/* * Copyright 2013-2018 The NATS Authors * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import events = require('events'); import tls = require('tls'); export const version: string; /** * Error codes */ export const BAD_AUTHENTICATION: string; export const BAD_JSON: string; export const BAD_MSG: string; export const BAD_REPLY: string; export const BAD_SUBJECT: string; export const CLIENT_CERT_REQ: string; export const CONN_CLOSED: string; export const CONN_ERR: string; export const INVALID_ENCODING: string; export const NATS_PROTOCOL_ERR: string; export const NON_SECURE_CONN_REQ: string; export const PERMISSIONS_ERR: string; export const REQ_TIMEOUT: string; export const SECURE_CONN_REQ: string; export const STALE_CONNECTION_ERR: string; /** * Create a properly formatted inbox subject. */ export function createInbox(): string; /** * Connect to a nats-server and return the client. * Argument can be a url, or an object with a 'url' * property and additional options. */ export function connect(opts: ClientOpts): Client; /** * Connect to a nats-server and return the client. * Argument can be a url, or an object with a 'url' * property and additional options. */ export function connect(port: number): Client; /** * Connect to a nats-server and return the client. * Argument can be a url, or an object with a 'url' * property and additional options. */ export function connect(url: string): Client; export interface ClientOpts { url?: string, user?: string, pass?: string, verbose?: boolean, pedantic?: boolean, reconnect?: boolean, maxReconnectAttempts?: number, reconnectTimeWait?: number, servers?: Array, noRandomize?: boolean, encoding?: BufferEncoding, tls?: boolean | tls.TlsOptions, name?: string, yieldTime?: number, waitOnFirstConnect?: boolean, json?: boolean, preserveBuffers?: boolean, token?: string, pingInterval?: number, maxPingOut?: number, useOldRequestStyle?: boolean } export interface SubscribeOptions { queue?: string, max?: number } declare class Client extends events.EventEmitter { /** * Create a properly formatted inbox subject. */ createInbox(): string; /** * Close the connection to the server. */ close():void; /** * Flush outbound queue to server and call optional callback when server has processed * all data. */ flush(callback?: Function):void; /** * Publish a message to the given subject, with optional reply and callback. */ publish(callback: Function):void; publish(subject: string, callback: Function):void; publish(subject: string, msg: string | Buffer, callback: Function):void; publish(subject: string, msg?: string | Buffer, reply?: string, callback?: Function):void; /** * Subscribe to a given subject, with optional options and callback. opts can be * ommitted, even with a callback. The Subscriber Id is returned. */ subscribe(subject: string, callback: Function): number; subscribe(subject: string, opts: SubscribeOptions, callback: Function): number; /** * Unsubscribe to a given Subscriber Id, with optional max parameter. */ unsubscribe(sid: number, max?: number):void; /** * Set a timeout on a subscription. */ timeout(sid: number, timeout: number, expected: number, callback: (sid: number) => void):void; /** * Publish a message with an implicit inbox listener as the reply. Message is optional. * This should be treated as a subscription. You can optionally indicate how many * messages you only want to receive using opt_options = {max:N}. Otherwise you * will need to unsubscribe to stop the message stream. * The Subscriber Id is returned. */ request(subject: string, callback: Function): number; request(subject: string, msg: string | Buffer, callback: Function): number; request(subject: string, msg?: string, options?: SubscribeOptions, callback?: Function): number; /** * Publish a message with an implicit inbox listener as the reply. Message is optional. * This should be treated as a subscription. Request one, will terminate the subscription * after the first response is received or the timeout is reached. * The callback can be called with either a message payload or a NatsError to indicate * a timeout has been reached. * The Subscriber Id is returned. */ requestOne(subject: string, msg: string | Buffer, options?: SubscribeOptions, timeout?: number, callback?:Function) : number /** * Report number of outstanding subscriptions on this connection. */ numSubscriptions(): number; } declare class NatsError implements Error { public name: string; public message: string; public code: string; public chainedError: Error; constructor(message:string, code:string, chainedError?:Error); }