language: node_js cache: npm # Trigger a push build on master and greenkeeper branches + PRs build on every branches # Avoid double build on PRs (See branches: only: - master - /^greenkeeper.*$/ - beta # semantic-release preview releases - next # semantic-release @next releases - /^\d+\.x$/ # semantic-release maintenance releases stages: - lint - test - name: release if: branch =~ /^(\d+\.x|master|next|beta)$/ AND type IN (push) - name: update-prettier if: branch =~ ^greenkeeper/prettier jobs: include: - stage: update-prettier node_js: lts/* script: - git checkout $TRAVIS_BRANCH - npm run prettier # commit changes and push back to branch on GitHub. If there are no changes then exit without error - 'git commit -a -m "style: prettier" && git push "https://${GH_TOKEN}$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" ${TRAVIS_BRANCH} || true' - stage: lint node_js: lts/* env: linting # Show prettier errors, even if lint fails. script: run-s --silent --continue-on-error lint prettier:check dtslint - stage: test node_js: 12 - node_js: 10 # Avoid running lint and prettier again. script: npm run --silent unit - node_js: 8 # Avoid running lint and prettier again. script: npm run --silent unit - stage: release node_js: lts/* env: semantic-release script: npm run semantic-release