run. */ plopfileApi?: NodePlopAPI ) => Promise | string; // Check return type? export type ActionType = | ActionConfig | AddActionConfig | AddManyActionConfig | ModifyActionConfig | AppendActionConfig | CustomActionFunction; /** * There are several types of built-in actions you can use in your * [GeneratorConfig]( * You specify which `type` of action (all paths are based on the location of * the plopfile), and a template to use. */ export interface ActionConfig { /** * The type of action. */ type: string; /** * Overwrites files if they exist. * @default false */ force?: boolean; /** * @default {} */ data?: | TData | ((...args: any[]) => TData | Promise); /** * @default true */ abortOnFail?: boolean; } /** * The `add` action is used to (you guessed it) add a file to your project. * The file contents will be determined by the `template` or `templateFile` * property. */ export interface AddActionConfig extends ActionConfig { /** * The type of action. */ type: "add"; /** * A handlebars template that will be used to create the file by name. */ path: string; /** * A handlebars template that should be used to build the new file. */ template?: string; /** * Path to a file containing the `template`. */ templateFile?: string; /** * Skips a file if it already exists (instead of failing). * @default false */ skipIfExists?: boolean; } /** * The `addMany` action can be used to add multiple files to your project with * a single action. * @example {{ dashCase name }}.spec.js */ export interface AddManyActionConfig extends Pick< AddActionConfig, Exclude, "type"> > { /** * The type of action. */ type: "addMany"; /** * A handlebars template that will be used to identify the folder that the * generated files should go into. */ destination: string; /** * Can be used to alter what section of the template paths should be omitted * when creating files. */ base: string; /** * The paths located by this glob can use handlebars syntax in their * file/folder names if you'd like the added file names to be unique. * @type Glob */ templateFiles: string | string[]; /** * File extensions that should be stripped from `templateFiles` files names * while being added to the `destination`. * @default ['hbs'] */ stripExtensions?: string[]; /** * Change how to match to the template files to be added. */ globOptions: GlobbyOptions; /** * Print each successfully added file path. * @default true */ verbose?: boolean; } /** * The `modify` action will use a `pattern` property to find/replace text in the * file located at the `path` specified. More details on modify can be found in * the example folder. */ export interface ModifyActionConfig extends ActionConfig { /** * The type of action. */ type: "modify"; /** * Handlebars template that (when rendered) is the path of the file to be * modified. */ path: string; /** * Used to match text that should be replaced. * @default end-of-file */ pattern: string | RegExp; /** * Handlebars template that should replace what was matched by the `pattern`. * Capture groups are available as `$1`, `$2`, etc. */ template: string; /** * Path a file containing the `template`. */ templateFile: string; } /** * The `append` action is a commonly used subset of `modify`. It is used to * append data in a file at a particular location. */ export interface AppendActionConfig extends ActionConfig { /** * The type of action. */ type: "append"; /** * Handlebars template that (when rendered) is the path of the file to be * modified. */ path: string; /** * Used to match text where the append should happen. */ pattern: string | RegExp; /** * Whether identical entries should be removed. * @default true */ unique?: boolean; /** * The value that separates entries. * @default newline */ separator?: string; /** * Handlebars template to be used for the entry. */ template: string; /** * Path a file containing the template. */ templateFile: string; } export interface PlopCfg { force: boolean; destBasePath: string; } declare function nodePlop(plopfilePath: string, plopCfg?: PlopCfg): NodePlopAPI; export default nodePlop;