functions: "fetch_node": - command: shell.exec params: shell: "bash" script: | set -e curl -s ${node_url} | tar xJf - mv node-* node "fetch_go113": - command: shell.exec params: shell: "bash" script: | set -e wget --quiet ${go_url} tar xf ./go1.13*gz "fetch_source": - command: git.get_project params: directory: "stitch-js-sdk" "setup_mongod": - command: shell.exec params: shell: "bash" script: | set -v curl --silent ${mongodb_url} | tar xz - command: shell.exec params: shell: "bash" background: true script: | set -v cd mongodb-* echo "starting mongod..." mkdir db_files ./bin/mongod --dbpath ./db_files --port 26000 --replSet test & echo "waiting for mongod to start up" - command: shell.exec params: shell: "bash" script: | set -e cd mongodb-* ./bin/mongo --nodb --eval 'assert.soon(function(x){try{var d = new Mongo("localhost:26000"); return true}catch(e){return false}}, "timed out connecting")' ./bin/mongo --port 26000 --eval 'rs.initiate()' echo "mongod is up." "setup_stitch": - command: shell.exec params: shell: "bash" silent: true script: | set -e echo export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=${test_aws_key} >> creds echo export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=${test_aws_secret} >> creds echo export TWILIO_SID=${test_twilio_sid} >> creds echo export TWILIO_AUTHTOKEN=${test_twilio_authtoken} >> creds echo export FB_APP_ID=${test_facebook_app_id} >> creds echo export FB_APP_SECRET=${test_facebook_app_secret} >> creds - command: shell.exec params: shell: "bash" script: | set -e echo "cloning stitch" git clone echo "downloading libmongo" wget --quiet "${libmongo_url}" chmod +x echo "downloading stitch dylib" mkdir -p stitch/etc/dylib cd stitch/etc/dylib curl -s "${server_stitch_lib_url}" | tar xfz - --strip-components=1 cd - echo "building transpiler" curl -OL tar zxf latest.tar.gz mv yarn-* yarn export PATH="`pwd`/yarn/bin:`pwd`/node/bin:$PATH" cd stitch/etc/transpiler yarn install && yarn run build -t ${transpiler_target} - command: shell.exec params: shell: "bash" background: true script: | export ROOT_DIR=`pwd` export PATH=$ROOT_DIR:$PATH export STITCH_PATH=$ROOT_DIR/stitch export PATH="$PATH:$STITCH_PATH/etc/transpiler/bin" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$STITCH_PATH/etc/dylib/lib" which transpiler echo "running stitch" export GOROOT=$ROOT_DIR/go export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH cd $STITCH_PATH go run cmd/server/main.go --configFile $STITCH_PATH/etc/configs/test_config.json - command: shell.exec params: shell: "bash" script: | counter=0 until $(curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail http://localhost:9090); do echo "checking for API server to be up..." sleep 1 let counter++ if [ $counter -gt 100 ]; then exit 1 fi done tasks: - name: run_tests commands: - func: "fetch_node" - func: "fetch_go113" - func: "fetch_source" - func: "setup_mongod" - func: "setup_stitch" - command: shell.exec params: shell: "bash" script: | mkdir /tmp/chrome cd /tmp/chrome curl -OL rpm2cpio google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm | cpio -idmv - command: shell.exec params: shell: "bash" script: | # NOTE: Using yarn for install instead of npm due to evergreen permission issue with chromedriver devDependency set -e echo "running client tests" source ./creds chown -R $USER stitch-js-sdk curl -OL tar zxf latest.tar.gz mv yarn-* yarn export PATH="`pwd`/yarn/bin:`pwd`/node/bin:$PATH" cd stitch-js-sdk yarn install npm run test - name: check_import commands: - func: "fetch_node" - func: "fetch_source" - command: shell.exec params: shell: "bash" script: | set -e curl -OL tar zvxf latest.tar.gz mv yarn-* yarn export PATH="`pwd`/yarn/bin:`pwd`/node/bin:$PATH" cd stitch-js-sdk yarn install npm run build npm run build-web npm run build-web-dev mkdir tmp cd tmp npm pack ../ mv mongodb-stitch-*.tgz mongodb-stitch.tgz cd ../../ mkdir test_app cd test_app npm install --save ../stitch-js-sdk/tmp/mongodb-stitch.tgz node -e 'process.on("unhandledRejection", err => { throw err }); const stitch = require("mongodb-stitch"); stitch.StitchClientFactory.create("stitchtest-vsfmv").then(client => client.login());' - name: dist commands: - func: "fetch_node" - func: "fetch_source" - command: shell.exec params: shell: "bash" script: | set -e curl -OL tar zvxf latest.tar.gz mv yarn-* yarn export PATH="`pwd`/yarn/bin:`pwd`/node/bin:$PATH" cd stitch-js-sdk yarn install npm run build npm run build-web npm run build-web-dev mkdir tmp cd tmp npm pack ../ mv mongodb-stitch-*.tgz mongodb-stitch.tgz - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${sdks_aws_key} aws_secret: ${sdks_aws_secret} local_file: stitch-js-sdk/dist/web/stitch.js remote_file: js/library/${version_id}/stitch.js bucket: stitch-sdks permissions: public-read content_type: application/javascript display_name: Stitch Javascript Library for Web - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${sdks_aws_key} aws_secret: ${sdks_aws_secret} local_file: stitch-js-sdk/dist/web/stitch.min.js remote_file: js/library/${version_id}/stitch.min.js bucket: stitch-sdks permissions: public-read content_type: application/javascript display_name: Stitch Javascript Library for Web (minified) - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${sdks_aws_key} aws_secret: ${sdks_aws_secret} local_file: stitch-js-sdk/dist/web/ remote_file: js/library/${version_id}/ bucket: stitch-sdks permissions: public-read content_type: application/javascript display_name: Stitch Javascript Library for Web Source Map - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${sdks_aws_key} aws_secret: ${sdks_aws_secret} local_file: stitch-js-sdk/tmp/mongodb-stitch.tgz remote_file: js/npm/${version_id}/stitch.tgz bucket: stitch-sdks permissions: public-read content_type: application/gzip display_name: Stitch NPM package - name: docs_dist depends_on: - name: run_tests - name: check_import commands: - func: "fetch_node" - func: "fetch_source" - command: shell.exec params: shell: "bash" script: | set -e curl -OL tar zvxf latest.tar.gz mv yarn-* yarn export PATH="`pwd`/yarn/bin:`pwd`/node/bin:$PATH" cd stitch-js-sdk yarn install npm run docs - command: shell.exec params: shell: "bash" script: | set -e echo "setting up AWS CLI" curl "" -o "" unzip ./awscli-bundle/install -b ~/bin/aws echo "uploading docs for ${branch_name}/${revision}" - command: shell.exec params: shell: "bash" silent: true script: | set -e export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=${sdks_aws_key} export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=${sdks_aws_secret} if [ "${is_patch|}" = "true" ]; then # Avoids clobbering docs from other patches or non-patch tasks under the same base commit. aws s3 cp stitch-js-sdk/docs s3://stitch-sdks/js/docs/${version_id} --recursive --acl public-read else cd stitch-js-sdk export TAG_OR_REV="$(git describe --exact-match || echo ${revision})" cd .. aws s3 cp stitch-js-sdk/docs s3://stitch-sdks/js/docs/$TAG_OR_REV --recursive --acl public-read aws s3 cp stitch-js-sdk/docs s3://stitch-sdks/js/docs/${branch_name} --recursive --acl public-read fi - name: eslint commands: - func: "fetch_node" - func: "fetch_source" - command: shell.exec params: shell: "bash" script: | set -e echo "linting" curl -OL tar zvxf latest.tar.gz mv yarn-* yarn export PATH="`pwd`/yarn/bin:`pwd`/node/bin:$PATH" cd stitch-js-sdk yarn install npm run lint --quiet buildvariants: - name: rhel70 display_name: rhel70 run_on: - rhel70 expansions: go_url: "" mongodb_url: server_stitch_lib_url: '' transpiler_target: node8-linux node_url: "" libmongo_url: '' tasks: - name: run_tests - name: dist - name: check_import - name: docs_dist - name: eslint