Source: index.js

var circleOfFifths = {
  "major": { "-7": "B", "-6": "F#", "-5": "Db", "-4": "Ab", "-3": "Eb", "-2": "Bb", "-1": "F", "0" : "C", "1" : "G", "2" : "D", "3" : "A", "4" : "E", "5" : "B", "6" : "F#", "7" : "Db" },
  "minor": { "-7": "G#", "-6": "D#", "-5": "Bb", "-4": "F", "-3": "C", "-2": "G", "-1": "D", "0" : "A", "1" : "E", "2" : "B", "3" : "F#", "4" : "C#", "5" : "G#", "6" : "D#", "7" : "Bb" }
var accidental = {
  "flat-flat": "__",
  "flat": "_",
  "natural": "=",
  "sharp" : "^",
  "sharp-sharp" : "^^",
  "undefined" : ""
var pitches = {
  "1": { "A": "A,,,", "B": "B,,,", "C": "C,,,", "D": "D,,,", "E": "E,,,", "F": "F,,,", "G": "G,,," },
  "2": { "A": "A,,", "B": "B,,", "C": "C,,", "D": "D,,", "E": "E,,", "F": "F,,", "G": "G,," },
  "3": { "A": "A,", "B": "B,", "C": "C,", "D": "D,", "E": "E,", "F": "F,", "G": "G," },
  "4": { "A": "A", "B": "B", "C": "C", "D": "D", "E": "E", "F": "F", "G": "G" },
  "5": { "A": "a", "B": "b", "C": "c", "D": "d", "E": "e", "F": "f", "G": "g" },
  "6": { "A": "a'", "B": "b'", "C": "c'", "D": "d'", "E": "e'", "F": "f'", "G": "g'" },
  "7": { "A": "a''", "B": "b''", "C": "c''", "D": "d''", "E": "e''", "F": "f''", "G": "g''" },
  "8": { "A": "a'''", "B": "b'''", "C": "c'''", "D": "d'''", "E": "e'''", "F": "f'''", "G": "g'''" }

 * Returns the abc notation string from given input
 * @param {object} input - The parsed input from input file
 * @returns {string}
function getAbcString(input) {
  var outputData = "";
  outputData += "X:"
    + "\n";
  outputData += "T:"
    + "\n";
  outputData += "M:"
    + "/"
    + input.attributes.time["beat-type"]
    + "\n";
  outputData += "L:"
    + "1/"
    + (input.attributes.divisions * input.attributes.time["beat-type"])
    + "\n";
  outputData += "K:"
    + getAbcKey(input.attributes.key.fifths, input.attributes.key.mode)
    + "\n";

  for (var i = 0; i < input.measures.length; i++) {
    var measure = input.measures[i];
    if (measure.attributes.repeat.left) {
      outputData += "\n"
        + "|:";
    } else {
      //outputData += "|";

    for (var j = 0; j < measure.notes.length; j++) {

      outputData += " "
        + getAbcNote(measure.notes[j]);

    if (measure.attributes.repeat.right) {
      outputData += ":|"
        + "\n";
    } else {
      outputData += "|";


  return outputData;

 * Returns the key for abc notation from given fifths
 * @param {number} fifths - The position inside the circle of fifths
 * @param {string|undefined} mode - The mode (major / minor)
 * @returns {string}
function getAbcKey(fifths, mode) {
  if (typeof mode === 'undefined') mode = 'major';
  return circleOfFifths[mode][fifths];

 * Returns a note in abc notation from given note object (JSON)
 * @param {object} note - The note that should be transformed to abc
 * @returns {string}
function getAbcNote(note) {
  // check if rest
  if ( {
    // return rest as abc
    return "z" + note.duration;
  } else {
    // return note as abc
    return accidental[note.pitch.accidental]
      + pitches[note.pitch.octave][note.pitch.step]
      + note.duration;

 * Returns a string in abc notation from given data
 * @param {object} data - The JSON data that should be transformed to abc
 * @returns {string}
exports.convert2Abc = function(data) {
  return getAbcString(JSON.parse(data));

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