{ "rules": { "terminology": { "defaultTerms": false, "terms": [ // Brands "Airbnb", "Android", "AppleScript", "AppVeyor", "AVA", "BrowserStack", "Browsersync", "Codecov", "CodePen", "CodeSandbox", "DefinitelyTyped", "EditorConfig", "ESLint", "FIWARE", ["NSGI", "NGSI"], "GitHub", "GraphQL", "iOS", "JavaScript", "JetBrains", "jQuery", "LinkedIn", "Lodash", "MacBook", "Markdown", "OpenType", "PayPal", "PhpStorm", "RubyMine", "Sass", "SemVer", "TypeScript", "UglifyJS", "WebStorm", "WordPress", "YouTube", ["JSDocs?", "JSDoc"], // ["Node(?:js)?", "Node.js"], ["React[ .]js", "React"], ["SauceLabs", "Sauce Labs"], ["StackOverflow", "Stack Overflow"], ["styled ?components", "styled-components"], ["HTTP[ /]2(?:\\.0)?", "HTTP/2"], ["OS X", "macOS"], ["Mac ?OS", "macOS"], ["a npm", "an npm"], // ECMAScript "ECMAScript", ["ES2015", "ES6"], ["ES7", "ES2016"], // Abbreviations "3D", ["3-D", "3D"], "Ajax", "API", ["API['’]?s", "APIs"], "CSS", "GIF", "HTML", "HTTPS", "IoT", "I/O", ["I-O", "I/O"], "JPEG", "MIME", ["NGSIv2", "NGSI v2"], "OK", "PaaS", "PDF", "PNG", "SaaS", "URL", ["URL['’]?s", "URLs"], ["an URL", "a URL"], ["wi[- ]?fi", "Wi-Fi"], // Names "McKenzie", "McConnell", // Words and phrases "ID", // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1151338/id-or-id-on-user-interface ["id['’]?s", "IDs"], ["backwards compatible", "backward compatible"], ["build system(s?)", "build tool$1"], ["CLI tool(s?)", "command-line tool$1"], ["he or she", "they"], ["he/she", "they"], ["\\(s\\)he", "they"], ["repo\\b", "repository"], ["smartphone(s?)", "mobile phone$1"], ["web[- ]?site(s?)", "site$1"], // Single word ["auto[- ]complete", "autocomplete"], ["auto[- ]format", "autoformat"], ["auto[- ]fix", "autofix"], ["auto[- ]fixing", "autofixing"], ["back[- ]end(\\w*)", "backend$1"], ["bug[- ]fix(es?)", "bugfix$1"], ["check[- ]box(es?)", "checkbox$1"], ["code[- ]base(es?)", "codebase$1"], ["co[- ]locate(d?)", "colocate$1"], ["end[- ]point(s?)", "endpoint$1"], ["e[- ]mail(s?)", "email$1"], ["file[- ]name(s?)", "filename$1"], ["front[- ]end(\\w*)", "frontend$1"], ["hack[- ]a[- ]thon(s?)", "hackathon$1"], ["host[- ]name(s?)", "hostname$1"], ["hot[- ]key(s?)", "hotkey$1"], ["life[- ]cycle", "lifecycle"], ["life[- ]stream(s?)", "lifestream$1"], ["lock[- ]file(s?)", "lockfile$1"], ["mark-up", "markup"], // “mark up” as a verb is OK ["meta[- ]data", "metadata"], ["name[- ]space(s?)", "namespace$1"], ["pre[- ]condition(s?)", "precondition$1"], ["pre[- ]defined", "predefined"], ["pre[- ]release(s?)", "prerelease$1"], ["run[- ]time", "runtime"], ["screen[- ]shot(s?)", "screenshot$1"], ["screen[- ]?snap(s?)", "screenshot$1"], ["sub[- ]class((?:es|ing)?)", "subclass$1"], ["sub[- ]tree(s?)", "subtree$1"], ["time[- ]stamp(s?)", "timestamp$1"], ["touch[- ]screen(s?)", "touchscreen$1"], ["user[- ]name(s?)", "username$1"], ["walk[- ]through", "walkthrough"], ["white[- ]space", "whitespace"], ["wild[- ]card(s?)", "wildcard$1"], // Multiple words ["change-?log(s?)", "change log$1"], ["css-?in-?js", "CSS in JS"], ["code-?review(s?)", "code review$1"], ["code-?splitting", "code splitting"], ["end-?user(s?)", "end user$1"], ["file-?type(s?)", "file type$1"], ["open-?source(ed?)", "open source$1"], ["regexp?(s?)", "regular expression$1"], ["style-?guide(s?)", "style guide$1"], ["tree-?shaking", "tree shaking"], ["source-?map(s?)", "source map$1"], ["style-?sheet(s?)", "style sheet$1"], ["user-?base", "user base"], ["web-?page(s?)", "web page$1"], // Hyphenated ["built ?in", "built-in"], ["client ?side", "client-side"], ["command ?line", "command-line"], ["end ?to ?end", "end-to-end"], ["error ?prone", "error-prone"], ["higher ?order", "higher-order"], ["key[/ ]?value", "key-value"], ["server ?side", "server-side"], ["two ?steps?", "two-step"], ["2 ?steps?", "two-step"], // Starts from a lower case letter in the middle of a sentence ["(\\w+[^.?!]\\)? )base64", "$1base64"], ["(\\w+[^.?!]\\)? )stylelint", "$1stylelint"], ["(\\w+[^.?!]\\)? )webpack", "$1webpack"], ["(\\w+[^.?!]\\)? )npm", "$1npm"], // Typos ["environemnt(s?)", "environment$1"], ["pacakge(s?)", "package$1"], ["tilda", "tilde"], ["falsey", "falsy"] ] }, "common-misspellings": true, "write-good": { "adverb": false, "passive": false, "tooWordy": false, "weasel": false, "so": false, "thereIs": false } }, "filters": { "comments": true } }