import { CreateObservableOptions, getAnnotationFromOptions, propagateChanged, isAnnotation, $mobx, Atom, Annotation, ComputedValue, IAtom, IComputedValueOptions, IEnhancer, IInterceptable, IListenable, Lambda, ObservableValue, addHiddenProp, createInstanceofPredicate, endBatch, getNextId, hasInterceptors, hasListeners, interceptChange, isObject, isPlainObject, isSpyEnabled, notifyListeners, referenceEnhancer, registerInterceptor, registerListener, spyReportEnd, spyReportStart, startBatch, stringifyKey, globalState, ADD, UPDATE, die, hasProp, getDescriptor, storedAnnotationsSymbol, ownKeys, isOverride, defineProperty, autoAnnotation, getAdministration, getDebugName, objectPrototype, MakeResult, checkIfStateModificationsAreAllowed } from "../internal" const descriptorCache = Object.create(null) export type IObjectDidChange = { observableKind: "object" name: PropertyKey object: T debugObjectName: string } & ( | { type: "add" newValue: any } | { type: "update" oldValue: any newValue: any } | { type: "remove" oldValue: any } ) export type IObjectWillChange = | { object: T type: "update" | "add" name: PropertyKey newValue: any } | { object: T type: "remove" name: PropertyKey } const REMOVE = "remove" export class ObservableObjectAdministration implements IInterceptable, IListenable { keysAtom_: IAtom changeListeners_ interceptors_ proxy_: any isPlainObject_: boolean appliedAnnotations_?: object private pendingKeys_: undefined | Map> constructor( public target_: any, public values_ = new Map | ComputedValue>(), public name_: string, // Used anytime annotation is not explicitely provided public defaultAnnotation_: Annotation = autoAnnotation ) { this.keysAtom_ = new Atom(__DEV__ ? `${this.name_}.keys` : "ObservableObject.keys") // Optimization: we use this frequently this.isPlainObject_ = isPlainObject(this.target_) if (__DEV__ && !isAnnotation(this.defaultAnnotation_)) { die(`defaultAnnotation must be valid annotation`) } if (__DEV__) { // Prepare structure for tracking which fields were already annotated this.appliedAnnotations_ = {} } } getObservablePropValue_(key: PropertyKey): any { return this.values_.get(key)!.get() } setObservablePropValue_(key: PropertyKey, newValue): boolean | null { const observable = this.values_.get(key) if (observable instanceof ComputedValue) { observable.set(newValue) return true } // intercept if (hasInterceptors(this)) { const change = interceptChange(this, { type: UPDATE, object: this.proxy_ || this.target_, name: key, newValue }) if (!change) { return null } newValue = (change as any).newValue } newValue = (observable as any).prepareNewValue_(newValue) // notify spy & observers if (newValue !== globalState.UNCHANGED) { const notify = hasListeners(this) const notifySpy = __DEV__ && isSpyEnabled() const change: IObjectDidChange | null = notify || notifySpy ? { type: UPDATE, observableKind: "object", debugObjectName: this.name_, object: this.proxy_ || this.target_, oldValue: (observable as any).value_, name: key, newValue } : null if (__DEV__ && notifySpy) { spyReportStart(change!) } ;(observable as ObservableValue).setNewValue_(newValue) if (notify) { notifyListeners(this, change) } if (__DEV__ && notifySpy) { spyReportEnd() } } return true } get_(key: PropertyKey): any { if (globalState.trackingDerivation && !hasProp(this.target_, key)) { // Key doesn't exist yet, subscribe for it in case it's added later this.has_(key) } return this.target_[key] } /** * @param {PropertyKey} key * @param {any} value * @param {Annotation|boolean} annotation true - use default annotation, false - copy as is * @param {boolean} proxyTrap whether it's called from proxy trap * @returns {boolean|null} true on success, false on failure (proxyTrap + non-configurable), null when cancelled by interceptor */ set_(key: PropertyKey, value: any, proxyTrap: boolean = false): boolean | null { // Don't use .has(key) - we care about own if (hasProp(this.target_, key)) { // Existing prop if (this.values_.has(key)) { // Observable (can be intercepted) return this.setObservablePropValue_(key, value) } else if (proxyTrap) { // Non-observable - proxy return Reflect.set(this.target_, key, value) } else { // Non-observable this.target_[key] = value return true } } else { // New prop return this.extend_( key, { value, enumerable: true, writable: true, configurable: true }, this.defaultAnnotation_, proxyTrap ) } } // Trap for "in" has_(key: PropertyKey): boolean { if (!globalState.trackingDerivation) { // Skip key subscription outside derivation return key in this.target_ } this.pendingKeys_ ||= new Map() let entry = this.pendingKeys_.get(key) if (!entry) { entry = new ObservableValue( key in this.target_, referenceEnhancer, __DEV__ ? `${this.name_}.${stringifyKey(key)}?` : "ObservableObject.key?", false ) this.pendingKeys_.set(key, entry) } return entry.get() } /** * @param {PropertyKey} key * @param {Annotation|boolean} annotation true - use default annotation, false - ignore prop */ make_(key: PropertyKey, annotation: Annotation | boolean): void { if (annotation === true) { annotation = this.defaultAnnotation_ } if (annotation === false) { return } assertAnnotable(this, annotation, key) if (!(key in this.target_)) { // Throw on missing key, except for decorators: // Decorator annotations are collected from whole prototype chain. // When called from super() some props may not exist yet. // However we don't have to worry about missing prop, // because the decorator must have been applied to something. if (this.target_[storedAnnotationsSymbol]?.[key]) { return // will be annotated by subclass constructor } else { die(1, annotation.annotationType_, `${this.name_}.${key.toString()}`) } } let source = this.target_ while (source && source !== objectPrototype) { const descriptor = getDescriptor(source, key) if (descriptor) { const outcome = annotation.make_(this, key, descriptor, source) if (outcome === MakeResult.Cancel) { return } if (outcome === MakeResult.Break) { break } } source = Object.getPrototypeOf(source) } recordAnnotationApplied(this, annotation, key) } /** * @param {PropertyKey} key * @param {PropertyDescriptor} descriptor * @param {Annotation|boolean} annotation true - use default annotation, false - copy as is * @param {boolean} proxyTrap whether it's called from proxy trap * @returns {boolean|null} true on success, false on failure (proxyTrap + non-configurable), null when cancelled by interceptor */ extend_( key: PropertyKey, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor, annotation: Annotation | boolean, proxyTrap: boolean = false ): boolean | null { if (annotation === true) { annotation = this.defaultAnnotation_ } if (annotation === false) { return this.defineProperty_(key, descriptor, proxyTrap) } assertAnnotable(this, annotation, key) const outcome = annotation.extend_(this, key, descriptor, proxyTrap) if (outcome) { recordAnnotationApplied(this, annotation, key) } return outcome } /** * @param {PropertyKey} key * @param {PropertyDescriptor} descriptor * @param {boolean} proxyTrap whether it's called from proxy trap * @returns {boolean|null} true on success, false on failure (proxyTrap + non-configurable), null when cancelled by interceptor */ defineProperty_( key: PropertyKey, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor, proxyTrap: boolean = false ): boolean | null { checkIfStateModificationsAreAllowed(this.keysAtom_) try { startBatch() // Delete const deleteOutcome = this.delete_(key) if (!deleteOutcome) { // Failure or intercepted return deleteOutcome } // ADD interceptor if (hasInterceptors(this)) { const change = interceptChange(this, { object: this.proxy_ || this.target_, name: key, type: ADD, newValue: descriptor.value }) if (!change) { return null } const { newValue } = change as any if (descriptor.value !== newValue) { descriptor = { ...descriptor, value: newValue } } } // Define if (proxyTrap) { if (!Reflect.defineProperty(this.target_, key, descriptor)) { return false } } else { defineProperty(this.target_, key, descriptor) } // Notify this.notifyPropertyAddition_(key, descriptor.value) } finally { endBatch() } return true } // If original descriptor becomes relevant, move this to annotation directly defineObservableProperty_( key: PropertyKey, value: any, enhancer: IEnhancer, proxyTrap: boolean = false ): boolean | null { checkIfStateModificationsAreAllowed(this.keysAtom_) try { startBatch() // Delete const deleteOutcome = this.delete_(key) if (!deleteOutcome) { // Failure or intercepted return deleteOutcome } // ADD interceptor if (hasInterceptors(this)) { const change = interceptChange(this, { object: this.proxy_ || this.target_, name: key, type: ADD, newValue: value }) if (!change) { return null } value = (change as any).newValue } const cachedDescriptor = getCachedObservablePropDescriptor(key) const descriptor = { configurable: globalState.safeDescriptors ? this.isPlainObject_ : true, enumerable: true, get: cachedDescriptor.get, set: cachedDescriptor.set } // Define if (proxyTrap) { if (!Reflect.defineProperty(this.target_, key, descriptor)) { return false } } else { defineProperty(this.target_, key, descriptor) } const observable = new ObservableValue( value, enhancer, __DEV__ ? `${this.name_}.${key.toString()}` : "ObservableObject.key", false ) this.values_.set(key, observable) // Notify (value possibly changed by ObservableValue) this.notifyPropertyAddition_(key, observable.value_) } finally { endBatch() } return true } // If original descriptor becomes relevant, move this to annotation directly defineComputedProperty_( key: PropertyKey, options: IComputedValueOptions, proxyTrap: boolean = false ): boolean | null { checkIfStateModificationsAreAllowed(this.keysAtom_) try { startBatch() // Delete const deleteOutcome = this.delete_(key) if (!deleteOutcome) { // Failure or intercepted return deleteOutcome } // ADD interceptor if (hasInterceptors(this)) { const change = interceptChange(this, { object: this.proxy_ || this.target_, name: key, type: ADD, newValue: undefined }) if (!change) { return null } } ||= __DEV__ ? `${this.name_}.${key.toString()}` : "ObservableObject.key" options.context = this.proxy_ || this.target_ const cachedDescriptor = getCachedObservablePropDescriptor(key) const descriptor = { configurable: globalState.safeDescriptors ? this.isPlainObject_ : true, enumerable: false, get: cachedDescriptor.get, set: cachedDescriptor.set } // Define if (proxyTrap) { if (!Reflect.defineProperty(this.target_, key, descriptor)) { return false } } else { defineProperty(this.target_, key, descriptor) } this.values_.set(key, new ComputedValue(options)) // Notify this.notifyPropertyAddition_(key, undefined) } finally { endBatch() } return true } /** * @param {PropertyKey} key * @param {PropertyDescriptor} descriptor * @param {boolean} proxyTrap whether it's called from proxy trap * @returns {boolean|null} true on success, false on failure (proxyTrap + non-configurable), null when cancelled by interceptor */ delete_(key: PropertyKey, proxyTrap: boolean = false): boolean | null { checkIfStateModificationsAreAllowed(this.keysAtom_) // No such prop if (!hasProp(this.target_, key)) { return true } // Intercept if (hasInterceptors(this)) { const change = interceptChange(this, { object: this.proxy_ || this.target_, name: key, type: REMOVE }) // Cancelled if (!change) { return null } } // Delete try { startBatch() const notify = hasListeners(this) const notifySpy = __DEV__ && isSpyEnabled() const observable = this.values_.get(key) // Value needed for spies/listeners let value = undefined // Optimization: don't pull the value unless we will need it if (!observable && (notify || notifySpy)) { value = getDescriptor(this.target_, key)?.value } // delete prop (do first, may fail) if (proxyTrap) { if (!Reflect.deleteProperty(this.target_, key)) { return false } } else { delete this.target_[key] } // Allow re-annotating this field if (__DEV__) { delete this.appliedAnnotations_![key] } // Clear observable if (observable) { this.values_.delete(key) // for computed, value is undefined if (observable instanceof ObservableValue) { value = observable.value_ } // Notify: autorun(() => obj[key]), see #1796 propagateChanged(observable) } // Notify "keys/entries/values" observers this.keysAtom_.reportChanged() // Notify "has" observers // "in" as it may still exist in proto this.pendingKeys_?.get(key)?.set(key in this.target_) // Notify spies/listeners if (notify || notifySpy) { const change: IObjectDidChange = { type: REMOVE, observableKind: "object", object: this.proxy_ || this.target_, debugObjectName: this.name_, oldValue: value, name: key } if (__DEV__ && notifySpy) { spyReportStart(change!) } if (notify) { notifyListeners(this, change) } if (__DEV__ && notifySpy) { spyReportEnd() } } } finally { endBatch() } return true } /** * Observes this object. Triggers for the events 'add', 'update' and 'delete'. * See: * for callback details */ observe_(callback: (changes: IObjectDidChange) => void, fireImmediately?: boolean): Lambda { if (__DEV__ && fireImmediately === true) { die("`observe` doesn't support the fire immediately property for observable objects.") } return registerListener(this, callback) } intercept_(handler): Lambda { return registerInterceptor(this, handler) } notifyPropertyAddition_(key: PropertyKey, value: any) { const notify = hasListeners(this) const notifySpy = __DEV__ && isSpyEnabled() if (notify || notifySpy) { const change: IObjectDidChange | null = notify || notifySpy ? ({ type: ADD, observableKind: "object", debugObjectName: this.name_, object: this.proxy_ || this.target_, name: key, newValue: value } as const) : null if (__DEV__ && notifySpy) { spyReportStart(change!) } if (notify) { notifyListeners(this, change) } if (__DEV__ && notifySpy) { spyReportEnd() } } this.pendingKeys_?.get(key)?.set(true) // Notify "keys/entries/values" observers this.keysAtom_.reportChanged() } ownKeys_(): Array { this.keysAtom_.reportObserved() return ownKeys(this.target_) } keys_(): PropertyKey[] { // Returns enumerable && own, but unfortunately keysAtom will report on ANY key change. // There is no way to distinguish between Object.keys(object) and Reflect.ownKeys(object) - both are handled by ownKeys trap. // We can either over-report in Object.keys(object) or under-report in Reflect.ownKeys(object) // We choose to over-report in Object.keys(object), because: // - typically it's used with simple data objects // - when symbolic/non-enumerable keys are relevant Reflect.ownKeys works as expected this.keysAtom_.reportObserved() return Object.keys(this.target_) } } export interface IIsObservableObject { [$mobx]: ObservableObjectAdministration } export function asObservableObject( target: any, options?: CreateObservableOptions ): IIsObservableObject { if (__DEV__ && options && isObservableObject(target)) { die(`Options can't be provided for already observable objects.`) } if (hasProp(target, $mobx)) { if (__DEV__ && !(getAdministration(target) instanceof ObservableObjectAdministration)) { die( `Cannot convert '${getDebugName(target)}' into observable object:` + `\nThe target is already observable of different type.` + `\nExtending builtins is not supported.` ) } return target } if (__DEV__ && !Object.isExtensible(target)) { die("Cannot make the designated object observable; it is not extensible") } const name = options?.name ?? (__DEV__ ? `${ isPlainObject(target) ? "ObservableObject" : }@${getNextId()}` : "ObservableObject") const adm = new ObservableObjectAdministration( target, new Map(), String(name), getAnnotationFromOptions(options) ) addHiddenProp(target, $mobx, adm) return target } const isObservableObjectAdministration = createInstanceofPredicate( "ObservableObjectAdministration", ObservableObjectAdministration ) function getCachedObservablePropDescriptor(key) { return ( descriptorCache[key] || (descriptorCache[key] = { get() { return this[$mobx].getObservablePropValue_(key) }, set(value) { return this[$mobx].setObservablePropValue_(key, value) } }) ) } export function isObservableObject(thing: any): boolean { if (isObject(thing)) { return isObservableObjectAdministration((thing as any)[$mobx]) } return false } export function recordAnnotationApplied( adm: ObservableObjectAdministration, annotation: Annotation, key: PropertyKey ) { if (__DEV__) { adm.appliedAnnotations_![key] = annotation } // Remove applied decorator annotation so we don't try to apply it again in subclass constructor delete adm.target_[storedAnnotationsSymbol]?.[key] } function assertAnnotable( adm: ObservableObjectAdministration, annotation: Annotation, key: PropertyKey ) { // Valid annotation if (__DEV__ && !isAnnotation(annotation)) { die(`Cannot annotate '${adm.name_}.${key.toString()}': Invalid annotation.`) } /* // Configurable, not sealed, not frozen // Possibly not needed, just a little better error then the one thrown by engine. // Cases where this would be useful the most (subclass field initializer) are not interceptable by this. if (__DEV__) { const configurable = getDescriptor(adm.target_, key)?.configurable const frozen = Object.isFrozen(adm.target_) const sealed = Object.isSealed(adm.target_) if (!configurable || frozen || sealed) { const fieldName = `${adm.name_}.${key.toString()}` const requestedAnnotationType = annotation.annotationType_ let error = `Cannot apply '${requestedAnnotationType}' to '${fieldName}':` if (frozen) { error += `\nObject is frozen.` } if (sealed) { error += `\nObject is sealed.` } if (!configurable) { error += `\nproperty is not configurable.` // Mention only if caused by us to avoid confusion if (hasProp(adm.appliedAnnotations!, key)) { error += `\nTo prevent accidental re-definition of a field by a subclass, ` error += `all annotated fields of non-plain objects (classes) are not configurable.` } } die(error) } } */ // Not annotated if (__DEV__ && !isOverride(annotation) && hasProp(adm.appliedAnnotations_!, key)) { const fieldName = `${adm.name_}.${key.toString()}` const currentAnnotationType = adm.appliedAnnotations_![key].annotationType_ const requestedAnnotationType = annotation.annotationType_ die( `Cannot apply '${requestedAnnotationType}' to '${fieldName}':` + `\nThe field is already annotated with '${currentAnnotationType}'.` + `\nRe-annotating fields is not allowed.` + `\nUse 'override' annotation for methods overridden by subclass.` ) } }