import { DatabaseConnection } from '../../driver/database-connection.js'; /** * Config for the MySQL dialect. * * */ export interface MysqlDialectConfig { /** * A mysql2 Pool instance or a function that returns one. * * If a function is provided, it's called once when the first query is executed. * * */ pool: MysqlPool | (() => Promise); /** * Called once for each created connection. */ onCreateConnection?: (connection: DatabaseConnection) => Promise; } /** * This interface is the subset of mysql2 driver's `Pool` class that * kysely needs. * * We don't use the type from `mysql2` here to not have a dependency to it. * * */ export interface MysqlPool { getConnection(callback: (error: unknown, connection: MysqlPoolConnection) => void): void; end(callback: (error: unknown) => void): void; } export interface MysqlPoolConnection { query(sql: string, parameters: ReadonlyArray): { stream: (options: MysqlStreamOptions) => MysqlStream; }; query(sql: string, parameters: ReadonlyArray, callback: (error: unknown, result: MysqlQueryResult) => void): void; release(): void; } export interface MysqlStreamOptions { highWaterMark?: number; objectMode?: boolean; } export interface MysqlStream { [Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator; } export interface MysqlOkPacket { affectedRows: number; changedRows: number; insertId: number; } export type MysqlQueryResult = MysqlOkPacket | Record[];