import { getNextId, addHiddenFinalProp, makeIterable, addHiddenProp, ObservableArrayAdministration, $mobx, arrayExtensions, IEnhancer, isObservableArray, IObservableArray, defineProperty, initObservable } from "../internal" // Bug in safari 9.* (or iOS 9 safari mobile). See #364 const ENTRY_0 = createArrayEntryDescriptor(0) const safariPrototypeSetterInheritanceBug = (() => { let v = false const p = {} Object.defineProperty(p, "0", { set: () => { v = true } }) Object.create(p)["0"] = 1 return v === false })() /** * This array buffer contains two lists of properties, so that all arrays * can recycle their property definitions, which significantly improves performance of creating * properties on the fly. */ let OBSERVABLE_ARRAY_BUFFER_SIZE = 0 // Typescript workaround to make sure ObservableArray extends Array class StubArray {} function inherit(ctor, proto) { if (Object.setPrototypeOf) { Object.setPrototypeOf(ctor.prototype, proto) } else if (ctor.prototype.__proto__ !== undefined) { ctor.prototype.__proto__ = proto } else { ctor.prototype = proto } } inherit(StubArray, Array.prototype) // Weex proto freeze protection was here, // but it is unclear why the hack is need as MobX never changed the prototype // anyway, so removed it in V6 export class LegacyObservableArray extends StubArray { constructor( initialValues: T[] | undefined, enhancer: IEnhancer, name = __DEV__ ? "ObservableArray@" + getNextId() : "ObservableArray", owned = false ) { super() initObservable(() => { const adm = new ObservableArrayAdministration(name, enhancer, owned, true) adm.proxy_ = this as any addHiddenFinalProp(this, $mobx, adm) if (initialValues && initialValues.length) { // @ts-ignore this.spliceWithArray(0, 0, initialValues) } if (safariPrototypeSetterInheritanceBug) { // Seems that Safari won't use numeric prototype setter until any * numeric property is // defined on the instance. After that it works fine, even if this property is deleted. Object.defineProperty(this, "0", ENTRY_0) } }) } concat(...arrays: T[][]): T[] { ;(this[$mobx] as ObservableArrayAdministration).atom_.reportObserved() return Array.prototype.concat.apply( (this as any).slice(), //@ts-ignore => (isObservableArray(a) ? a.slice() : a)) ) } get length(): number { return (this[$mobx] as ObservableArrayAdministration).getArrayLength_() } set length(newLength: number) { ;(this[$mobx] as ObservableArrayAdministration).setArrayLength_(newLength) } get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return "Array" } [Symbol.iterator]() { const self = this let nextIndex = 0 return makeIterable({ next() { return nextIndex < self.length ? { value: self[nextIndex++], done: false } : { done: true, value: undefined } } }) } } Object.entries(arrayExtensions).forEach(([prop, fn]) => { if (prop !== "concat") { addHiddenProp(LegacyObservableArray.prototype, prop, fn) } }) function createArrayEntryDescriptor(index: number) { return { enumerable: false, configurable: true, get: function () { return this[$mobx].get_(index) }, set: function (value) { this[$mobx].set_(index, value) } } } function createArrayBufferItem(index: number) { defineProperty(LegacyObservableArray.prototype, "" + index, createArrayEntryDescriptor(index)) } export function reserveArrayBuffer(max: number) { if (max > OBSERVABLE_ARRAY_BUFFER_SIZE) { for (let index = OBSERVABLE_ARRAY_BUFFER_SIZE; index < max + 100; index++) { createArrayBufferItem(index) } OBSERVABLE_ARRAY_BUFFER_SIZE = max } } reserveArrayBuffer(1000) export function createLegacyArray( initialValues: T[] | undefined, enhancer: IEnhancer, name?: string ): IObservableArray { return new LegacyObservableArray(initialValues, enhancer, name) as any }