import {EventEmitter} from 'eventemitter3'; import {InternalEventsEmitter} from '../src/utils'; import {expect} from 'chai'; import {EventsMatcher} from '../test-kit/drivers/events-matcher'; import {SlowFs} from '../test-kit/drivers/slow-fs'; import {CacheFileSystem, FileSystem, fileSystemEventNames, MemoryFileSystem} from '../src/universal'; import { assertFileSystemContract, assertFileSystemSyncContract, content, dirName, fileName, ignoredDir, ignoredFile } from './implementation-suite'; describe(`the cache file system proxy`, () => { const eventMatcherOptions: EventsMatcher.Options = {retries: 15, interval: 2, timeout: 40, noExtraEventsGrace: 10}; assertFileSystemContract( async () => new CacheFileSystem(new MemoryFileSystem(undefined, [ignoredDir, ignoredFile])), eventMatcherOptions ); assertFileSystemSyncContract( async () => new CacheFileSystem(new MemoryFileSystem(undefined, [ignoredDir, ignoredFile])), eventMatcherOptions ); describe(`using slow FileSystem`, () => { const timeout = 200; let fs: FileSystem; let slow: FileSystem; let startTimestamp: number; let matcher: EventsMatcher; beforeEach(() => { startTimestamp =; slow = new SlowFs(timeout) fs = new CacheFileSystem(slow) matcher = new EventsMatcher(eventMatcherOptions); matcher.track(, ...fileSystemEventNames) }); it('loads file faster after it has been saved', () => { return fs.saveFile(fileName, content) .then(() => fs.loadTextFile(fileName)) .then(() => expect( - startTimestamp) * 2)); }) it('loads file faster after it has been saved from outside', () => { const onFileCreated = new Promise(resolve => {'fileCreated', () => { fs.loadTextFile(fileName) .then(() => resolve( - startTimestamp)) }) }) slow.saveFile(fileName, content) return expect(onFileCreated) * 2) }) it('loads tree faster after it has been loaded before', () => { return fs.loadDirectoryTree() .then(() => fs.loadDirectoryTree()) .then(() => expect( - startTimestamp) * 2)) }) }); describe(`unexpected error behaviour`, () => { let fs: FileSystem; let original: FileSystem; let matcher: EventsMatcher; beforeEach(() => { original = new MemoryFileSystem(); fs = new CacheFileSystem(original); matcher = new EventsMatcher({ retries: 30, interval: 5, noExtraEventsGrace: 150, timeout: 300 }); matcher.track(, ...fileSystemEventNames) }); it('emits `fileCreated` if there is not cached file after error', () => {'fileCreated') return original.saveFile(fileName, content) .then(() => matcher.expect([])) .then(() => ( as InternalEventsEmitter).emit('unexpectedError', {type: 'unexpectedError'})) .then(() => matcher.expect([{type: 'fileCreated', fullPath: fileName, newContent: content}])) }) it('emits `directoryCreated` if there is not cached dir after error', () => {'directoryCreated'); return original.ensureDirectory(dirName) .then(() => matcher.expect([])) .then(() => ( as InternalEventsEmitter).emit('unexpectedError', {type: 'unexpectedError'})) .then(() => matcher.expect([{type: 'directoryCreated', fullPath: dirName}])) }) it('emits `fileDeleted` if there is cached file and no real file after error', () => { return fs.saveFile(fileName, content).then(() => {'fileDeleted'); return original.deleteFile(fileName) .then(() => matcher.expect([{type: 'fileCreated', fullPath: fileName}])) .then(() => ( as InternalEventsEmitter).emit('unexpectedError', {type: 'unexpectedError'})) .then(() => matcher.expect([{type: 'fileDeleted', fullPath: fileName}])) }) }) it('emits `directoryDeleted` if there is cached dir and no real dir after error', () => { return fs.ensureDirectory(dirName).then(() => {'directoryDeleted'); return original.deleteDirectory(dirName) .then(() => matcher.expect([{type: 'directoryCreated', fullPath: dirName}])) .then(() => ( as InternalEventsEmitter).emit('unexpectedError', {type: 'unexpectedError'})) .then(() => matcher.expect([{type: 'directoryDeleted', fullPath: dirName}])) }) }) it('emits `unexpectedError` if cache created with `rescanOnError = false` flag', () => { const fs = new CacheFileSystem(original, false); const matcher = new EventsMatcher(eventMatcherOptions); matcher.track(, ...fileSystemEventNames); ( as InternalEventsEmitter).emit('unexpectedError', {type: 'unexpectedError'}); return matcher.expect([{type: 'unexpectedError'}]); }) }); });