--- tags: ['verb-tag-jscomments'] --- # {%= name %} {%= badge("fury") %} > {%= description %} This is a template loader, pure and simple, no rendering or caching. Currently any of the following input configurations will return a normalized template object with the same root properties: ```js loader.load(['abc/*.hbs']); loader.load('abc/*.md'); loader.load({'abc/def.md': {content: 'ghi.', lmn: 'xyz'}); loader.load({'abc/def.md': {content: 'ghi.'}}, {lmn: 'xyz'}); loader.load({path: 'abc/def.md', content: 'ghi.'}, {lmn: 'xyz'}); loader.load({path: 'abc/def.md', content: 'ghi.', lmn: 'xyz'}); loader.load('abc.md', 'def <%= name %>.'); loader.load('abc.md', 'def <%= name %>.', {name: 'Jon Schlinkert'}); ``` **Root properties** * `path`: file path or key to use for the template. * `data`: data from the parsed template, e.g. front-matter. * `locals`: locals pass on one of the loader methods. (keeping locals and data seperate allows you to merge however you need to.) * `content`: the parsed content of the template * `orig`: the original content of the template, if parsed Properties that are not on this list will be moved/copied to the `data` object and retained on `orig`. ## Install {%= include("install") %} ## Run tests ```bash npm test ``` ## API {%= jscomments("index.js") %} ## Author {%= include("author") %} ## License {%= copyright() %} {%= license() %} *** {%= include("footer") %}