import { OperationNodeSource } from '../operation-node/operation-node-source.js'; import { OnModifyForeignAction } from '../operation-node/references-node.js'; import { ColumnDefinitionNode } from '../operation-node/column-definition-node.js'; import { DefaultValueExpression } from '../parser/default-value-parser.js'; import { Expression } from '../expression/expression.js'; export declare class ColumnDefinitionBuilder implements OperationNodeSource { #private; constructor(node: ColumnDefinitionNode); /** * Adds `auto_increment` or `autoincrement` to the column definition * depending on the dialect. * * Some dialects like PostgreSQL don't support this. On PostgreSQL * you can use the `serial` or `bigserial` data type instead. */ autoIncrement(): ColumnDefinitionBuilder; /** * Makes the column an identity column. * * This only works on some dialects like MS SQL Server (MSSQL). * * For PostgreSQL's `generated always as identity` use {@link generatedAlwaysAsIdentity}. */ identity(): ColumnDefinitionBuilder; /** * Makes the column the primary key. * * If you want to specify a composite primary key use the * {@link CreateTableBuilder.addPrimaryKeyConstraint} method. */ primaryKey(): ColumnDefinitionBuilder; /** * Adds a foreign key constraint for the column. * * If your database engine doesn't support foreign key constraints in the * column definition (like MySQL 5) you need to call the table level * {@link CreateTableBuilder.addForeignKeyConstraint} method instead. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * col.references('') * ``` */ references(ref: string): ColumnDefinitionBuilder; /** * Adds an `on delete` constraint for the foreign key column. * * If your database engine doesn't support foreign key constraints in the * column definition (like MySQL 5) you need to call the table level * {@link CreateTableBuilder.addForeignKeyConstraint} method instead. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * col.references('').onDelete('cascade') * ``` */ onDelete(onDelete: OnModifyForeignAction): ColumnDefinitionBuilder; /** * Adds an `on update` constraint for the foreign key column. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * col.references('').onUpdate('cascade') * ``` */ onUpdate(onUpdate: OnModifyForeignAction): ColumnDefinitionBuilder; /** * Adds a unique constraint for the column. */ unique(): ColumnDefinitionBuilder; /** * Adds a `not null` constraint for the column. */ notNull(): ColumnDefinitionBuilder; /** * Adds a `unsigned` modifier for the column. * * This only works on some dialects like MySQL. */ unsigned(): ColumnDefinitionBuilder; /** * Adds a default value constraint for the column. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * db.schema * .createTable('pet') * .addColumn('number_of_legs', 'integer', (col) => col.defaultTo(4)) * .execute() * ``` * * Values passed to `defaultTo` are interpreted as value literals by default. You can define * an arbitrary SQL expression using the {@link sql} template tag: * * ```ts * import { sql } from 'kysely' * * db.schema * .createTable('pet') * .addColumn( * 'number_of_legs', * 'integer', * (col) => col.defaultTo(sql`any SQL here`) * ) * .execute() * ``` */ defaultTo(value: DefaultValueExpression): ColumnDefinitionBuilder; /** * Adds a check constraint for the column. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * import { sql } from 'kysely' * * db.schema * .createTable('pet') * .addColumn('number_of_legs', 'integer', (col) => * col.check(sql`number_of_legs < 5`) * ) * .execute() * ``` */ check(expression: Expression): ColumnDefinitionBuilder; /** * Makes the column a generated column using a `generated always as` statement. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * import { sql } from 'kysely' * * db.schema * .createTable('person') * .addColumn('full_name', 'varchar(255)', * (col) => col.generatedAlwaysAs(sql`concat(first_name, ' ', last_name)`) * ) * .execute() * ``` */ generatedAlwaysAs(expression: Expression): ColumnDefinitionBuilder; /** * Adds the `generated always as identity` specifier. * * This only works on some dialects like PostgreSQL. * * For MS SQL Server (MSSQL)'s identity column use {@link identity}. */ generatedAlwaysAsIdentity(): ColumnDefinitionBuilder; /** * Adds the `generated by default as identity` specifier on supported dialects. */ generatedByDefaultAsIdentity(): ColumnDefinitionBuilder; /** * Makes a generated column stored instead of virtual. This method can only * be used with {@link generatedAlwaysAs} * * ### Examples * * ```ts * db.schema * .createTable('person') * .addColumn('full_name', 'varchar(255)', (col) => col * .generatedAlwaysAs("concat(first_name, ' ', last_name)") * .stored() * ) * .execute() * ``` */ stored(): ColumnDefinitionBuilder; /** * This can be used to add any additional SQL right after the column's data type. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * db.schema.createTable('person') * .addColumn('id', 'integer', col => col.primaryKey()) * .addColumn('first_name', 'varchar(36)', col => col.modifyFront(sql`collate utf8mb4_general_ci`).notNull()) * .execute() * ``` * * The generated SQL (MySQL): * * ```sql * create table `person` ( * `id` integer primary key, * `first_name` varchar(36) collate utf8mb4_general_ci not null * ) * ``` */ modifyFront(modifier: Expression): ColumnDefinitionBuilder; /** * Adds `nulls not distinct` specifier. * Should be used with `unique` constraint. * * This only works on some dialects like PostgreSQL. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * db.schema.createTable('person') * .addColumn('id', 'integer', col => col.primaryKey()) * .addColumn('first_name', 'varchar(30)', col => col.unique().nullsNotDistinct()) * .execute() * ``` * * The generated SQL (PostgreSQL): * * ```sql * create table "person" ( * "id" integer primary key, * "first_name" varchar(30) unique nulls not distinct * ) * ``` */ nullsNotDistinct(): ColumnDefinitionBuilder; /** * This can be used to add any additional SQL to the end of the column definition. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * db.schema.createTable('person') * .addColumn('id', 'integer', col => col.primaryKey()) * .addColumn('age', 'integer', col => col.unsigned().notNull().modifyEnd(sql`comment ${sql.lit('it is not polite to ask a woman her age')}`)) * .execute() * ``` * * The generated SQL (MySQL): * * ```sql * create table `person` ( * `id` integer primary key, * `age` integer unsigned not null comment 'it is not polite to ask a woman her age' * ) * ``` */ modifyEnd(modifier: Expression): ColumnDefinitionBuilder; /** * Simply calls the provided function passing `this` as the only argument. `$call` returns * what the provided function returns. */ $call(func: (qb: this) => T): T; toOperationNode(): ColumnDefinitionNode; } export type ColumnDefinitionBuilderCallback = (builder: ColumnDefinitionBuilder) => ColumnDefinitionBuilder;