import { targetLocales } from './localeCodes.js'; import type { allLocales } from './localeCodes.js'; import type { LocaleModule, LocaleStatusEventDetail } from '@lit/localize'; export type LocaleTargetCode = (typeof targetLocales)[number]; export type LocaleCode = (typeof allLocales)[number]; export type LoadFunc = (locale: LocaleTargetCode) => Promise; export type GetLocal = () => LocaleCode; export type SetLocal = (locale: LocaleCode) => Promise; declare global { interface WindowEventMap { 'mdui-localize-status': CustomEvent; } } export declare const uninitializedError = "You must call `loadLocale` first to set up the localized template."; export declare let getLocale: GetLocal | undefined; export declare let setLocale: SetLocal | undefined; /** * 初始化 localization * @param loadFunc */ export declare const initializeLocalize: (loadFunc: LoadFunc) => void; /** * 监听 localize ready 事件 * @param target * @param callback */ export declare const onLocaleReady: (target: HTMLElement, callback: () => void) => void; /** * 取消监听 localize ready 事件 * @param target */ export declare const offLocaleReady: (target: HTMLElement) => void;