import { isAction } from "../api/action" import { $mobx, IDepTreeNode, isAtom, isComputedValue, isObservableArray, isObservableMap, isObservableObject, isReaction, isObservableSet, die, isFunction, allowStateChangesStart, untrackedStart, allowStateChangesEnd, untrackedEnd, startBatch, endBatch } from "../internal" export function getAtom(thing: any, property?: PropertyKey): IDepTreeNode { if (typeof thing === "object" && thing !== null) { if (isObservableArray(thing)) { if (property !== undefined) { die(23) } return (thing as any)[$mobx].atom_ } if (isObservableSet(thing)) { return thing.atom_ } if (isObservableMap(thing)) { if (property === undefined) { return thing.keysAtom_ } const observable = thing.data_.get(property) || thing.hasMap_.get(property) if (!observable) { die(25, property, getDebugName(thing)) } return observable } if (property && !thing[$mobx]) { thing[property] } // See #1072 if (isObservableObject(thing)) { if (!property) { return die(26) } const observable = (thing as any)[$mobx].values_.get(property) if (!observable) { die(27, property, getDebugName(thing)) } return observable } if (isAtom(thing) || isComputedValue(thing) || isReaction(thing)) { return thing } } else if (isFunction(thing)) { if (isReaction(thing[$mobx])) { // disposer function return thing[$mobx] } } die(28) } export function getAdministration(thing: any, property?: string) { if (!thing) { die(29) } if (property !== undefined) { return getAdministration(getAtom(thing, property)) } if (isAtom(thing) || isComputedValue(thing) || isReaction(thing)) { return thing } if (isObservableMap(thing) || isObservableSet(thing)) { return thing } if (thing[$mobx]) { return thing[$mobx] } die(24, thing) } export function getDebugName(thing: any, property?: string): string { let named if (property !== undefined) { named = getAtom(thing, property) } else if (isAction(thing)) { return } else if (isObservableObject(thing) || isObservableMap(thing) || isObservableSet(thing)) { named = getAdministration(thing) } else { // valid for arrays as well named = getAtom(thing) } return named.name_ } /** * Helper function for initializing observable structures, it applies: * 1. allowStateChanges so we don't violate enforceActions. * 2. untracked so we don't accidentaly subscribe to anything observable accessed during init in case the observable is created inside derivation. * 3. batch to avoid state version updates */ export function initObservable(cb: () => T): T { const derivation = untrackedStart() const allowStateChanges = allowStateChangesStart(true) startBatch() try { return cb() } finally { endBatch() allowStateChangesEnd(allowStateChanges) untrackedEnd(derivation) } }