vile: ignore: - test/fixtures/** - test/**/*.js - .ackrc - bin - circle.yml - coverage - .git - node_modules - tags - .ctags - .editorconfig - .eslintignore - .eslintrc - .gitignore - .npmrc - .vile.yml - LICENSE depcheck: config: ignore_dev_deps: false ignore_dirs: - src - typings - node_modules - coverage - haskell - ruby - tmp ignore_deps: - mocha - babel-cli - coffee-script - istanbul - release-it - npm-check-updates - typescript - wrench - pryjs - shelljs - "@forthright/*" coverage: config: path: coverage/ length: config: file: 100 line: 80 ignore: [ "test/**/*.js", "test/*.js", "lib" ] license: config: ignored: - cli-table - classifier - dox - esmangle-evaluator - growl - debug - commander - log-driver - microee - map-stream - event-stream - pjs - uri-templates - parsimmon - tweetnacl - split - tv4 - forthright/vile-comment - forthright/vile-eslint - forthright/vile-length - forthright/vile-nsp - forthright/vile-stat - forthright/vile-tslint - forthright/vile-whitespace - forthright/vile-rubocop - forthright/vile-rubycritic disallowed: [] allowed: - CC-BY-3.0 - The MIT License - MIT - MIT AND CC-BY-3.0 - (MIT AND JSON) - MPL - MPL-2.0 - MPLv2.0 - Public Domain - PSF - BSD - BSD-like - BSD-3-Clause - BSD-2-Clause - BSD-3-Clause AND MIT - BSD-2-Clause OR MIT - BSD-2-Clause OR WTFPL - BSD-2-Clause OR MIT OR Apache-2.0 - Unlicense - Artistic-2.0 - ISC - WTFPL - Apache - Apache2 - Apache-2.0 - Apache 2.0 - Apache* - Apache License, Version 2.0 - Apachev2 - WTFPL - GPL