b0VIM 8.0i`M Jmikebruce~mike/projects/oss/jshint/jshint/src/messages.js 3210#"! Utp\N]Iad,\tsa?{^ | ? > % i M 1 r U , z A  q O   [4}GQc6}&fy2var warnings = {}; E070: "import.meta may only be used in module code." E069: "Duplicate exported binding: '{a}'.", E068: "Decimals with leading zeros are not allowed in strict mode.", E067: "Malformed numeric literal: '{a}'.", E066: "Asynchronous iteration is only available with for-of loops.", "enable strict mode.", E065: "Functions defined outside of strict mode with non-simple parameter lists may not " + E064: "Super call may only be used within class method bodies.", E063: "Super property may only be used within method bodies.", E062: "Rest parameter does not a support default value.", E061: "Invalid position for 'yield' expression (consider wrapping in parenthesis).", E060: "Non-callable values cannot be used as the second operand to instanceof.", E059: "Incompatible values for the '{a}' and '{b}' linting options.", E058: "Missing semicolon.", E057: "Invalid meta property: '{a}.{b}'.", E056: "'{a}' was used before it was declared, which is illegal for '{b}' variables.", E055: "The '{a}' option cannot be set after any executable code.", E054: "Class properties must be methods. Expected '(' but instead saw '{a}'.", E053: "{a} declarations are only allowed at the top level of module scope.", E052: "Unclosed template literal.", E051: null, E050: "Mozilla requires the yield expression to be parenthesized here.", E049: "A {a} cannot be named '{b}'.", E048: "{a} declaration not directly within block.", E047: null, E046: "Yield expressions may only occur within generator functions.", E045: "Invalid for each loop.", E044: null, E043: "Too many errors.", E042: "Stopping.", E041: "Unrecoverable syntax error.", E040: "Each value should have its own case label.", E039: "Function declarations are not invocable. Wrap the whole function invocation in parens.", E038: null, E037: null, E036: "Expected to see a statement and instead saw a block.", E035: "Missing property name.", E034: "get/set are ES5 features.", E033: "Expected an operator and instead saw '{a}'.", E032: "Expected a small integer or 'false' and instead saw '{a}'.", E031: "Bad assignment.", // FIXME: Rephrase E030: "Expected an identifier and instead saw '{a}'.", // Everything else E029: "Unclosed string.", E028: "Illegal comma.", E027: "Missing ']' to match '[' from line {a}.", E026: "Missing '}' to match '{' from line {a}.", E025: "Missing ':' on a case clause.", E024: "Unexpected '{a}'.", E023: "Missing '{a}'.", E022: "Line breaking error '{a}'.", E021: "Expected '{a}' and instead saw '{b}'.", E020: "Expected '{a}' to match '{b}' from line {c} and instead saw '{d}'.", E019: "Unmatched '{a}'.", E018: "Unbegun comment.", E017: "Unclosed comment.", // Tokens E016: "Invalid regular expression.", E015: "Unclosed regular expression.", E014: "A regular expression literal can be confused with '/='.", // Regular expressions E013: "Attempting to override '{a}' which is a constant.", E012: "const '{a}' is initialized to 'undefined'.", E011: "'{a}' has already been declared.", // Constants E010: "'with' is not allowed in strict mode.", E009: "Option 'validthis' can't be used in a global scope.", E008: "Strict violation.", E007: "Missing \"use strict\" statement.", // Strict mode E006: "Unexpected early end of program.", E005: "Input is empty.", E004: "Input is neither a string nor an array of strings.", E003: "Expected a JSON value.", // JSHint input E002: "Bad option value.", E001: "Bad {a}option: '{b}'.", // JSHint optionsvar errors = {var _ = require("lodash");"use strict";adu  zOda`K4!  a ] \ 8   }); exports.info[code] = { code: code, desc: desc };_.each(info, function(desc, code) {}); exports.warnings[code] = { code: code, desc: desc };_.each(warnings, function(desc, code) {}); exports.errors[code] = { code: code, desc: desc };_.each(errors, function(desc, code) {exports.info = {};exports.warnings = {};exports.errors = {};}; I003: "ES5 option is now set per default" I002: null, I001: "Comma warnings can be turned off with 'laxcomma'.",var info = {}; W148: "Unnecessary RegExp 's' flag." W147: "Regular expressions should include the 'u' flag.", W146: "Unnecessary `await` expression.", W145: "Superfluous 'case' clause.", W144: "'{a}' is a non-standard language feature. Enable it using the '{b}' unstable option.",