import { $mobx, Atom, EMPTY_ARRAY, IAtom, IEnhancer, IInterceptable, IInterceptor, IListenable, Lambda, addHiddenFinalProp, checkIfStateModificationsAreAllowed, createInstanceofPredicate, getNextId, hasInterceptors, hasListeners, interceptChange, isObject, isSpyEnabled, notifyListeners, registerInterceptor, registerListener, spyReportEnd, spyReportStart, assertProxies, reserveArrayBuffer, hasProp, die, globalState, initObservable } from "../internal" const SPLICE = "splice" export const UPDATE = "update" export const MAX_SPLICE_SIZE = 10000 // See e.g. export interface IObservableArray extends Array { spliceWithArray(index: number, deleteCount?: number, newItems?: T[]): T[] clear(): T[] replace(newItems: T[]): T[] remove(value: T): boolean toJSON(): T[] } interface IArrayBaseChange { object: IObservableArray observableKind: "array" debugObjectName: string index: number } export type IArrayDidChange = IArrayUpdate | IArraySplice export interface IArrayUpdate extends IArrayBaseChange { type: "update" newValue: T oldValue: T } export interface IArraySplice extends IArrayBaseChange { type: "splice" added: T[] addedCount: number removed: T[] removedCount: number } export interface IArrayWillChange { object: IObservableArray index: number type: "update" newValue: T } export interface IArrayWillSplice { object: IObservableArray index: number type: "splice" added: T[] removedCount: number } const arrayTraps = { get(target, name) { const adm: ObservableArrayAdministration = target[$mobx] if (name === $mobx) { return adm } if (name === "length") { return adm.getArrayLength_() } if (typeof name === "string" && !isNaN(name as any)) { return adm.get_(parseInt(name)) } if (hasProp(arrayExtensions, name)) { return arrayExtensions[name] } return target[name] }, set(target, name, value): boolean { const adm: ObservableArrayAdministration = target[$mobx] if (name === "length") { adm.setArrayLength_(value) } if (typeof name === "symbol" || isNaN(name)) { target[name] = value } else { // numeric string adm.set_(parseInt(name), value) } return true }, preventExtensions() { die(15) } } export class ObservableArrayAdministration implements IInterceptable | IArrayWillSplice>, IListenable { atom_: IAtom readonly values_: any[] = [] // this is the prop that gets proxied, so can't replace it! interceptors_ changeListeners_ enhancer_: (newV: any, oldV: any | undefined) => any dehancer: any proxy_!: IObservableArray lastKnownLength_ = 0 constructor( name = __DEV__ ? "ObservableArray@" + getNextId() : "ObservableArray", enhancer: IEnhancer, public owned_: boolean, public legacyMode_: boolean ) { this.atom_ = new Atom(name) this.enhancer_ = (newV, oldV) => enhancer(newV, oldV, __DEV__ ? name + "[..]" : "ObservableArray[..]") } dehanceValue_(value: any): any { if (this.dehancer !== undefined) { return this.dehancer(value) } return value } dehanceValues_(values: any[]): any[] { if (this.dehancer !== undefined && values.length > 0) { return as any } return values } intercept_(handler: IInterceptor | IArrayWillSplice>): Lambda { return registerInterceptor | IArrayWillSplice>(this, handler) } observe_( listener: (changeData: IArrayDidChange) => void, fireImmediately = false ): Lambda { if (fireImmediately) { listener(>{ observableKind: "array", object: this.proxy_ as any, debugObjectName: this.atom_.name_, type: "splice", index: 0, added: this.values_.slice(), addedCount: this.values_.length, removed: [], removedCount: 0 }) } return registerListener(this, listener) } getArrayLength_(): number { this.atom_.reportObserved() return this.values_.length } setArrayLength_(newLength: number) { if (typeof newLength !== "number" || isNaN(newLength) || newLength < 0) { die("Out of range: " + newLength) } let currentLength = this.values_.length if (newLength === currentLength) { return } else if (newLength > currentLength) { const newItems = new Array(newLength - currentLength) for (let i = 0; i < newLength - currentLength; i++) { newItems[i] = undefined } // No Array.fill everywhere... this.spliceWithArray_(currentLength, 0, newItems) } else { this.spliceWithArray_(newLength, currentLength - newLength) } } updateArrayLength_(oldLength: number, delta: number) { if (oldLength !== this.lastKnownLength_) { die(16) } this.lastKnownLength_ += delta if (this.legacyMode_ && delta > 0) { reserveArrayBuffer(oldLength + delta + 1) } } spliceWithArray_(index: number, deleteCount?: number, newItems?: any[]): any[] { checkIfStateModificationsAreAllowed(this.atom_) const length = this.values_.length if (index === undefined) { index = 0 } else if (index > length) { index = length } else if (index < 0) { index = Math.max(0, length + index) } if (arguments.length === 1) { deleteCount = length - index } else if (deleteCount === undefined || deleteCount === null) { deleteCount = 0 } else { deleteCount = Math.max(0, Math.min(deleteCount, length - index)) } if (newItems === undefined) { newItems = EMPTY_ARRAY } if (hasInterceptors(this)) { const change = interceptChange>(this as any, { object: this.proxy_ as any, type: SPLICE, index, removedCount: deleteCount, added: newItems }) if (!change) { return EMPTY_ARRAY } deleteCount = change.removedCount newItems = change.added } newItems = newItems.length === 0 ? newItems : => this.enhancer_(v, undefined)) if (this.legacyMode_ || __DEV__) { const lengthDelta = newItems.length - deleteCount this.updateArrayLength_(length, lengthDelta) // checks if internal array wasn't modified } const res = this.spliceItemsIntoValues_(index, deleteCount, newItems) if (deleteCount !== 0 || newItems.length !== 0) { this.notifyArraySplice_(index, newItems, res) } return this.dehanceValues_(res) } spliceItemsIntoValues_(index: number, deleteCount: number, newItems: any[]): any[] { if (newItems.length < MAX_SPLICE_SIZE) { return this.values_.splice(index, deleteCount, ...newItems) } else { // The items removed by the splice const res = this.values_.slice(index, index + deleteCount) // The items that that should remain at the end of the array let oldItems = this.values_.slice(index + deleteCount) // New length is the previous length + addition count - deletion count this.values_.length += newItems.length - deleteCount for (let i = 0; i < newItems.length; i++) { this.values_[index + i] = newItems[i] } for (let i = 0; i < oldItems.length; i++) { this.values_[index + newItems.length + i] = oldItems[i] } return res } } notifyArrayChildUpdate_(index: number, newValue: any, oldValue: any) { const notifySpy = !this.owned_ && isSpyEnabled() const notify = hasListeners(this) const change: IArrayDidChange | null = notify || notifySpy ? ({ observableKind: "array", object: this.proxy_, type: UPDATE, debugObjectName: this.atom_.name_, index, newValue, oldValue } as const) : null // The reason why this is on right hand side here (and not above), is this way the uglifier will drop it, but it won't // cause any runtime overhead in development mode without NODE_ENV set, unless spying is enabled if (__DEV__ && notifySpy) { spyReportStart(change!) } this.atom_.reportChanged() if (notify) { notifyListeners(this, change) } if (__DEV__ && notifySpy) { spyReportEnd() } } notifyArraySplice_(index: number, added: any[], removed: any[]) { const notifySpy = !this.owned_ && isSpyEnabled() const notify = hasListeners(this) const change: IArraySplice | null = notify || notifySpy ? ({ observableKind: "array", object: this.proxy_, debugObjectName: this.atom_.name_, type: SPLICE, index, removed, added, removedCount: removed.length, addedCount: added.length } as const) : null if (__DEV__ && notifySpy) { spyReportStart(change!) } this.atom_.reportChanged() // conform: if (notify) { notifyListeners(this, change) } if (__DEV__ && notifySpy) { spyReportEnd() } } get_(index: number): any | undefined { if (this.legacyMode_ && index >= this.values_.length) { console.warn( __DEV__ ? `[mobx.array] Attempt to read an array index (${index}) that is out of bounds (${this.values_.length}). Please check length first. Out of bound indices will not be tracked by MobX` : `[mobx] Out of bounds read: ${index}` ) return undefined } this.atom_.reportObserved() return this.dehanceValue_(this.values_[index]) } set_(index: number, newValue: any) { const values = this.values_ if (this.legacyMode_ && index > values.length) { // out of bounds die(17, index, values.length) } if (index < values.length) { // update at index in range checkIfStateModificationsAreAllowed(this.atom_) const oldValue = values[index] if (hasInterceptors(this)) { const change = interceptChange>(this as any, { type: UPDATE, object: this.proxy_ as any, // since "this" is the real array we need to pass its proxy index, newValue }) if (!change) { return } newValue = change.newValue } newValue = this.enhancer_(newValue, oldValue) const changed = newValue !== oldValue if (changed) { values[index] = newValue this.notifyArrayChildUpdate_(index, newValue, oldValue) } } else { // For out of bound index, we don't create an actual sparse array, // but rather fill the holes with undefined (same as setArrayLength_). // This could be considered a bug. const newItems = new Array(index + 1 - values.length) for (let i = 0; i < newItems.length - 1; i++) { newItems[i] = undefined } // No Array.fill everywhere... newItems[newItems.length - 1] = newValue this.spliceWithArray_(values.length, 0, newItems) } } } export function createObservableArray( initialValues: T[] | undefined, enhancer: IEnhancer, name = __DEV__ ? "ObservableArray@" + getNextId() : "ObservableArray", owned = false ): IObservableArray { assertProxies() return initObservable(() => { const adm = new ObservableArrayAdministration(name, enhancer, owned, false) addHiddenFinalProp(adm.values_, $mobx, adm) const proxy = new Proxy(adm.values_, arrayTraps) as any adm.proxy_ = proxy if (initialValues && initialValues.length) { adm.spliceWithArray_(0, 0, initialValues) } return proxy }) } // eslint-disable-next-line export var arrayExtensions = { clear(): any[] { return this.splice(0) }, replace(newItems: any[]) { const adm: ObservableArrayAdministration = this[$mobx] return adm.spliceWithArray_(0, adm.values_.length, newItems) }, // Used by JSON.stringify toJSON(): any[] { return this.slice() }, /* * functions that do alter the internal structure of the array, (based on lib.es6.d.ts) * since these functions alter the inner structure of the array, the have side effects. * Because the have side effects, they should not be used in computed function, * and for that reason the do not call dependencyState.notifyObserved */ splice(index: number, deleteCount?: number, ...newItems: any[]): any[] { const adm: ObservableArrayAdministration = this[$mobx] switch (arguments.length) { case 0: return [] case 1: return adm.spliceWithArray_(index) case 2: return adm.spliceWithArray_(index, deleteCount) } return adm.spliceWithArray_(index, deleteCount, newItems) }, spliceWithArray(index: number, deleteCount?: number, newItems?: any[]): any[] { return (this[$mobx] as ObservableArrayAdministration).spliceWithArray_( index, deleteCount, newItems ) }, push(...items: any[]): number { const adm: ObservableArrayAdministration = this[$mobx] adm.spliceWithArray_(adm.values_.length, 0, items) return adm.values_.length }, pop() { return this.splice(Math.max(this[$mobx].values_.length - 1, 0), 1)[0] }, shift() { return this.splice(0, 1)[0] }, unshift(...items: any[]): number { const adm: ObservableArrayAdministration = this[$mobx] adm.spliceWithArray_(0, 0, items) return adm.values_.length }, reverse(): any[] { // reverse by default mutates in place before returning the result // which makes it both a 'derivation' and a 'mutation'. if (globalState.trackingDerivation) { die(37, "reverse") } this.replace(this.slice().reverse()) return this }, sort(): any[] { // sort by default mutates in place before returning the result // which goes against all good practices. Let's not change the array in place! if (globalState.trackingDerivation) { die(37, "sort") } const copy = this.slice() copy.sort.apply(copy, arguments) this.replace(copy) return this }, remove(value: any): boolean { const adm: ObservableArrayAdministration = this[$mobx] const idx = adm.dehanceValues_(adm.values_).indexOf(value) if (idx > -1) { this.splice(idx, 1) return true } return false } } /** * Wrap function from prototype * Without this, everything works as well, but this works * faster as everything works on unproxied values */ addArrayExtension("at", simpleFunc) addArrayExtension("concat", simpleFunc) addArrayExtension("flat", simpleFunc) addArrayExtension("includes", simpleFunc) addArrayExtension("indexOf", simpleFunc) addArrayExtension("join", simpleFunc) addArrayExtension("lastIndexOf", simpleFunc) addArrayExtension("slice", simpleFunc) addArrayExtension("toString", simpleFunc) addArrayExtension("toLocaleString", simpleFunc) addArrayExtension("toSorted", simpleFunc) addArrayExtension("toSpliced", simpleFunc) addArrayExtension("with", simpleFunc) // map addArrayExtension("every", mapLikeFunc) addArrayExtension("filter", mapLikeFunc) addArrayExtension("find", mapLikeFunc) addArrayExtension("findIndex", mapLikeFunc) addArrayExtension("findLast", mapLikeFunc) addArrayExtension("findLastIndex", mapLikeFunc) addArrayExtension("flatMap", mapLikeFunc) addArrayExtension("forEach", mapLikeFunc) addArrayExtension("map", mapLikeFunc) addArrayExtension("some", mapLikeFunc) addArrayExtension("toReversed", mapLikeFunc) // reduce addArrayExtension("reduce", reduceLikeFunc) addArrayExtension("reduceRight", reduceLikeFunc) function addArrayExtension(funcName, funcFactory) { if (typeof Array.prototype[funcName] === "function") { arrayExtensions[funcName] = funcFactory(funcName) } } // Report and delegate to dehanced array function simpleFunc(funcName) { return function () { const adm: ObservableArrayAdministration = this[$mobx] adm.atom_.reportObserved() const dehancedValues = adm.dehanceValues_(adm.values_) return dehancedValues[funcName].apply(dehancedValues, arguments) } } // Make sure callbacks receive correct array arg #2326 function mapLikeFunc(funcName) { return function (callback, thisArg) { const adm: ObservableArrayAdministration = this[$mobx] adm.atom_.reportObserved() const dehancedValues = adm.dehanceValues_(adm.values_) return dehancedValues[funcName]((element, index) => { return, element, index, this) }) } } // Make sure callbacks receive correct array arg #2326 function reduceLikeFunc(funcName) { return function () { const adm: ObservableArrayAdministration = this[$mobx] adm.atom_.reportObserved() const dehancedValues = adm.dehanceValues_(adm.values_) // #2432 - reduce behavior depends on arguments.length const callback = arguments[0] arguments[0] = (accumulator, currentValue, index) => { return callback(accumulator, currentValue, index, this) } return dehancedValues[funcName].apply(dehancedValues, arguments) } } const isObservableArrayAdministration = createInstanceofPredicate( "ObservableArrayAdministration", ObservableArrayAdministration ) export function isObservableArray(thing): thing is IObservableArray { return isObject(thing) && isObservableArrayAdministration(thing[$mobx]) }