import _ from "lodash" import * as utils from "./utils" import jQueryHttpClient from "./jQueryHttpClient" import * as quickfind from "./quickfind" import { MinimongoDb, MinimongoCollection, Doc, MinimongoCollectionFindOptions, MinimongoCollectionFindOneOptions, HttpClient } from "./types" import { MinimongoBaseCollection } from "." import sha1 from "js-sha1" export default class RemoteDb implements MinimongoDb { collections: { [collectionName: string]: Collection } url: string | string[] client: string | null | undefined httpClient: HttpClient useQuickFind: boolean usePostFind: boolean /** Url must have trailing /, can be an arrau of URLs * useQuickFind enables the quickfind protocol for finds * usePostFind enables POST for find */ constructor( url: string | string[], client?: string | null, httpClient?: any, useQuickFind = false, usePostFind = false ) { this.url = url this.client = client this.collections = {} this.httpClient = httpClient this.useQuickFind = useQuickFind this.usePostFind = usePostFind } // Can specify url of specific collection as option. // useQuickFind can be overridden in options // usePostFind can be overridden in options addCollection( name: string, options: { url?: string; useQuickFind?: boolean; usePostFind?: boolean } = {}, success?: any, error?: any ) { let url: string | string[] if (_.isFunction(options)) { ;[options, success, error] = [{}, options, success] } if (options.url) { ;({ url } = options) } else { if (_.isArray(this.url)) { url =, (url: any) => url + name) } else { url = this.url + name } } let { useQuickFind } = this if (options.useQuickFind != null) { ;({ useQuickFind } = options) } let { usePostFind } = this if (options.usePostFind != null) { ;({ usePostFind } = options) } const collection = new Collection(name, url, this.client, this.httpClient, useQuickFind, usePostFind) this[name] = collection this.collections[name] = collection if (success != null) { return success() } } removeCollection(name: any, success: any, error: any) { delete this[name] delete this.collections[name] if (success != null) { return success() } } getCollectionNames() { return _.keys(this.collections) } } // Remote collection on server class Collection implements MinimongoBaseCollection { name: string url: string | string[] client?: string | null httpClient: HttpClient useQuickFind: any usePostFind: any /** Cycles through urls if array and not GET request */ urlIndex: number // usePostFind allows POST to /find for long selectors constructor(name: string, url: string | string[], client: string | null | undefined, httpClient: any, useQuickFind: any, usePostFind: any) { = name this.url = url this.client = client this.httpClient = httpClient || jQueryHttpClient this.useQuickFind = useQuickFind this.usePostFind = usePostFind this.urlIndex = 0 } /** Get a URL to use from an array, if present. * Stable if a GET request, but not if a POST, etc request * to allow caching. Accomplished by passing in a key * to use for hashing for GET only. */ getUrl(key?: string) { if (typeof this.url === "string") { return this.url } // If no key, use next URL if (!key) { const url = this.url[this.urlIndex] this.urlIndex = (this.urlIndex + 1) % this.url.length return url } // Hash key to get index const hash = sha1.create() hash.update(key) // Get 4 hex digits const partial = hash.hex().substr(0, 4) // Convert to integer const index = parseInt(partial, 16) // Get URL return this.url[index % this.url.length] } // error is called with jqXHR find(selector: any, options: MinimongoCollectionFindOptions = {}) { return { fetch: (success?: any, error?: any) => { return this._findFetch(selector, options, success, error) } } } _findFetch(selector: any, options: MinimongoCollectionFindOptions, success: any, error: any): any { // If promise case if (success == null) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._findFetch(selector, options, resolve, reject) }) } // Determine method: "get", "post" or "quickfind" // If in quickfind and localData present and (no fields option or _rev included) and not (limit with no sort), use quickfind let method if ( this.useQuickFind && options.localData && (!options.fields || options.fields._rev) && !(options.limit && !options.sort && !options.orderByExprs) ) { method = "quickfind" // If selector or fields or sort is too big, use post } else if ( this.usePostFind && JSON.stringify({ selector, sort: options.sort, fields: options.fields }).length > 500 ) { method = "post" } else { method = "get" } if (method === "get") { // Create url const params: any = {} params.selector = JSON.stringify(selector || {}) if (options.sort) { params.sort = JSON.stringify(options.sort) } if (options.limit) { params.limit = options.limit } if (options.skip) { params.skip = options.skip } if (options.fields) { params.fields = JSON.stringify(options.fields) } // Advanced options for mwater-expression-based filtering and ordering if (options.whereExpr) { params.whereExpr = JSON.stringify(options.whereExpr) } if (options.orderByExprs) { params.orderByExprs = JSON.stringify(options.orderByExprs) } if (this.client) { params.client = this.client } this.httpClient("GET", this.getUrl( + JSON.stringify(params)), params, null, success, error) return } // Create body + params for quickfind and post const body = { selector: selector || {} } as any if (options.sort) { body.sort = options.sort } if (options.limit != null) { body.limit = options.limit } if (options.skip != null) { body.skip = options.skip } if (options.fields) { body.fields = options.fields } // Advanced options for mwater-expression-based filtering and ordering if (options.whereExpr) { body.whereExpr = options.whereExpr } if (options.orderByExprs) { body.orderByExprs = options.orderByExprs } const params: any = {} if (this.client) { params.client = this.client } if (method === "quickfind") { // Send quickfind data body.quickfind = quickfind.encodeRequest(options.localData) this.httpClient( "POST", this.getUrl() + "/quickfind", params, body, (encodedResponse: any) => { return success(quickfind.decodeResponse(encodedResponse, options.localData, options.sort)) }, error ) return } // POST method this.httpClient( "POST", this.getUrl() + "/find", params, body, (response: any) => { return success(response) }, error ) return } // error is called with jqXHR // Note that findOne is not used by HybridDb, but rather find with limit is used findOne(selector: any, options?: MinimongoCollectionFindOneOptions): Promise findOne( selector: any, options: MinimongoCollectionFindOneOptions, success: (doc: T | null) => void, error: (err: any) => void ): void findOne(selector: any, success: (doc: T | null) => void, error: (err: any) => void): void findOne(selector: any, options?: any, success?: any, error?: any) { if (_.isFunction(options)) { ;[options, success, error] = [{}, options, success] } options = options || {} // If promise case if (success == null) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.findOne(selector, options, resolve, reject) }) } // TODO would require documentation change and major bump // // Use simple GET if no options and selector is by _id only // if (_.isEmpty(options) && _.isEqual(selector, { _id: selector._id })) { // return this.httpClient( // "GET", // this.getUrl( + "/" + selector._id), // { client: this.client }, // null, // function (result: any) { // success(result ?? null) // }, // (jqXHR) => { // if (jqXHR.status === 404) { // return success(null) // } else { // return error(jqXHR) // } // } // ) // } // Create url const params: any = {} if (options.sort) { params.sort = JSON.stringify(options.sort) } params.limit = 1 if (this.client) { params.client = this.client } params.selector = JSON.stringify(selector || {}) return this.httpClient( "GET", this.getUrl( + "?" + JSON.stringify(params)), params, null, function (results: any) { if (results && results.length > 0) { return success(results[0]) } else { return success(null) } }, error ) } upsert(doc: T): Promise upsert(doc: T, base: T | null | undefined): Promise upsert(docs: T[]): Promise<(T | null)[]> upsert(docs: T[], bases: (T | null | undefined)[]): Promise<(T | null)[]> upsert(doc: T, success: (doc: T | null) => void, error: (err: any) => void): void upsert(doc: T, base: T | null | undefined, success: (doc: T | null) => void, error: (err: any) => void): void upsert(docs: T[], success: (docs: (T | null)[]) => void, error: (err: any) => void): void upsert( docs: T[], bases: (T | null | undefined)[], success: (item: (T | null)[]) => void, error: (err: any) => void ): void upsert(docs: any, bases?: any, success?: any, error?: any): any { // If promise case if (!success && !_.isFunction(bases)) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.upsert( docs, bases, resolve, reject ) }) } let items: { doc: T; base?: T }[] ;[items, success, error] = utils.regularizeUpsert(docs, bases, success, error) const results = [] // Check if bases present const basesPresent = _.compact(, "base")).length > 0 const params: any = {} if (this.client) { params.client = this.client } // Handle single case if (items.length === 1) { // POST if no base, PATCH otherwise if (basesPresent) { return this.httpClient( "PATCH", this.getUrl(), params, items[0], function (result: any) { if (_.isArray(docs)) { return success([result]) } else { return success(result) } }, function (err: any) { if (error) { return error(err) } } ) } else { return this.httpClient( "POST", this.getUrl(), params, items[0].doc, function (result: any) { if (_.isArray(docs)) { return success([result]) } else { return success(result) } }, function (err: any) { if (error) { return error(err) } } ) } } else { // POST if no base, PATCH otherwise if (basesPresent) { return this.httpClient( "PATCH", this.getUrl(), params, { doc:, "doc"), base:, "base") }, (result: any) => success(result), function (err: any) { if (error) { return error(err) } } ) } else { return this.httpClient( "POST", this.getUrl(), params,, "doc"), (result: any) => success(result), function (err: any) { if (error) { return error(err) } } ) } } } // error is called with jqXHR remove(id: any): Promise remove(id: any, success: () => void, error: (err: any) => void): void remove(id: any, success?: () => void, error?: (err: any) => void): any { if (!success) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.remove(id, resolve, reject) }) } if (!this.client) { throw new Error("Client required to remove") } const params = { client: this.client } return this.httpClient("DELETE", this.getUrl() + "/" + id, params, null, success, function (err: any) { // 410 is an acceptable delete status if (err.status === 410) { return success() } else { return error!(err) } }) } }