b0VIM 8.0W]$ !mikebruce~mike/projects/oss/jshint/jshint/src/options.js 3210#"! Utp c[d_afixNlq2[XVadcRJ(! t l T S K  v (  H ~ 1 x + Eih`w'^H~}u(@ * for (key in obj) { * * the example: * is generally safer to always filter inherited properties out as shown in * chain. This behavior can lead to unexpected items in your object so it * properties of an object including those inherited through the prototype * for in statement allows for looping through the names of all of the * This option requires all `for in` loops to filter object's items. The /** es5 : true, */ * @deprecated Use `esversion: 5` instead. * * keywords as object properties. * specification](http://es5.github.io/). This includes allowing reserved * This option enables syntax first defined in [the ECMAScript 5.1 /** es3 : true, */ * @deprecated Use `esversion: 3` instead. * * JavaScript environments. * in older browsers—such as Internet Explorer 6/7/8/9—and other legacy * specification. Use this option if you need your program to be executable * This option tells JSHint that your code needs to adhere to ECMAScript 3 /** futurehostile: true, */ * cause issues when migrating codebases to newer versions of the language. * no effect in contexts where they are not implemented, this practice can * defined in future versions of JavaScript. Although overwriting them has * This option enables warnings about the use of identifiers which are /** eqeqeq : true, */ * by Angus Croll. * JavaScript](http://javascriptweblog.wordpress.com/2011/02/07/truth-equality-and-javascript/) * coercion in JavaScript, we recommend [Truth, Equality and * they are generally safer. If you would like to learn more about type * lead to some unexpected results. The latter don't do any coercion so * `!==`. The former try to coerce values before comparing them which can * This options prohibits the use of `==` and `!=` in favor of `===` and /** curly : true, */ * sleep(); * shuffle(); * while (day) * * `sleep()` is a part of the loop while in reality it is not): * However, in some circumstances, it can lead to bugs (you'd think that * * shuffle(); * while (day) * * the block consists of only one statement, for example: * loops and conditionals. JavaScript allows you to omit curly braces when * This option requires you to always put curly braces around blocks in /** camelcase : true, */ * project](https://github.com/jscs-dev/node-jscs). * check out [the JSCS * If you would like to enforce rules relating to code style, * @deprecated JSHint is limiting its scope to issues of code correctness. * * camelCase style or UPPER_CASE with underscores. * This option allows you to force all variable names to use either /** freeze : true, */ * // -> Warning: Extending prototype of native object: 'Array'. * Array.prototype.count = function (value) { return 4; }; * // jshint freeze:true * * `Array`, `Date` and so on. * This options prohibits overwriting prototypes of native objects such as * /** bitwise : true, */ * programs and quite often `&` is simply a mistyped `&&`. * `|` (OR) and others. Bitwise operators are very rare in JavaScript * This option prohibits the use of bitwise operators such as `^` (XOR), /** enforcing: {exports.bool = {// These are the JSHint boolean options."use strict";adw{xw5$ }; regexpu: true strict: true, varstmt: true,exports.noenforceall = {// `enforceall`.// Add options here which should not be automatically enforced by}; trailing: true smarttabs: true, gcl: true, white: true, passfail: true, onevar: true, nomen: true,exports.removed = {