b0VIM 7.4][j+mikebruce~mike/projects/oss/jshint/jshint/src/messages.jsutf-8 3210#"! Utp]O^O ad]tsa?{^ | ? > % i M 1 r U , z A  q O   [4}GQc6}&fe4 W006: "Confusing minuses.", W005: "A dot following a number can be confused with a decimal point.", W004: "'{a}' is already defined.", W003: "'{a}' was used before it was defined.", W002: "Value of '{a}' may be overwritten in IE 8 and earlier.", W001: "'hasOwnProperty' is a really bad name.",var warnings = {}; "enable strict mode." E065: "Functions defined outside of strict mode with non-simple parameter lists may not " + E064: "Super call may only be used within class method bodies.", E063: "Super property may only be used within method bodies.", E062: "Rest parameter does not a support default value.", E061: "Invalid position for 'yield' expression (consider wrapping in parenthesis).", E060: "Non-callable values cannot be used as the second operand to instanceof.", E059: "Incompatible values for the '{a}' and '{b}' linting options.", E058: "Missing semicolon.", E057: "Invalid meta property: '{a}.{b}'.", E056: "'{a}' was used before it was declared, which is illegal for '{b}' variables.", E055: "The '{a}' option cannot be set after any executable code.", E054: "Class properties must be methods. Expected '(' but instead saw '{a}'.", E053: "{a} declarations are only allowed at the top level of module scope.", E052: "Unclosed template literal.", E051: null, E050: "Mozilla requires the yield expression to be parenthesized here.", E049: "A {a} cannot be named '{b}'.", E048: "{a} declaration not directly within block.", E047: null, E046: "Yield expressions may only occur within generator functions.", E045: "Invalid for each loop.", E044: null, E043: "Too many errors.", E042: "Stopping.", E041: "Unrecoverable syntax error.", E040: "Each value should have its own case label.", E039: "Function declarations are not invocable. Wrap the whole function invocation in parens.", E038: null, E037: null, E036: "Expected to see a statement and instead saw a block.", E035: "Missing property name.", E034: "get/set are ES5 features.", E033: "Expected an operator and instead saw '{a}'.", E032: "Expected a small integer or 'false' and instead saw '{a}'.", E031: "Bad assignment.", // FIXME: Rephrase E030: "Expected an identifier and instead saw '{a}'.", // Everything else E029: "Unclosed string.", E028: "Illegal comma.", E027: "Missing ']' to match '[' from line {a}.", E026: "Missing '}' to match '{' from line {a}.", E025: "Missing ':' on a case clause.", E024: "Unexpected '{a}'.", E023: "Missing '{a}'.", E022: "Line breaking error '{a}'.", E021: "Expected '{a}' and instead saw '{b}'.", E020: "Expected '{a}' to match '{b}' from line {c} and instead saw '{d}'.", E019: "Unmatched '{a}'.", E018: "Unbegun comment.", E017: "Unclosed comment.", // Tokens E016: "Invalid regular expression.", E015: "Unclosed regular expression.", E014: "A regular expression literal can be confused with '/='.", // Regular expressions E013: "Attempting to override '{a}' which is a constant.", E012: "const '{a}' is initialized to 'undefined'.", E011: "'{a}' has already been declared.", // Constants E010: "'with' is not allowed in strict mode.", E009: "Option 'validthis' can't be used in a global scope.", E008: "Strict violation.", E007: "Missing \"use strict\" statement.", // Strict mode E006: "Unexpected early end of program.", E005: "Input is empty.", E004: "Input is neither a string nor an array of strings.", E003: "Expected a JSON value.", // JSHint input E002: "Bad option value.", E001: "Bad {a}option: '{b}'.", // JSHint optionsvar errors = {var _ = require("lodash");"use strict";ad gcb> }); exports.info[code] = { code: code, desc: desc };_.each(info, function(desc, code) {}); exports.warnings[code] = { code: code, desc: desc };_.each(warnings, function(desc, code) {}); exports.errors[code] = { code: code, desc: desc };ad\OUT  ` R  L  n v M "  X 7 f.,Vo:}5{=xNKJ=\_.each(errors, function(desc, code) {exports.info = {};exports.warnings = {};exports.errors = {};}; I003: "ES5 option is now set per default" I002: null, I001: "Comma warnings can be turned off with 'laxcomma'.",var info = {}; W145: "Unnecessary `await` expression." W144: "Superfluous 'case' clause.", W143: "'{a}' is a non-standard language feature. Enable it using the '{b}' unstable option.", W142: "Empty {a}: consider replacing with `import '{b}';`.", W141: "Empty {a}: this is unnecessary and can be removed.", W140: "Missing comma.", W139: "Function expressions should not be used as the second operand to instanceof.", W138: "Regular parameters should not come after default parameters.", W137: "Empty destructuring: this is unnecessary and can be removed.", W136: "'{a}' must be in function scope.", W135: "{a} may not be supported by non-browser environments.", W134: "The '{a}' option is only available when linting ECMAScript {b} code.", W133: "Invalid for-{a} loop left-hand-side: {b}.", W132: "`var` declarations are forbidden. Use `let` or `const` instead.", W131: "Invalid parameter after rest parameter.", W130: "Invalid element after rest element.", "different variable name to avoid migration issues.", W129: "'{a}' is defined in a future version of JavaScript. Use a " + W128: "Empty array elements require elision=true.", W127: "Unexpected use of a comma operator.", W126: "Unnecessary grouping operator.", W125: "This line contains non-breaking spaces: http://jshint.com/docs/options/#nonbsp", W124: "A generator function should contain at least one yield expression.", W123: "'{a}' is already defined in outer scope.", W122: "Invalid typeof value '{a}'", W121: "Extending prototype of native object: '{a}'.", W120: "You might be leaking a variable ({a}) here.", W119: "'{a}' is only available in ES{b} (use 'esversion: {b}').", W118: "'{a}' is only available in Mozilla JavaScript extensions (use moz option).", W117: "'{a}' is not defined.", W116: "Expected '{a}' and instead saw '{b}'.", W115: "Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode.", W114: "Avoid {a}.", W113: "Control character in string: {a}.", W112: "Unclosed string.", W110: "Mixed double and single quotes.", W109: "Strings must use singlequote.", W108: "Strings must use doublequote.", W107: "Script URL.", W106: "Identifier '{a}' is not in camel case.", W105: "Unexpected {a} in '{b}'.", W104: "'{a}' is available in ES{b} (use 'esversion: {b}') or Mozilla JS extensions (use moz).", W103: "The '{a}' property is deprecated.", W102: null, W101: "Line is too long.", W100: "This character may get silently deleted by one or more browsers.", W099: null, W098: "'{a}' is defined but never used.", W097: "Use the function form of \"use strict\".", W096: "The '{a}' key may produce unexpected results.", W095: "Expected a string and instead saw {a}.", W094: "Unexpected comma.", W093: "Did you mean to return a conditional instead of an assignment?", W091: null, W090: "'{a}' is not a statement label.", "unwanted properties from the prototype.", W089: "The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter " + W088: "Creating global 'for' variable. Should be 'for (var {a} ...'.", W087: "Forgotten 'debugger' statement?", W086: "Expected a 'break' statement before '{a}'.", W085: "Don't use 'with'.", W084: "Expected a conditional expression and instead saw an assignment.", "variable may lead to confusing semantics. ({a})", W083: "Functions declared within loops referencing an outer scoped " + "the outer function.", "Use a function expression or move the statement to the top of " +ad"zOd+jR/ l 7 ) _ 5 j L " x * L / y4m( X8wTEf7\/ zy W082: "Function declarations should not be placed in blocks. " + W081: null, W080: "It's not necessary to initialize '{a}' to 'undefined'.", W079: "Redefinition of '{a}'.", W078: "Setter is defined without getter.", W077: "Expected a single parameter in set {a} function.", W076: "Unexpected parameter '{a}' in get {b} function.", W075: "Duplicate {a} '{b}'.", W074: "This function's cyclomatic complexity is too high. ({a})", W073: "Blocks are nested too deeply. ({a})", W072: "This function has too many parameters. ({a})", W071: "This function has too many statements. ({a})", W070: "Extra comma. (it breaks older versions of IE)", W069: "['{a}'] is better written in dot notation.", W068: "Wrapping non-IIFE function literals in parens is unnecessary.", W067: "Bad invocation.", W066: "Implied eval. Consider passing a function instead of a string.", W065: "Missing radix parameter.", W064: "Missing 'new' prefix when invoking a constructor.", W063: "Math is not a function.", "is the result of a function, and not the function itself.", "to assist the reader in understanding that the expression " + W062: "Wrap an immediate function invocation in parens " + W061: "eval can be harmful.", W060: "document.write can be a form of eval.", W059: "Avoid arguments.{a}.", W058: "Missing '()' invoking a constructor.", W057: "Weird construction. Is 'new' necessary?", W056: "Bad constructor.", W055: "A constructor name should start with an uppercase letter.", W054: "The Function constructor is a form of eval.", W053: "Do not use {a} as a constructor.", W052: "Unexpected '{a}'.", W051: "Variables should not be deleted.", W050: "JavaScript URL.", W049: "Unexpected escaped character '{a}' in regular expression.", W048: "Unexpected control character in regular expression.", W047: "A trailing decimal point can be confused with a dot: '{a}'.", W046: "Don't use extra leading zeros '{a}'.", W045: "Bad number '{a}'.", W044: "Bad or unnecessary escaping.", /* TODO(caitp): remove W044 */ W043: "Bad escaping of EOL. Use option multistr if needed.", W042: "Avoid EOL escaping.", W041: null, "its 'this' value will be undefined.", W040: "If a strict mode function is executed using function invocation, " + W039: "'{a}' is not allowed.", W038: "'{a}' used out of scope.", W037: "'{a}' is a statement label.", W036: "Unexpected /*member '{a}'.", W035: "Empty block.", W034: "Unnecessary directive \"{a}\".", W033: "Missing semicolon.", W032: "Unnecessary semicolon.", W031: "Do not use 'new' for side effects.", W030: "Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.", W028: "Label '{a}' on {b} statement.", W027: "Unreachable '{a}' after '{b}'.", W026: "Inner functions should be listed at the top of the outer function.", W025: "Missing name in function declaration.", W024: "Expected an identifier and instead saw '{a}' (a reserved word).", W023: null, W022: "Do not assign to the exception parameter.", "Use 'var' or 'let' to declare bindings that may change.", W021: "Reassignment of '{a}', which is is a {b}. " + W020: "Read only.", W019: "Use the isNaN function to compare with NaN.", W018: "Confusing use of '{a}'.", W017: "Bad operand.", W016: "Unexpected use of '{a}'.", W015: null, W014: "Misleading line break before '{a}'; readers may interpret this as an expression boundary.", W013: null, W012: null, W011: null, W010: "The object literal notation {} is preferable.", W009: "The array literal notation [] is preferable.", W008: "A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot: '{a}'.", W007: "Confusing plusses.",