import { NodePart, TemplateResult } from 'lit-html'; import { Layout } from './uni-virtualizer/lib/layouts/Layout.js'; declare const LitScroller_base: { new (config: { part: NodePart; renderItem: (item: Item_1, index?: number) => TemplateResult; useShadowDOM?: boolean; scrollTarget?: Element | Window; layout?: Layout; }): { [x: string]: any; _pool: NodePart[]; _renderItem: (item: Item_1, index?: number) => TemplateResult; _hostPart: NodePart; createElement(): NodePart; updateElement(part: NodePart, item: any, idx: number): void; recycleElement(part: NodePart): void; readonly _kids: Node[]; _node(part: NodePart): Node; _nextSibling(part: NodePart): Node; _insertBefore(part: NodePart, referenceNode: Node): void; _hideChild(part: NodePart): void; _showChild(part: NodePart): void; _measureChild(part: NodePart): any; }; [x: string]: any; }; export declare class LitScroller extends LitScroller_base { } /** * Configuration options for the scroll directive. */ interface ScrollConfig { /** * A function that returns a lit-html TemplateResult. It will be used * to generate the DOM for each item in the virtual list. */ renderItem?: (item: Item, index?: number) => TemplateResult; layout?: Layout; /** * An element that receives scroll events for the virtual scroller. */ scrollTarget?: Element | Window; /** * Whether to build the virtual scroller within a shadow DOM. */ useShadowDOM?: boolean; /** * The list of items to display via the renderItem function. */ items?: Array; /** * Limit for the number of items to display. Defaults to the length of the * items array. */ totalItems?: number; /** * Index and position of the item to scroll to. */ scrollToIndex?: { index: number; position?: string; }; } /** * A lit-html directive that turns its parent node into a virtual scroller. * * See ScrollConfig interface for configuration options. */ export declare const scroll: (config: ScrollConfig) => (part: NodePart) => Promise; export {}; //#