import { $mobx, createAtom, deepEnhancer, getNextId, IEnhancer, isSpyEnabled, hasListeners, IListenable, registerListener, Lambda, spyReportStart, notifyListeners, spyReportEnd, createInstanceofPredicate, hasInterceptors, interceptChange, IInterceptable, IInterceptor, registerInterceptor, checkIfStateModificationsAreAllowed, untracked, makeIterable, transaction, isES6Set, IAtom, DELETE, ADD, die, isFunction, initObservable } from "../internal" const ObservableSetMarker = {} export type IObservableSetInitialValues = Set | readonly T[] export type ISetDidChange = | { object: ObservableSet observableKind: "set" debugObjectName: string type: "add" newValue: T } | { object: ObservableSet observableKind: "set" debugObjectName: string type: "delete" oldValue: T } export type ISetWillChange = | { type: "delete" object: ObservableSet oldValue: T } | { type: "add" object: ObservableSet newValue: T } export class ObservableSet implements Set, IInterceptable, IListenable { [$mobx] = ObservableSetMarker private data_: Set = new Set() atom_!: IAtom changeListeners_ interceptors_ dehancer: any enhancer_: (newV: any, oldV: any | undefined) => any constructor( initialData?: IObservableSetInitialValues, enhancer: IEnhancer = deepEnhancer, public name_ = __DEV__ ? "ObservableSet@" + getNextId() : "ObservableSet" ) { if (!isFunction(Set)) { die(22) } this.enhancer_ = (newV, oldV) => enhancer(newV, oldV, name_) initObservable(() => { this.atom_ = createAtom(this.name_) if (initialData) { this.replace(initialData) } }) } private dehanceValue_(value: X): X { if (this.dehancer !== undefined) { return this.dehancer(value) } return value } clear() { transaction(() => { untracked(() => { for (const value of this.data_.values()) { this.delete(value) } }) }) } forEach(callbackFn: (value: T, value2: T, set: Set) => void, thisArg?: any) { for (const value of this) {, value, value, this) } } get size() { this.atom_.reportObserved() return this.data_.size } add(value: T) { checkIfStateModificationsAreAllowed(this.atom_) if (hasInterceptors(this)) { const change = interceptChange>(this, { type: ADD, object: this, newValue: value }) if (!change) { return this } // ideally, value = change.value would be done here, so that values can be // changed by interceptor. Same applies for other Set and Map api's. } if (!this.has(value)) { transaction(() => { this.data_.add(this.enhancer_(value, undefined)) this.atom_.reportChanged() }) const notifySpy = __DEV__ && isSpyEnabled() const notify = hasListeners(this) const change = notify || notifySpy ? >{ observableKind: "set", debugObjectName: this.name_, type: ADD, object: this, newValue: value } : null if (notifySpy && __DEV__) { spyReportStart(change!) } if (notify) { notifyListeners(this, change) } if (notifySpy && __DEV__) { spyReportEnd() } } return this } delete(value: T) { if (hasInterceptors(this)) { const change = interceptChange>(this, { type: DELETE, object: this, oldValue: value }) if (!change) { return false } } if (this.has(value)) { const notifySpy = __DEV__ && isSpyEnabled() const notify = hasListeners(this) const change = notify || notifySpy ? >{ observableKind: "set", debugObjectName: this.name_, type: DELETE, object: this, oldValue: value } : null if (notifySpy && __DEV__) { spyReportStart(change!) } transaction(() => { this.atom_.reportChanged() this.data_.delete(value) }) if (notify) { notifyListeners(this, change) } if (notifySpy && __DEV__) { spyReportEnd() } return true } return false } has(value: T) { this.atom_.reportObserved() return this.data_.has(this.dehanceValue_(value)) } entries() { let nextIndex = 0 const keys = Array.from(this.keys()) const values = Array.from(this.values()) return makeIterable<[T, T]>({ next() { const index = nextIndex nextIndex += 1 return index < values.length ? { value: [keys[index], values[index]], done: false } : { done: true } } } as any) } keys(): IterableIterator { return this.values() } values(): IterableIterator { this.atom_.reportObserved() const self = this let nextIndex = 0 const observableValues = Array.from(this.data_.values()) return makeIterable({ next() { return nextIndex < observableValues.length ? { value: self.dehanceValue_(observableValues[nextIndex++]), done: false } : { done: true } } } as any) } replace(other: ObservableSet | IObservableSetInitialValues): ObservableSet { if (isObservableSet(other)) { other = new Set(other) } transaction(() => { if (Array.isArray(other)) { this.clear() other.forEach(value => this.add(value)) } else if (isES6Set(other)) { this.clear() other.forEach(value => this.add(value)) } else if (other !== null && other !== undefined) { die("Cannot initialize set from " + other) } }) return this } observe_(listener: (changes: ISetDidChange) => void, fireImmediately?: boolean): Lambda { // ... 'fireImmediately' could also be true? if (__DEV__ && fireImmediately === true) { die("`observe` doesn't support fireImmediately=true in combination with sets.") } return registerListener(this, listener) } intercept_(handler: IInterceptor>): Lambda { return registerInterceptor(this, handler) } toJSON(): T[] { return Array.from(this) } toString(): string { return "[object ObservableSet]" } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this.values() } get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return "Set" } } // eslint-disable-next-line export var isObservableSet = createInstanceofPredicate("ObservableSet", ObservableSet) as ( thing: any ) => thing is ObservableSet