declare function arrayBufferToUint8(content: ArrayBuffer): Uint8Array; interface GetGlobalObjectOptions { throwIfUnavailable?: boolean; usageDesc?: string; returnEmptyObject?: boolean; } declare function getGlobalObject>(name: K, { throwIfUnavailable, usageDesc, returnEmptyObject }?: GetGlobalObjectOptions): Window[K] | undefined; declare function concatByteArrays(byteArrays: Uint8Array[]): Uint8Array; declare function ensureUint8Array(bytes: Uint8Array): Uint8Array; declare type IntegerType = number | string | bigint | Uint8Array; declare function intToBytes(value: IntegerType, signed?: boolean, byteOffset?: number): Uint8Array; declare function intToHex(value: IntegerType, signed?: boolean, byteOffset?: number): string; declare function intToBigInt(value: IntegerType, signed?: boolean): bigint; declare const bytesToBigInt: (bytes: Uint8Array) => bigint; declare class StacksTransactionError extends Error { constructor(message: string); } declare class SerializationError extends Error { constructor(message: string); } declare class DeserializationError extends Error { constructor(message: string); } declare class NotImplementedError extends Error { constructor(message: string); } declare class SigningError extends Error { constructor(message: string); } declare class VerificationError extends Error { constructor(message: string); } declare class MissingParametersError extends Error { constructor(message: string); } declare class InvalidTokenError extends Error { constructor(message: string); } declare function cloneDeep(value: T): T; declare function omit(obj: T, prop: K): Omit; declare function fetchPrivate(input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit): Promise; declare function byteLength(b64: string): number; declare function base64ToBytesBase(b64: string, code: string): Uint8Array; declare function base64ToBytes(b64: string): Uint8Array; declare function base64UrlToBytes(b64: string): Uint8Array; declare function bytesToBase64Base(uint8: Uint8Array, code: string): string; declare function bytesToBase64(uint8: Uint8Array): string; declare function bytesToBase64Url(uint8: Uint8Array): string; /*! micro-base58 - MIT License (c) 2021, Paul Miller ( */ declare function encodeB58(source: string | Uint8Array): string; declare function decodeB58(output: string): Uint8Array; declare function hexToBytes(hex: string): Uint8Array; declare function bytesToHex(uint8a: Uint8Array): string; declare function numberToHex(num: number | bigint): string; declare function hexToBigInt(hex: string): bigint; declare const intToHexString: (integer: IntegerType, lengthBytes?: number) => string; declare const hexStringToInt: (hexString: string) => number; declare const hexToJSON: (hex: string) => any; declare const ensureHexBytes: (bytesOrHex: string | Uint8Array) => Uint8Array; declare const cleanHex: (hexMaybePrefixed: string) => string; declare function asciiToBytes(str: string): Uint8Array; declare function bytesToAscii(buffer: Uint8Array): string; declare function utf8ToBytes(content: string): Uint8Array; declare function bytesToUtf8(buffer: Uint8Array): string; declare function copy(currentBuff: Uint8Array, target: Uint8Array, targetStart: number, start?: number, end?: number): number; declare class BufferArray { _value: Uint8Array[]; get value(): Uint8Array[]; appendHexString(hexString: string): void; push(buffer: Uint8Array): number; appendByte(octet: number): void; concatBuffer(): Uint8Array; } declare class BufferReader { buffer: Uint8Array; view: DataView; _readOffset: number; constructor(buff?: Uint8Array); private ensureReadable; private _readNumberValue; readBuffer(length?: number): Uint8Array; readUInt32BE(offset?: number): number; readUInt8(offset?: number): number; readUInt16BE(offset?: number): number; readBigUIntLE(length: number): BigInt; readBigUIntBE(length: number): BigInt; readBigUInt64BE(offset?: number): bigint; get readOffset(): number; set readOffset(val: number); get internalBuffer(): ArrayBuffer; readUInt8Enum(enumVariable: { [key in T]: TEnumValue; }, invalidEnumErrorFormatter: (val: number) => Error): TEnumValue; } declare function writeUInt8(buffer: Uint8Array, value: number, offset: number): number; declare function writeUInt16LE(buffer: Uint8Array, value: number, offset: number): number; declare function writeUInt16BE(buffer: Uint8Array, value: number, offset: number): number; declare function readUInt8(buffer: Uint8Array, offset: number): number; declare function readUInt16LE(buffer: Uint8Array, offset: number): number; declare function readInt32LE(buffer: Uint8Array, offset: number): number; declare function readUInt32LE(buffer: Uint8Array, offset: number): number; declare function readUInt32BE(buffer: Uint8Array, offset: number): number; declare function writeUInt32LE(buffer: Uint8Array, value: number, offset: number): number; declare function writeInt32LE(buffer: Uint8Array, value: number, offset: number): number; declare function writeUInt32BE(buffer: Uint8Array, value: number, offset: number): number; declare function compare(a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array): 1 | 0 | -1; declare function readBuffer(buffer: Uint8Array, length?: number): Uint8Array; declare function isEnum(enumVariable: { [key in T]: TEnumValue; }, value: number): value is TEnumValue; declare function isInteger(value: number): boolean; declare function isFiniteInteger(value: number): boolean; declare function checkOffsetOrLengthValue(value: any, offset: boolean): void; declare const ERRORS: { readonly INVALID_ENCODING: "Invalid encoding provided. Please specify a valid encoding the internal Node.js Buffer supports."; readonly INVALID_SMARTBUFFER_SIZE: "Invalid size provided. Size must be a valid integer greater than zero."; readonly INVALID_SMARTBUFFER_BUFFER: "Invalid Buffer provided in SmartBufferOptions."; readonly INVALID_SMARTBUFFER_OBJECT: "Invalid SmartBufferOptions object supplied to SmartBuffer constructor or factory methods."; readonly INVALID_OFFSET: "An invalid offset value was provided."; readonly INVALID_OFFSET_NON_NUMBER: "An invalid offset value was provided. A numeric value is required."; readonly INVALID_LENGTH: "An invalid length value was provided."; readonly INVALID_LENGTH_NON_NUMBER: "An invalid length value was provived. A numeric value is required."; readonly INVALID_TARGET_OFFSET: "Target offset is beyond the bounds of the internal SmartBuffer data."; readonly INVALID_TARGET_LENGTH: "Specified length value moves cursor beyong the bounds of the internal SmartBuffer data."; readonly INVALID_READ_BEYOND_BOUNDS: "Attempted to read beyond the bounds of the managed data."; readonly INVALID_WRITE_BEYOND_BOUNDS: "Attempted to write beyond the bounds of the managed data."; }; declare function toTwos(value: bigint, bitlength?: string | number): bigint; declare function fromTwos(value: bigint, bitlength?: string | number): bigint; declare enum ChainID { Testnet = 2147483648, Mainnet = 1 } declare const DEFAULT_CHAIN_ID = ChainID.Mainnet; declare enum TransactionVersion { Mainnet = 0, Testnet = 128 } export { BufferArray, BufferReader, ChainID, DEFAULT_CHAIN_ID, DeserializationError, ERRORS, IntegerType, InvalidTokenError, MissingParametersError, NotImplementedError, SerializationError, SigningError, StacksTransactionError, TransactionVersion, VerificationError, arrayBufferToUint8, asciiToBytes, base64ToBytes, base64ToBytesBase, base64UrlToBytes, byteLength, bytesToAscii, bytesToBase64, bytesToBase64Base, bytesToBase64Url, bytesToBigInt, bytesToHex, bytesToUtf8, checkOffsetOrLengthValue, cleanHex, cloneDeep, compare, concatByteArrays, copy, decodeB58, encodeB58, ensureHexBytes, ensureUint8Array, fetchPrivate, fromTwos, getGlobalObject, hexStringToInt, hexToBigInt, hexToBytes, hexToJSON, intToBigInt, intToBytes, intToHex, intToHexString, isEnum, isFiniteInteger, isInteger, numberToHex, omit, readBuffer, readInt32LE, readUInt16LE, readUInt32BE, readUInt32LE, readUInt8, toTwos, utf8ToBytes, writeInt32LE, writeUInt16BE, writeUInt16LE, writeUInt32BE, writeUInt32LE, writeUInt8 };