import { Dialect } from './dialect/dialect.js'; import { SchemaModule } from './schema/schema.js'; import { DynamicModule } from './dynamic/dynamic.js'; import { QueryExecutor } from './query-executor/query-executor.js'; import { QueryCreator } from './query-creator.js'; import { KyselyPlugin } from './plugin/kysely-plugin.js'; import { DatabaseIntrospector } from './dialect/database-introspector.js'; import { Driver, IsolationLevel } from './driver/driver.js'; import { FunctionModule } from './query-builder/function-module.js'; import { LogConfig } from './util/log.js'; import { QueryExecutorProvider } from './query-executor/query-executor-provider.js'; import { QueryResult } from './driver/database-connection.js'; import { CompiledQuery } from './query-compiler/compiled-query.js'; import { QueryId } from './util/query-id.js'; import { Compilable } from './util/compilable.js'; import { CaseBuilder } from './query-builder/case-builder.js'; import { Expression } from './expression/expression.js'; import { DrainOuterGeneric } from './util/type-utils.js'; /** * The main Kysely class. * * You should create one instance of `Kysely` per database using the {@link Kysely} * constructor. Each `Kysely` instance maintains it's own connection pool. * * ### Examples * * This example assumes your database has tables `person` and `pet`: * * ```ts * import { Kysely, Generated, PostgresDialect } from 'kysely' * * interface PersonTable { * id: Generated * first_name: string * last_name: string * } * * interface PetTable { * id: Generated * owner_id: number * name: string * species: 'cat' | 'dog' * } * * interface Database { * person: PersonTable, * pet: PetTable * } * * const db = new Kysely({ * dialect: new PostgresDialect({ * host: 'localhost', * database: 'kysely_test', * }) * }) * ``` * * @typeParam DB - The database interface type. Keys of this type must be table names * in the database and values must be interfaces that describe the rows in those * tables. See the examples above. */ export declare class Kysely extends QueryCreator implements QueryExecutorProvider { #private; constructor(args: KyselyConfig); constructor(args: KyselyProps); /** * Returns the {@link SchemaModule} module for building database schema. */ get schema(): SchemaModule; /** * Returns a the {@link DynamicModule} module. * * The {@link DynamicModule} module can be used to bypass strict typing and * passing in dynamic values for the queries. */ get dynamic(): DynamicModule; /** * Returns a {@link DatabaseIntrospector | database introspector}. */ get introspection(): DatabaseIntrospector; /** * Creates a `case` statement/operator. * * See {@link} for more information. */ case(): CaseBuilder; case(value: Expression): CaseBuilder; /** * Returns a {@link FunctionModule} that can be used to write type safe function * calls. * * ```ts * await db.selectFrom('person') * .innerJoin('pet', 'pet.owner_id', '') * .select((eb) => [ * '', * eb.fn.count('').as('pet_count') * ]) * .groupBy('') * .having((eb) => eb.fn.count(''), '>', 10) * .execute() * ``` * * The generated SQL (PostgreSQL): * * ```sql * select "person"."id", count("pet"."id") as "pet_count" * from "person" * inner join "pet" on "pet"."owner_id" = "person"."id" * group by "person"."id" * having count("pet"."id") > $1 * ``` */ get fn(): FunctionModule; /** * Creates a {@link TransactionBuilder} that can be used to run queries inside a transaction. * * The returned {@link TransactionBuilder} can be used to configure the transaction. The * {@link TransactionBuilder.execute} method can then be called to run the transaction. * {@link TransactionBuilder.execute} takes a function that is run inside the * transaction. If the function throws, the transaction is rolled back. Otherwise * the transaction is committed. * * The callback function passed to the {@link TransactionBuilder.execute | execute} * method gets the transaction object as its only argument. The transaction is * of type {@link Transaction} which inherits {@link Kysely}. Any query * started through the transaction object is executed inside the transaction. * * ### Examples * * * * This example inserts two rows in a transaction. If an error is thrown inside * the callback passed to the `execute` method, the transaction is rolled back. * Otherwise it's committed. * * ```ts * const catto = await db.transaction().execute(async (trx) => { * const jennifer = await trx.insertInto('person') * .values({ * first_name: 'Jennifer', * last_name: 'Aniston', * age: 40, * }) * .returning('id') * .executeTakeFirstOrThrow() * * return await trx.insertInto('pet') * .values({ * owner_id:, * name: 'Catto', * species: 'cat', * is_favorite: false, * }) * .returningAll() * .executeTakeFirst() * }) * ``` * * Setting the isolation level: * * ```ts * await db * .transaction() * .setIsolationLevel('serializable') * .execute(async (trx) => { * await doStuff(trx) * }) * ``` */ transaction(): TransactionBuilder; /** * Provides a kysely instance bound to a single database connection. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * await db * .connection() * .execute(async (db) => { * // `db` is an instance of `Kysely` that's bound to a single * // database connection. All queries executed through `db` use * // the same connection. * await doStuff(db) * }) * ``` */ connection(): ConnectionBuilder; /** * Returns a copy of this Kysely instance with the given plugin installed. */ withPlugin(plugin: KyselyPlugin): Kysely; /** * Returns a copy of this Kysely instance without any plugins. */ withoutPlugins(): Kysely; /** * @override */ withSchema(schema: string): Kysely; /** * Returns a copy of this Kysely instance with tables added to its * database type. * * This method only modifies the types and doesn't affect any of the * executed queries in any way. * * ### Examples * * The following example adds and uses a temporary table: * * @example * ```ts * await db.schema * .createTable('temp_table') * .temporary() * .addColumn('some_column', 'integer') * .execute() * * const tempDb = db.withTables<{ * temp_table: { * some_column: number * } * }>() * * await tempDb * .insertInto('temp_table') * .values({ some_column: 100 }) * .execute() * ``` */ withTables>>(): Kysely>; /** * Releases all resources and disconnects from the database. * * You need to call this when you are done using the `Kysely` instance. */ destroy(): Promise; /** * Returns true if this `Kysely` instance is a transaction. * * You can also use `db instanceof Transaction`. */ get isTransaction(): boolean; /** * @internal * @private */ getExecutor(): QueryExecutor; /** * Executes a given compiled query or query builder. * * See {@link splitting build, compile and execute code recipe} for more information. */ executeQuery(query: CompiledQuery | Compilable, queryId?: QueryId): Promise>; } export declare class Transaction extends Kysely { #private; constructor(props: KyselyProps); /** * Returns true if this `Kysely` instance is a transaction. * * You can also use `db instanceof Transaction`. */ get isTransaction(): true; /** * Creates a {@link TransactionBuilder} that can be used to run queries inside a transaction. * * The returned {@link TransactionBuilder} can be used to configure the transaction. The * {@link TransactionBuilder.execute} method can then be called to run the transaction. * {@link TransactionBuilder.execute} takes a function that is run inside the * transaction. If the function throws, the transaction is rolled back. Otherwise * the transaction is committed. * * The callback function passed to the {@link TransactionBuilder.execute | execute} * method gets the transaction object as its only argument. The transaction is * of type {@link Transaction} which inherits {@link Kysely}. Any query * started through the transaction object is executed inside the transaction. * * ### Examples * * * * This example inserts two rows in a transaction. If an error is thrown inside * the callback passed to the `execute` method, the transaction is rolled back. * Otherwise it's committed. * * ```ts * const catto = await db.transaction().execute(async (trx) => { * const jennifer = await trx.insertInto('person') * .values({ * first_name: 'Jennifer', * last_name: 'Aniston', * age: 40, * }) * .returning('id') * .executeTakeFirstOrThrow() * * return await trx.insertInto('pet') * .values({ * owner_id:, * name: 'Catto', * species: 'cat', * is_favorite: false, * }) * .returningAll() * .executeTakeFirst() * }) * ``` * * Setting the isolation level: * * ```ts * await db * .transaction() * .setIsolationLevel('serializable') * .execute(async (trx) => { * await doStuff(trx) * }) * ``` */ transaction(): TransactionBuilder; /** * Provides a kysely instance bound to a single database connection. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * await db * .connection() * .execute(async (db) => { * // `db` is an instance of `Kysely` that's bound to a single * // database connection. All queries executed through `db` use * // the same connection. * await doStuff(db) * }) * ``` */ connection(): ConnectionBuilder; /** * Releases all resources and disconnects from the database. * * You need to call this when you are done using the `Kysely` instance. */ destroy(): Promise; /** * Returns a copy of this Kysely instance with the given plugin installed. */ withPlugin(plugin: KyselyPlugin): Transaction; /** * Returns a copy of this Kysely instance without any plugins. */ withoutPlugins(): Transaction; /** * @override */ withSchema(schema: string): Transaction; /** * Returns a copy of this Kysely instance with tables added to its * database type. * * This method only modifies the types and doesn't affect any of the * executed queries in any way. * * ### Examples * * The following example adds and uses a temporary table: * * @example * ```ts * await db.schema * .createTable('temp_table') * .temporary() * .addColumn('some_column', 'integer') * .execute() * * const tempDb = db.withTables<{ * temp_table: { * some_column: number * } * }>() * * await tempDb * .insertInto('temp_table') * .values({ some_column: 100 }) * .execute() * ``` */ withTables>>(): Transaction>; } export interface KyselyProps { readonly config: KyselyConfig; readonly driver: Driver; readonly executor: QueryExecutor; readonly dialect: Dialect; } export declare function isKyselyProps(obj: unknown): obj is KyselyProps; export interface KyselyConfig { readonly dialect: Dialect; readonly plugins?: KyselyPlugin[]; /** * A list of log levels to log or a custom logger function. * * Currently there's only two levels: `query` and `error`. * This will be expanded based on user feedback later. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * const db = new Kysely({ * dialect: new PostgresDialect(postgresConfig), * log: ['query', 'error'] * }) * ``` * * ```ts * const db = new Kysely({ * dialect: new PostgresDialect(postgresConfig), * log(event): void { * if (event.level === 'query') { * console.log(event.query.sql) * console.log(event.query.parameters) * } * } * }) * ``` */ readonly log?: LogConfig; } export declare class ConnectionBuilder { #private; constructor(props: ConnectionBuilderProps); execute(callback: (db: Kysely) => Promise): Promise; } interface ConnectionBuilderProps extends KyselyProps { } export declare class TransactionBuilder { #private; constructor(props: TransactionBuilderProps); setIsolationLevel(isolationLevel: IsolationLevel): TransactionBuilder; execute(callback: (trx: Transaction) => Promise): Promise; } interface TransactionBuilderProps extends KyselyProps { readonly isolationLevel?: IsolationLevel; } export {};