import { ObservableObjectAdministration, deepEnhancer, die, Annotation, MakeResult, assert20223DecoratorType, ObservableValue, asObservableObject, $mobx } from "../internal" export function createObservableAnnotation(name: string, options?: object): Annotation { return { annotationType_: name, options_: options, make_, extend_, decorate_20223_ } } function make_( this: Annotation, adm: ObservableObjectAdministration, key: PropertyKey, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor ): MakeResult { return this.extend_(adm, key, descriptor, false) === null ? MakeResult.Cancel : MakeResult.Break } function extend_( this: Annotation, adm: ObservableObjectAdministration, key: PropertyKey, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor, proxyTrap: boolean ): boolean | null { assertObservableDescriptor(adm, this, key, descriptor) return adm.defineObservableProperty_( key, descriptor.value, this.options_?.enhancer ?? deepEnhancer, proxyTrap ) } function decorate_20223_( this: Annotation, desc, context: ClassAccessorDecoratorContext | ClassFieldDecoratorContext ) { if (__DEV__) { if (context.kind === "field") { throw die( `Please use \`@observable accessor ${String( )}\` instead of \`@observable ${String(}\`` ) } assert20223DecoratorType(context, ["accessor"]) } const ann = this const { kind, name } = context // The laziness here is not ideal... It's a workaround to how 2022.3 Decorators are implemented: // `addInitializer` callbacks are executed _before_ any accessors are defined (instead of the ideal-for-us right after each). // This means that, if we were to do our stuff in an `addInitializer`, we'd attempt to read a private slot // before it has been initialized. The runtime doesn't like that and throws a `Cannot read private member // from an object whose class did not declare it` error. // TODO: it seems that this will not be required anymore in the final version of the spec // See TODO: link const initializedObjects = new WeakSet() function initializeObservable(target, value) { const adm: ObservableObjectAdministration = asObservableObject(target)[$mobx] const observable = new ObservableValue( value, ann.options_?.enhancer ?? deepEnhancer, __DEV__ ? `${adm.name_}.${name.toString()}` : `ObservableObject.${name.toString()}`, false ) adm.values_.set(name, observable) initializedObjects.add(target) } if (kind == "accessor") { return { get() { if (!initializedObjects.has(this)) { initializeObservable(this, } return this[$mobx].getObservablePropValue_(name) }, set(value) { if (!initializedObjects.has(this)) { initializeObservable(this, value) } return this[$mobx].setObservablePropValue_(name, value) }, init(value) { if (!initializedObjects.has(this)) { initializeObservable(this, value) } return value } } } return } function assertObservableDescriptor( adm: ObservableObjectAdministration, { annotationType_ }: Annotation, key: PropertyKey, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor ) { if (__DEV__ && !("value" in descriptor)) { die( `Cannot apply '${annotationType_}' to '${adm.name_}.${key.toString()}':` + `\n'${annotationType_}' cannot be used on getter/setter properties` ) } }