// Type definitions for node-cache 5 // Project: https://github.com/tcs-de/nodecache // Definitions by: Ilya Mochalov // Daniel Thunell // Ulf Seltmann // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped /// declare namespace NodeCache { interface NodeCacheLegacyCallbacks { /** container for cached data */ data: Data; /** module options */ options: Options; /** statistics container */ stats: Stats; /** * get a cached key and change the stats * * @param key cache key or an array of keys * @param cb Callback function */ get( key: Key, cb?: Callback ): T | undefined; /** * get multiple cached keys at once and change the stats * * @param keys an array of keys * @param cb Callback function */ mget( keys: Key[], cb?: Callback<{ [key: string]: T }> ): { [key: string]: T }; /** * set a cached key and change the stats * * @param key cache key * @param value A element to cache. If the option `option.forceString` is `true` the module trys to translate * it to a serialized JSON * @param ttl The time to live in seconds. * @param cb Callback function */ set( key: Key, value: T, ttl: number | string, cb?: Callback ): boolean; set( key: Key, value: T, cb?: Callback ): boolean; /** * set multiple cached keys at once and change the stats * * @param keyValueSet an array of object which includes key,value and ttl */ mset( keyValueSet: ValueSetItem[], ): boolean; /** * remove keys * @param keys cache key to delete or a array of cache keys * @param cb Callback function * @returns Number of deleted keys */ del( keys: Key | Key[], cb?: Callback ): number; /** * reset or redefine the ttl of a key. If `ttl` is not passed or set to 0 it's similar to `.del()` */ ttl( key: Key, ttl: number, cb?: Callback ): boolean; ttl( key: Key, cb?: Callback ): boolean; getTtl( key: Key, ): number|undefined; getTtl( key: Key, cb?: Callback ): boolean; /** * list all keys within this cache * @param cb Callback function * @returns An array of all keys */ keys(cb?: Callback): string[]; /** * get the stats * * @returns Stats data */ getStats(): Stats; /** * flush the whole data and reset the stats */ flushAll(): void; /** * This will clear the interval timeout which is set on checkperiod option. */ close(): void; } /** * Since 4.1.0: Key-validation: The keys can be given as either string or number, * but are casted to a string internally anyway. */ type Key = string | number; type ValueSetItem = { key: Key; val: T; ttl?: number; } interface Data { [key: string]: WrappedValue; } interface Options { /** * If enabled, all values will be stringified during the set operation * * @type {boolean} * @memberof Options */ forceString?: boolean; objectValueSize?: number; promiseValueSize?: number; arrayValueSize?: number; /** * standard time to live in seconds. 0 = infinity * * @type {number} * @memberof Options */ stdTTL?: number; /** * time in seconds to check all data and delete expired keys * * @type {number} * @memberof Options */ checkperiod?: number; /** * en/disable cloning of variables. * disabling this is strongly encouraged when aiming for performance! * * If `true`: set operations store a clone of the value and get operations will create a fresh clone of the cached value * If `false` you'll just store a reference to your value * * @type {boolean} * @memberof Options */ useClones?: boolean; errorOnMissing?: boolean; deleteOnExpire?: boolean; /** * enable legacy callbacks. * legacy callback support will drop in v6.x! * * @type {boolean} * @memberof Options */ enableLegacyCallbacks?: boolean; /** * max amount of keys that are being stored. * set operations will throw an error when the cache is full * * @type {number} * @memberof Options */ maxKeys?: number; } interface Stats { hits: number; misses: number; keys: number; ksize: number; vsize: number; } interface WrappedValue { // ttl t: number; // value v: T; } type Callback = (err: any, data: T | undefined) => void; } import events = require("events"); import Data = NodeCache.Data; import Key = NodeCache.Key; import Options = NodeCache.Options; import Stats = NodeCache.Stats; import Callback = NodeCache.Callback; import ValueSetItem = NodeCache.ValueSetItem; import NodeCacheLegacyCallbacks = NodeCache.NodeCacheLegacyCallbacks; declare class NodeCache extends events.EventEmitter { /** container for cached data */ data: Data; /** module options */ options: Options; /** statistics container */ stats: Stats; /** constructor */ constructor(options?: Options); /** * get a cached key and change the stats * * @param key cache key * @returns The value stored in the key */ get( key: Key ): T | undefined; /** * get multiple cached keys at once and change the stats * * @param keys an array of keys * @returns an object containing the values stored in the matching keys */ mget( keys: Key[] ): { [key: string]: T }; /** * set a cached key and change the stats * * @param key cache key * @param value A element to cache. If the option `option.forceString` is `true` the module trys to translate * it to a serialized JSON * @param ttl The time to live in seconds. */ set( key: Key, value: T, ttl: number | string ): boolean; set( key: Key, value: T ): boolean; /** * set multiple cached keys at once and change the stats * * @param keyValueSet an array of object which includes key,value and ttl */ mset( keyValueSet: ValueSetItem[] ): boolean; /** * remove keys * @param keys cache key to delete or a array of cache keys * @param cb Callback function * @returns Number of deleted keys */ del( keys: Key | Key[] ): number; /** * get a cached key and remove it from the cache. * Equivalent to calling `get(key)` + `del(key)`. * Useful for implementing `single use` mechanism such as OTP, where once a value is read it will become obsolete. * * @param key cache key * @returns The value stored in the key */ take( key: Key ): T | undefined; /** * reset or redefine the ttl of a key. If `ttl` is not passed or set to 0 it's similar to `.del()` */ ttl( key: Key, ttl: number ): boolean; ttl( key: Key ): boolean; getTtl( key: Key, ): number|undefined; getTtl( key: Key ): boolean; /** * list all keys within this cache * @returns An array of all keys */ keys(): string[]; /** * get the stats * * @returns Stats data */ getStats(): Stats; /** * Check if a key is cached * @param key cache key to check * @returns Boolean indicating if the key is cached or not */ has(key: Key): boolean; /** * flush the whole data and reset the stats */ flushAll(): void; /** * This will clear the interval timeout which is set on checkperiod option. */ close(): void; /** * flush the stats and reset all counters to 0 */ flushStats(): void; } export = NodeCache;