import { Config, TokenSearchRules, TokenOptions } from './types' import crypto from 'crypto' import { MeiliSearchError } from './errors' import { validateUuid4 } from './utils' function encode64(data: any) { return Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(data)).toString('base64') } /** * Create the header of the token. * * @param apiKey - API key used to sign the token. * @param encodedHeader - Header of the token in base64. * @param encodedPayload - Payload of the token in base64. * @returns The signature of the token in base64. */ function sign(apiKey: string, encodedHeader: string, encodedPayload: string) { return crypto .createHmac('sha256', apiKey) .update(`${encodedHeader}.${encodedPayload}`) .digest('base64') .replace(/\+/g, '-') .replace(/\//g, '_') .replace(/=/g, '') } /** * Create the header of the token. * * @returns The header encoded in base64. */ function createHeader() { const header = { alg: 'HS256', typ: 'JWT', } return encode64(header).replace(/=/g, '') } /** * Validate the parameter used for the payload of the token. * * @param searchRules - Search rules that are applied to every search. * @param apiKey - Api key used as issuer of the token. * @param uid - The uid of the api key used as issuer of the token. * @param expiresAt - Date at which the token expires. */ function validateTokenParameters(tokenParams: { searchRules: TokenSearchRules uid: string apiKey: string expiresAt?: Date }) { const { searchRules, uid, apiKey, expiresAt } = tokenParams if (expiresAt) { if (!(expiresAt instanceof Date)) { throw new MeiliSearchError( `Meilisearch: The expiredAt field must be an instance of Date.` ) } else if (expiresAt.getTime() < { throw new MeiliSearchError( `Meilisearch: The expiresAt field must be a date in the future.` ) } } if (searchRules) { if (!(typeof searchRules === 'object' || Array.isArray(searchRules))) { throw new MeiliSearchError( `Meilisearch: The search rules added in the token generation must be of type array or object.` ) } } if (!apiKey || typeof apiKey !== 'string') { throw new MeiliSearchError( `Meilisearch: The API key used for the token generation must exist and be of type string.` ) } if (!uid || typeof uid !== 'string') { throw new MeiliSearchError( `Meilisearch: The uid of the api key used for the token generation must exist, be of type string and comply to the uuid4 format.` ) } if (!validateUuid4(uid)) { throw new MeiliSearchError( `Meilisearch: The uid of your key is not a valid uuid4. To find out the uid of your key use getKey().` ) } } /** * Create the payload of the token. * * @param searchRules - Search rules that are applied to every search. * @param uid - The uid of the api key used as issuer of the token. * @param expiresAt - Date at which the token expires. * @returns The payload encoded in base64. */ function createPayload(payloadParams: { searchRules: TokenSearchRules uid: string expiresAt?: Date }): string { const { searchRules, uid, expiresAt } = payloadParams const payload = { searchRules, apiKeyUid: uid, exp: expiresAt ? Math.floor(expiresAt.getTime() / 1000) : undefined, } return encode64(payload).replace(/=/g, '') } class Token { config: Config constructor(config: Config) { this.config = config } /** * Generate a tenant token * * @param apiKeyUid - The uid of the api key used as issuer of the token. * @param searchRules - Search rules that are applied to every search. * @param options - Token options to customize some aspect of the token. * @returns The token in JWT format. */ generateTenantToken( apiKeyUid: string, searchRules: TokenSearchRules, options?: TokenOptions ): string { const apiKey = options?.apiKey || this.config.apiKey || '' const uid = apiKeyUid || '' const expiresAt = options?.expiresAt validateTokenParameters({ apiKey, uid, expiresAt, searchRules }) const encodedHeader = createHeader() const encodedPayload = createPayload({ searchRules, uid, expiresAt }) const signature = sign(apiKey, encodedHeader, encodedPayload) return `${encodedHeader}.${encodedPayload}.${signature}` } } export { Token }