import { LitElement, TemplateResult } from 'lit-element'; /** * A LitElement wrapper of the scroll directive. * * Import this module to declare the lit-virtualizer custom element. * Pass an items array, renderItem method, and scroll target as properties * to the element. */ export declare class LitVirtualizer extends LitElement { private _renderItem; items: Array; scrollTarget: Element | Window; private _scrollToIndex; constructor(); /** * The method used for rendering each item. */ renderItem: (item: T, index?: number) => TemplateResult; /** * Scroll to the specified index, placing that item at the given position * in the scroll view. */ scrollToIndex(index: number, position?: string): Promise; render(): TemplateResult; } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'lit-virtualizer': LitVirtualizer; } } //#