import { ExpressionWrapper } from '../expression/expression-wrapper.js'; import { Expression } from '../expression/expression.js'; import { ExtractTypeFromCoalesce1, ExtractTypeFromCoalesce3, ExtractTypeFromCoalesce2, ExtractTypeFromCoalesce4, ExtractTypeFromCoalesce5 } from '../parser/coalesce-parser.js'; import { ExtractTypeFromReferenceExpression, ReferenceExpression, StringReference, ExtractTypeFromStringReference } from '../parser/reference-parser.js'; import { KyselyTypeError } from '../util/type-error.js'; import { IsNever } from '../util/type-utils.js'; import { AggregateFunctionBuilder } from './aggregate-function-builder.js'; import { SelectQueryBuilderExpression } from '../query-builder/select-query-builder-expression.js'; import { Selectable } from '../util/column-type.js'; /** * Helpers for type safe SQL function calls. * * You can always use the {@link sql} tag to call functions and build arbitrary * expressions. This module simply has shortcuts for most common function calls. * * ### Examples * * * * This example shows how to create function calls. These examples also work in any * other place (`where` calls, updates, inserts etc.). The only difference is that you * leave out the alias (the `as` call) if you use these in any other place than `select`. * * ```ts * import { sql } from 'kysely' * * const result = await db.selectFrom('person') * .innerJoin('pet', 'pet.owner_id', '') * .select(({ fn, val, ref }) => [ * '', * * // The `fn` module contains the most common * // functions. * fn.count('').as('pet_count'), * * // You can call any function by calling `fn` * // directly. The arguments are treated as column * // references by default. If you want to pass in * // values, use the `val` function. * fn('concat', [ * val('Ms. '), * 'first_name', * val(' '), * 'last_name' * ]).as('full_name_with_title'), * * // You can call any aggregate function using the * // `fn.agg` function. * fn.agg('array_agg', ['']).as('pet_names'), * * // And once again, you can use the `sql` * // template tag. The template tag substitutions * // are treated as values by default. If you want * // to reference columns, you can use the `ref` * // function. * sql`concat( * ${ref('first_name')}, * ' ', * ${ref('last_name')} * )`.as('full_name') * ]) * .groupBy('') * .having((eb) => eb.fn.count(''), '>', 10) * .execute() * ``` * * The generated SQL (PostgreSQL): * * ```sql * select * "person"."id", * count("pet"."id") as "pet_count", * concat($1, "first_name", $2, "last_name") as "full_name_with_title", * array_agg("pet"."name") as "pet_names", * concat("first_name", ' ', "last_name") as "full_name" * from "person" * inner join "pet" on "pet"."owner_id" = "person"."id" * group by "person"."id" * having count("pet"."id") > $3 * ``` */ export interface FunctionModule { /** * Creates a function call. * * To create an aggregate function call, use {@link FunctionModule.agg}. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('person') * .selectAll('person') * .where(db.fn('upper', ['first_name']), '=', 'JENNIFER') * ``` * * The generated SQL (PostgreSQL): * * ```sql * select "person".* * from "person" * where upper("first_name") = $1 * ``` * * If you prefer readability over type-safety, you can always use raw `sql`: * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('person') * .selectAll('person') * .where(sql`upper(first_name)`, '=', 'JENNIFER') * ``` */ = ReferenceExpression>(name: string, args?: ReadonlyArray): ExpressionWrapper; /** * Creates an aggregate function call. * * This is a specialized version of the `fn` method, that returns an {@link AggregateFunctionBuilder} * instance. A builder that allows you to chain additional methods such as `distinct`, * `filterWhere` and `over`. * * See {@link avg}, {@link count}, {@link countAll}, {@link max}, {@link min}, {@link sum} * shortcuts of common aggregate functions. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('person') * .select(({ fn }) => [ * fn.agg('rank').over().as('rank'), * fn.agg('group_concat', ['first_name']).distinct().as('first_names') * ]) * ``` * * The generated SQL (MySQL): * * ```sql * select rank() over() as "rank", * group_concat(distinct "first_name") as "first_names" * from "person" * ``` */ agg = ReferenceExpression>(name: string, args?: ReadonlyArray): AggregateFunctionBuilder; /** * Calls the `avg` function for the column or expression given as the argument. * * This sql function calculates the average value for a given column. * * For additional functionality such as distinct, filtering and window functions, * refer to {@link AggregateFunctionBuilder}. An instance of this builder is * returned when calling this function. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.avg('price').as('avg_price')) * .execute() * ``` * * The generated SQL (PostgreSQL): * * ```sql * select avg("price") as "avg_price" from "toy" * ``` * * You can limit column range to only columns participating in current query: * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.avg('price').as('avg_price')) * .execute() * ``` * * If this function is used in a `select` statement, the type of the selected * expression will be `number | string` by default. This is because Kysely can't know the * type the db driver outputs. Sometimes the output can be larger than the largest * javascript number and a string is returned instead. Most drivers allow you * to configure the output type of large numbers and Kysely can't know if you've * done so. * * You can specify the output type of the expression by providing the type as * the first type argument: * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.avg('price').as('avg_price')) * .execute() * ``` * * Sometimes a null is returned, e.g. when row count is 0, and no `group by` * was used. It is highly recommended to include null in the output type union * and handle null values in post-execute code, or wrap the function with a {@link coalesce} * function. * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.avg('price').as('avg_price')) * .execute() * ``` */ avg = ReferenceExpression>(expr: RE): AggregateFunctionBuilder; /** * Calls the `coalesce` function for given arguments. * * This sql function returns the first non-null value from left to right, commonly * used to provide a default scalar for nullable columns or functions. * * If this function is used in a `select` statement, the type of the selected * expression is inferred in the same manner that the sql function computes. * A union of arguments' types - if a non-nullable argument exists, it stops * there (ignoring any further arguments' types) and exludes null from the final * union type. * * `(string | null, number | null)` is inferred as `string | number | null`. * * `(string | null, number, Date | null)` is inferred as `string | number`. * * `(number, string | null)` is inferred as `number`. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('participant') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.coalesce('nickname', sql`''`).as('nickname')) * .where('room_id', '=', roomId) * .execute() * ``` * * The generated SQL (PostgreSQL): * * ```sql * select coalesce("nickname", '') as "nickname" * from "participant" where "room_id" = $1 * ``` * * You can limit column range to only columns participating in current query: * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('participant') * .select((eb) => * eb.fn.coalesce('nickname', sql`''`).as('nickname') * ) * .where('room_id', '=', roomId) * .execute() * ``` * * You can combine this function with other helpers in this module: * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('person') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.coalesce(eb.fn.avg('age'), sql`0`).as('avg_age')) * .where('first_name', '=', 'Jennifer') * .execute() * ``` * * The generated SQL (PostgreSQL): * * ```sql * select coalesce(avg("age"), 0) as "avg_age" from "person" where "first_name" = $1 * ``` */ coalesce>(v1: V1): ExpressionWrapper>; coalesce, V2 extends ReferenceExpression>(v1: V1, v2: V2): ExpressionWrapper>; coalesce, V2 extends ReferenceExpression, V3 extends ReferenceExpression>(v1: V1, v2: V2, v3: V3): ExpressionWrapper>; coalesce, V2 extends ReferenceExpression, V3 extends ReferenceExpression, V4 extends ReferenceExpression>(v1: V1, v2: V2, v3: V3, v4: V4): ExpressionWrapper>; coalesce, V2 extends ReferenceExpression, V3 extends ReferenceExpression, V4 extends ReferenceExpression, V5 extends ReferenceExpression>(v1: V1, v2: V2, v3: V3, v4: V4, v5: V5): ExpressionWrapper>; /** * Calls the `count` function for the column or expression given as the argument. * * When called with a column as argument, this sql function counts the number of rows where there * is a non-null value in that column. * * For counting all rows nulls included (`count(*)`), see {@link countAll}. * * For additional functionality such as distinct, filtering and window functions, * refer to {@link AggregateFunctionBuilder}. An instance of this builder is * returned when calling this function. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.count('id').as('num_toys')) * .execute() * ``` * * The generated SQL (PostgreSQL): * * ```sql * select count("id") as "num_toys" from "toy" * ``` * * If this function is used in a `select` statement, the type of the selected * expression will be `number | string | bigint` by default. This is because * Kysely can't know the type the db driver outputs. Sometimes the output can * be larger than the largest javascript number and a string is returned instead. * Most drivers allow you to configure the output type of large numbers and Kysely * can't know if you've done so. * * You can specify the output type of the expression by providing * the type as the first type argument: * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.count('id').as('num_toys')) * .execute() * ``` * * You can limit column range to only columns participating in current query: * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.count('id').as('num_toys')) * .execute() * ``` */ count = ReferenceExpression>(expr: RE): AggregateFunctionBuilder; /** * Calls the `count` function with `*` or `table.*` as argument. * * When called with `*` as argument, this sql function counts the number of rows, * nulls included. * * For counting rows with non-null values in a given column (`count(column)`), * see {@link count}. * * For additional functionality such as filtering and window functions, refer * to {@link AggregateFunctionBuilder}. An instance of this builder is returned * when calling this function. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.countAll().as('num_toys')) * .execute() * ``` * * The generated SQL (PostgreSQL): * * ```sql * select count(*) as "num_toys" from "toy" * ``` * * If this is used in a `select` statement, the type of the selected expression * will be `number | string | bigint` by default. This is because Kysely * can't know the type the db driver outputs. Sometimes the output can be larger * than the largest javascript number and a string is returned instead. Most * drivers allow you to configure the output type of large numbers and Kysely * can't know if you've done so. * * You can specify the output type of the expression by providing * the type as the first type argument: * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.countAll().as('num_toys')) * .execute() * ``` * * Some databases, such as PostgreSQL, support scoping the function to a specific * table: * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .innerJoin('pet', '', 'toy.pet_id') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.countAll('toy').as('num_toys')) * .execute() * ``` * * The generated SQL (PostgreSQL): * * ```sql * select count("toy".*) as "num_toys" * from "toy" inner join "pet" on "pet"."id" = "toy"."pet_id" * ``` * * You can limit table range to only tables participating in current query: * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .innerJoin('pet', '', 'toy.pet_id') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.countAll('toy').as('num_toys')) * .execute() * ``` */ countAll(table: T): AggregateFunctionBuilder; countAll(): AggregateFunctionBuilder; /** * Calls the `max` function for the column or expression given as the argument. * * This sql function calculates the maximum value for a given column. * * For additional functionality such as distinct, filtering and window functions, * refer to {@link AggregateFunctionBuilder}. An instance of this builder is * returned when calling this function. * * If this function is used in a `select` statement, the type of the selected * expression will be the referenced column's type. This is because the result * is within the column's value range. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.max('price').as('max_price')) * .execute() * ``` * * The generated SQL (PostgreSQL): * * ```sql * select max("price") as "max_price" from "toy" * ``` * * You can limit column range to only columns participating in current query: * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.max('price').as('max_price')) * .execute() * ``` * * Sometimes a null is returned, e.g. when row count is 0, and no `group by` * was used. It is highly recommended to include null in the output type union * and handle null values in post-execute code, or wrap the function with a {@link coalesce} * function. * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.max('price').as('max_price')) * .execute() * ``` */ max = ReferenceExpression>(expr: RE): AggregateFunctionBuilder extends true ? ExtractTypeFromReferenceExpression : O>; /** * Calls the `min` function for the column or expression given as the argument. * * This sql function calculates the minimum value for a given column. * * For additional functionality such as distinct, filtering and window functions, * refer to {@link AggregateFunctionBuilder}. An instance of this builder is * returned when calling this function. * * If this function is used in a `select` statement, the type of the selected * expression will be the referenced column's type. This is because the result * is within the column's value range. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.min('price').as('min_price')) * .execute() * ``` * * The generated SQL (PostgreSQL): * * ```sql * select min("price") as "min_price" from "toy" * ``` * * You can limit column range to only columns participating in current query: * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.min('price').as('min_price')) * .execute() * ``` * * Sometimes a null is returned, e.g. when row count is 0, and no `group by` * was used. It is highly recommended to include null in the output type union * and handle null values in post-execute code, or wrap the function with a {@link coalesce} * function. * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.min('price').as('min_price')) * .execute() * ``` */ min = ReferenceExpression>(expr: RE): AggregateFunctionBuilder extends true ? ExtractTypeFromReferenceExpression : O>; /** * Calls the `sum` function for the column or expression given as the argument. * * This sql function sums the values of a given column. * * For additional functionality such as distinct, filtering and window functions, * refer to {@link AggregateFunctionBuilder}. An instance of this builder is * returned when calling this function. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.sum('price').as('total_price')) * .execute() * ``` * * The generated SQL (PostgreSQL): * * ```sql * select sum("price") as "total_price" from "toy" * ``` * * You can limit column range to only columns participating in current query: * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.sum('price').as('total_price')) * .execute() * ``` * * If this function is used in a `select` statement, the type of the selected * expression will be `number | string` by default. This is because Kysely can't know the * type the db driver outputs. Sometimes the output can be larger than the largest * javascript number and a string is returned instead. Most drivers allow you * to configure the output type of large numbers and Kysely can't know if you've * done so. * * You can specify the output type of the expression by providing the type as * the first type argument: * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.sum('price').as('total_price')) * .execute() * ``` * * Sometimes a null is returned, e.g. when row count is 0, and no `group by` * was used. It is highly recommended to include null in the output type union * and handle null values in post-execute code, or wrap the function with a {@link coalesce} * function. * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('toy') * .select((eb) => eb.fn.sum('price').as('total_price')) * .execute() * ``` */ sum = ReferenceExpression>(expr: RE): AggregateFunctionBuilder; /** * Calls the `any` function for the column or expression given as the argument. * * The argument must be a subquery or evaluate to an array. * * ### Examples * * In the following example, `nicknames` is assumed to be a column of type `string[]`: * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('person') * .selectAll('person') * .where((eb) => eb( * eb.val('Jen'), '=', eb.fn.any('person.nicknames') * )) * ``` * * * The generated SQL (PostgreSQL): * * ```sql * select * "person".* * from * "person" * where * $1 = any("person"."nicknames") * ``` */ any>(expr: RE): Exclude, null> extends ReadonlyArray ? ExpressionWrapper : KyselyTypeError<'any(expr) call failed: expr must be an array'>; any(subquery: SelectQueryBuilderExpression>): ExpressionWrapper; any(expr: Expression>): ExpressionWrapper; /** * Creates a json_agg function call. * * This function is only available on PostgreSQL. * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('person') * .innerJoin('pet', 'pet.owner_id', '') * .select((eb) => ['first_name', eb.fn.jsonAgg('pet').as('pets')]) * .groupBy('person.first_name') * .execute() * ``` * * The generated SQL (PostgreSQL): * * ```sql * select "first_name", json_agg("pet") as "pets" * from "person" * inner join "pet" on "pet"."owner_id" = "person"."id" * group by "person"."first_name" * ``` */ jsonAgg>(table: T): AggregateFunctionBuilder[] : T extends Expression ? O[] : never>; /** * Creates a to_json function call. * * This function is only available on PostgreSQL. * * ```ts * db.selectFrom('person') * .innerJoin('pet', 'pet.owner_id', '') * .select((eb) => ['first_name', eb.fn.toJson('pet').as('pet')]) * .execute() * ``` * * The generated SQL (PostgreSQL): * * ```sql * select "first_name", to_json("pet") as "pet" * from "person" * inner join "pet" on "pet"."owner_id" = "person"."id" * ``` */ toJson>(table: T): ExpressionWrapper : T extends Expression ? O : never>; } export declare function createFunctionModule(): FunctionModule;