import { CollisionAvoidanceType } from "igniteui-webcomponents-charts"; import { ScatterItemSearchMode } from "igniteui-webcomponents-charts"; import { IgcAssigningScatterStyleEventArgs } from "igniteui-webcomponents-charts"; import { IgcAssigningScatterMarkerStyleEventArgs } from "igniteui-webcomponents-charts"; import { IgcGeographicMarkerSeriesComponent } from "./igc-geographic-marker-series-component"; import { GeographicSymbolSeries } from "./GeographicSymbolSeries"; /** * Series class for a geographic map with points marked at given locations. * This is the geographic equivalent of a ScatterSeries. */ export declare class IgcGeographicSymbolSeriesComponent extends IgcGeographicMarkerSeriesComponent { protected createImplementation(): GeographicSymbolSeries; /** * @hidden */ get i(): GeographicSymbolSeries; constructor(); connectedCallback(): void; disconnectedCallback(): void; private static _observedAttributesIgcGeographicSymbolSeriesComponent; static get observedAttributes(): string[]; static htmlTagName: string; protected static _isElementRegistered: boolean; static register(): void; /** * Gets whether the series has only marker as visuals */ get hasOnlyMarkers(): boolean; /** * The name of the property of ItemsSource items which contains the latitude coordinate of the symbol. */ get latitudeMemberPath(): string; set latitudeMemberPath(v: string); /** * The name of the property of ItemsSource items which contains the longitude coordinate of the symbol. */ get longitudeMemberPath(): string; set longitudeMemberPath(v: string); /** * The desired behavior for markers in this series which are placed too close together for the current view, resulting in a collision. */ get markerCollisionAvoidance(): CollisionAvoidanceType; set markerCollisionAvoidance(v: CollisionAvoidanceType); /** * Gets or sets whether this Scatter series should allow custom style overrides of its individual visuals. */ get isCustomScatterStyleAllowed(): boolean; set isCustomScatterStyleAllowed(v: boolean); /** * Gets or sets whether this Scatter series should allow custom style overrides of its individual marker visuals. */ get isCustomScatterMarkerStyleAllowed(): boolean; set isCustomScatterMarkerStyleAllowed(v: boolean); /** * Gets or sets the mode the series will use to find the closest point to the cursor. */ get itemSearchMode(): ScatterItemSearchMode; set itemSearchMode(v: ScatterItemSearchMode); /** * Gets or sets the threshold to use when searching for items using ItemSearchMode. */ get itemSearchThreshold(): number; set itemSearchThreshold(v: number); private _assigningScatterStyle; private _assigningScatterStyle_wrapped; /** * Event raised when Assigning Category Style */ get assigningScatterStyle(): (s: IgcGeographicSymbolSeriesComponent, e: IgcAssigningScatterStyleEventArgs) => void; set assigningScatterStyle(ev: (s: IgcGeographicSymbolSeriesComponent, e: IgcAssigningScatterStyleEventArgs) => void); private _assigningScatterMarkerStyle; private _assigningScatterMarkerStyle_wrapped; /** * Event raised when Assigning Scatter Marker Style */ get assigningScatterMarkerStyle(): (s: IgcGeographicSymbolSeriesComponent, e: IgcAssigningScatterMarkerStyleEventArgs) => void; set assigningScatterMarkerStyle(ev: (s: IgcGeographicSymbolSeriesComponent, e: IgcAssigningScatterMarkerStyleEventArgs) => void); }