v1.19.3 30/11/2015 Fixed a problem with ng-model-options updateOn blur/default with debounce not validating - a bit of a tricky problem! v1.19.2 30/11/2015 Added ability for the library to delay showing validation hints on an element while async validators are firing. This functionality is enabled by default - to disbale it change the 'waitForAsyncValidators' option in the defaultFormValidationOptions on the validation provider. Or on a per form basis by adding the attribute wait-for-async-validators="true|false" on a form. See http://plnkr.co/edit/3YXEQAU051N4gFCRPi7S?p=preview for a demo. v1.19.1 16/11/2015 Fixed problem with the de-bounce function in the ngModel decorator. Option added to the validator service to automatically scroll to the first invalid input. v1.19.0 25/10/2015 Possible breaking change fixing i18n caching issue with en-us and en-gb files. The default language is now 'default' and not en-gb. New Turkish translation. Updated German translation IE10 speed improvement when validating a form. The BS3 modifier no longer adds the has-feedback class if state icons are not enabled. Fixed issue when serialising the form controller to json You can now add the attribute disable-auto-validate="true" to an element and it won't validate. v1.18.17 2/09/2015 Added pt-pt and zh-tw lang files v1.18.16 03/09/2015 Fixes issue (https://github.com/jonsamwell/angular-auto-validate/issues/88) where the node is a comment. Fixes issue with validation error message placement with checkboxes and radio groups for the BS3 modifier. V1.18.15 01/09/2015 Added nl-nl (Dutch) language file thanks to Added zh-cn (simplified chinese) language file thanks to Foundation modifier now checks for either the 'columns' or 'column' class as you can you either with foundation 5. Fixed issue https://github.com/jonsamwell/angular-auto-validate/issues/85 supportsNgModelOptions logic mistake V1.18.14 23/08/2015 Fixed issue with globally changing default form validation options. V1.18.13 21/08/2015 Added a default value for the form option validateOnFormSubmit in the validator. V1.18.12 20/08/2015 Added the ability to defer validation until after a form submit by adding the attribute 'validate-on-form-submit="true"' to the form element. V1.18.11 20/08/2015 Fixed issue ngModelDecorator not working with angular-material due to incorrect pre and post function invocations V1.18.10 03/08/2015 Fixed issue #61 with globally disabling the library and enabling it for a particular form V1.18.9 03/08/2015 Fixed #68 Setting form to untouched and pristine when a form reset is requested V1.18.8 03/08/2015 Reset a form programatically is now possible via the resetForm method on the form controllers autoValidateFormOptions object or by raising the event 'form:{formName}:reset on the controllers scope. The formName is the value in the name attribute on the form tag which also corresponds to the formController.$name property. Fixes issue with removing external validation raised in https://github.com/jonsamwell/angular-auto-validate/issues/39 V1.18.7 01/08/2015 Added Spanish i18n file. Fixed issue https://github.com/jonsamwell/angular-auto-validate/issues/73 Added the ability to reset the form via the form controller (https://github.com/jonsamwell/angular-auto-validate/issues/82) V1.18.6 16/04/2015 Increased limit on findWithClassElementAsc in BS3Modifier to find an element. Fixed issues with globally disabling validation and only applying it on certain forms. V1.18.5 18/03/2015 Fixed issue where a form would not validate when the submit button was clicked. V1.18.4 16/03/2015 Added form attr option 'removeExternalValidationErrorsOnSubmit' to clear all the external validation warnings on an element when a form is validated. Note: this is true by default so you don't need to include the attribute on the parent form. V1.18.3 16/03/2015 Fixed typo in all lang files submitted by @priyank2005. Fixed issue with disabling validation on sub forms. V1.18.02 10/03/2015 Fixed null ref issue when a control doesn't have a parent form so no autoValidateOptions were defined. V1.18.01 09/03/2015 Fixed build issue which didn't include the new form options directive Applied a bit more sense to the version number. V1.17.23 09/03/2015 Added Brazilian Portuguese i18n file translated by 'Silvana Marx Nakle'. Raised the recursion limit to find the parent form when using the registerCustomFormControl. Added the ability to disable validation on a form basis and also validate non visible elements on a form basis. BREAKING CHANGE to validateElement on the validationManger. The third parameter is now the parent form's autoValidateFormOptions object on the form controller. This can be left blank and will be found by the validationManager. V1.16.22 19/02/2015 Fixed an issue with IE8 when iterating through the form child controls collect when a form is being validated. Added the ability to disable validation messages from appearing on elements. V1.15.22 13/02/2015 Fixed issue #32: register-custom-form-control not validating via debounce due to missing force flag. Thanks to help from @abobwhite @slupekdev @pjwalmsley. Added a check in the validationManager to validate elements that have the register-custom-form-control directive on them. Fixed issue #33: ErrorMessageResolver uses non "ng-" prefixed attribute as default and can cause conflict with browser defaults (IE9). The default error message resolve now checks for the ng- attribute first rather than the non ng- attribute to fixed an issue with IE9. V1.14.22 28/01/2015 Added check to makeDefault method on the BS3 element modifier to check the element is wrapped in a proper bs3 form structure. V1.13.22 - 06/12/2014 ng-submit-force now validates the form before calling the ngSumbit function if it is true. Fixed a problem with the bootstrap 3 element modifier that set the has-error class on the parent form if it couldn't find a control-group css class on a parent. If an invalid element structure is come across it will log an error. V1.12.21 - 01/12/2014 Added Italian i18n translation from @flaviodelbianco v1.11.21 - 14/11/2014 We have a weird situation some users are encountering where a custom control is valid but the ngModel is report it isn't and thus no valid error type can be found v1.10.21 - 11/11/2014 Fixed version not being replace in the dist files. v1.9.21 - 11/11/2014 Added ability to remove external validation (i.e. validation from the server applied via the ngModel or form controller). Update to spelling mistake in the german i18n file. v1.8.21 - 16/10/2014 Elements are now only validated if they are not hidden. v1.7.21 - 16/10/2014 Fixed issue the RC release of angular 1.3.0 which was throwing a 'link is undefined' error in the ngModelDecorator. WARNING: THIS COULD BE A BREAKING CHANGE TO PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF THIS LIBRARY - I have done my best to test but you never know. v1.6.20 - 12/09/2014 ru-ru language file contributed. Fixed issue with msg override attribute and double quoting if invalid quote characters are used. v1.5.20 - 30/08/2014 Added a fix for the bootstrap 3 element modifier not handling styling elements with input-group-addon elements - tweaked css. v1.4.20 - 30/08/2014 Added a fix for the bootstrap 3 element modifier not handling styling elements with input-group-addon elements. v1.3.20 - 27/08/2014 Fixed issue when submitting a form - the ngSubmit handler ignored the form validation disable attribute disable-dynamic-validation and validated the form. v1.2.20 - 26/08/2014 Added the ability to disable the modules validation for a whole form by adding the attribute disable-dynamic-validation on the form attribute. v1.1.20 - 20/08/2014 Now following http://semver.org versions. Added the concept of being able to register a custom form control so that it is included in the form validation process. If you have a custom form control that should be validated i.e. ... it will not be part of the forms HTMLFormControlsCollection and thus won't be included in the form submission element validation iteration although it will be on the Angular FormController (if it has a name attribute). So adding the directive register-custom-form-control="" to the control root and autoValidate will include it in the form (submission) validation process. v1.0.20 - 18/08/2014 Resolve issue with child elements of directives with an isolated scope being validated when they are not user input controls. v1.0.19 - 14/08/2014 Fixed problem with a control inside a directive with a custom scope being validated in the validateForm method of the validation controller. This was happening for button elements only. v1.0.18 - 07/08/2014 Renamed the debounce service to jcs-debounce as it was conflicting a service with the same name in angular-strap v2. v1.0.17 - 07/08/2014 Added the ability to disable visual styling of an element in valid and invalid states at an element level. v1.0.16 - 06/08/2014 Added the ability to override the error message type for an error message type to allow for custom error messages. v1.0.15 - 02/08/2014 When $setPristine() is called on a ngModel controller this now returns the element to its default visual state. v1.0.14 - 31/07/2014 Added German culture file contributed by https://github.com/miseeger v1.0.13 - 28/07/2014 When the form is reset the $setPristine is called on the controls associated ngModel controller to ensure validation isn't fired again and makes performs validation again. Added the ability to globally enable/disable valid and invalid element styling. v1.0.12 - 28/07/2014 Fixed bug with unbind reset listen on the formReset directive. v1.0.11 - 28/07/2014 Added functionality to reset a form and remove all validation styling. v1.0.10 - 25/07/2014 Ensured culture files are loaded with lowercase culture codes. v1.0.9 - 21/07/2014 Fixed error with the foundation5ElementModifier not removing the '.error' class from a nested input element. v1.0.8 - 20/07/2014 Fixed typo errors in docs and removed un-needed bower components v1.0.7 - 20/07/2014 Update i18n resource retrieval path to match the bower installed path. v1.0.6 - 20/07/2014 Added i18n to defaultMessageResolver and updated the docs. Added fr-FR.json language file - it you can translate PR the repo with a new language file (or email me) thanks! Fixed problem with the bootstrap3ElementModifier appending the error message and error icon in the wrong place if the form was a .form-horizontal. v1.0.5 - 16/07/2014 Changed the bootstrap3ElementModifier to add a class of '.help-block' to the error message element instead of '.help-text'. v1.0.4 - 10/07/2014 Fixed error with ngModelDecorator that meant it would not work in Angular1.3+.