b0VIM 8.0j_* _mikebruce~mike/projects/oss/jshint/jshint/src/cli.js 3210#"! Utp{|m ad{wN"c, 3 %  t k f M q    j     f O 8 `\YXTnkVR1#x=-*v[2&%trqYD oQ.   UR * @param {string} file path to the file to be linted * * all the way to the root just like findFile. * (if any). It search in the current directory and then goes up * Tries to find JSHint configuration within a package.json file/**} } } return homePath; if (fs.existsSync(homePath)) { homePath = paths.shift(); while (paths.length) { ]; environment.HOMEDRIVE + environment.HOMEPATH environment.HOMEPATH, environment.HOME, environment.USERPROFILE, var paths = [ var environment = global.process.env; var homePath = "";function getHomeDir() {} return null; } return home; if (shjs.test("-e", home)) home = path.normalize(path.join(envs, ".jshintrc")); else if (envs) { return proj; if (proj) var home; var proj = findFile(".jshintrc", dir); var envs = getHomeDir(); var dir = path.dirname(path.resolve(file));function findConfig(file) { */ * @returns {string} a path to the config file * @param {string} file path to the file to be linted * * '.jshintrc'. * or in the home directory. Configuration files are named * Tries to find a configuration file in either project directory/**} return text + " (DEPRECATED, use " + alt + " instead)"; } return text + " (DEPRECATED)"; if (!alt) {function deprecated(text, alt) { */ * @returns {string} * * deprecation notice. * @param {string} alt (optional) Alternative command to include in the * @param {string} text * * Useful for options descriptions. * Returns the same text but with a deprecation notice./**}; ] deprecated("Use a CheckStyle compatible XML reporter", "--reporter=checkstyle") "checkstyle-reporter", "checkstyle-reporter": [ ], deprecated("Use a jslint compatible reporter", "--reporter=jslint") "jslint-reporter", "jslint-reporter": [ // Deprecated options. ], "never" "string", "Extract inline scripts contained in HTML (auto|always|never, default to never)", "extract", "extract": [ "Comma-separated list of file extensions to use (default is .js)", "string", ""], "extra-ext": ["e", "show-non-errors": ["show-non-errors", "Show additional data generated by jshint"], "verbose": ["verbose", "Show message codes"], "string", null], "Pass in a filename when using STDIN to emulate config lookup for that file name", "filename": ["filename", "exclude-path": ["exclude-path", "Pass in a custom jshintignore file path", "string", null], "Exclude files matching the given filename pattern (same as .jshintignore)", "string", null], "exclude": ["exclude", ], null "string", "definitions of global variables used throughout your project", "Comma-separated list of prerequisites (paths). E.g. files which include " + "prereq", "prereq": [ "reporter": ["reporter", "Custom reporter (|jslint|checkstyle|unix)", "string", undefined ], "config": ["c", "Custom configuration file", "string", false ],var OPTIONS = {var defReporter = require("./reporters/default").reporter;var JSHINT = require("./jshint.js").JSHINT;var stripJsonComments = require("strip-json-comments");var exit = require("exit");var htmlparser = require("htmlparser2");var minimatch = require("minimatch");var shjs = require("shelljs");var path = require("path");var cli = require("cli");var fs = require("fs");var _ = require("lodash");"use strict";ad t)module.exports = exports;}; } }, done)); useStdin: { "-": true, "/dev/stdin": true }[args[args.length - 1]] prereq: options.prereq, filename: options.filename, extract: options.extract, verbose: options.verbose,