import { IgcGeographicMapSeriesHostComponent } from "./igc-geographic-map-series-host-component"; import { GeographicShapeSeriesBase } from "./GeographicShapeSeriesBase"; import { IgcShapeDataSource } from "igniteui-webcomponents-core"; import { IgcAssigningShapeStyleEventArgs } from "igniteui-webcomponents-charts"; import { IgcAssigningShapeMarkerStyleEventArgs } from "igniteui-webcomponents-charts"; import { ShapeItemSearchMode } from "igniteui-webcomponents-charts"; /** * Base class for series which render polygons on a map. */ export declare abstract class IgcGeographicShapeSeriesBaseComponent extends IgcGeographicMapSeriesHostComponent { /** * @hidden */ get i(): GeographicShapeSeriesBase; constructor(); connectedCallback(): void; disconnectedCallback(): void; private static _observedAttributesIgcGeographicShapeSeriesBaseComponent; static get observedAttributes(): string[]; private _shapeDataSource; /** * Gets or sets the string path of the .shp portion of the Shapefile. */ set shapeDataSource(value: string); get shapeDataSource(): string; private _databaseSource; /** * Gets or sets the string path of the .dbf portion of the Shapefile. */ set databaseSource(value: string); get databaseSource(): string; private _currData; private _onImportCompleted; protected onUpdateDataSource(dataSource: any): any; private _cachedShapeDataSource; private updateShapeDataSource; private onShapeDataSourceImportCompleted; /** * The name of the property on ItemsSource items which, for each shape, contains a list of points to be converted to a polygon. * To be consistent with the Shapefile technical description, it is expected that each list of points is defined as an IEnumerable of IEnumerable of Point, or in other words, a list of lists of points. */ get shapeMemberPath(): string; set shapeMemberPath(v: string); /** * Gets or sets whether this Shape series should allow custom style overrides of its individual visuals. */ get isCustomShapeStyleAllowed(): boolean; set isCustomShapeStyleAllowed(v: boolean); /** * Gets or sets whether this Shape series should allow custom style overrides of its individual marker visuals. */ get isCustomShapeMarkerStyleAllowed(): boolean; set isCustomShapeMarkerStyleAllowed(v: boolean); /** * Gets or sets the mode the series will use to find the closest point to the cursor. */ get itemSearchMode(): ShapeItemSearchMode; set itemSearchMode(v: ShapeItemSearchMode); /** * Gets or sets the threshold to use when searching for items using ItemSearchMode. */ get itemSearchThreshold(): number; set itemSearchThreshold(v: number); /** * Gets or sets the points threshold to use when searching for items using ItemSearchMode. */ get itemSearchPointsThreshold(): number; set itemSearchPointsThreshold(v: number); /** * Set a shapefile datasource to use with the series. */ get shapefileDataSource(): IgcShapeDataSource; set shapefileDataSource(v: IgcShapeDataSource); /** * The resolution at which to filter out shapes in the series. For example, if the ShapeFilterResolution is set to 3, then elements with a bounding rectangle smaller than 3 X 3 pixels will be filtered out. * In the case of GeographicPolylineSeries, the resolution is compared to either dimension, rather than both. In other words, a polyline will not be filtered if its height or its width exceeds the value of this property. Whereas with a ShapeSeries, both the height and the width must exceed the value of this property. */ get shapeFilterResolution(): number; set shapeFilterResolution(v: number); findByName(name: string): any; private _assigningShapeStyle; private _assigningShapeStyle_wrapped; /** * Event raised when Assigning Shape Style. Note, if using this event, or highlighting, its best to avoid use of ShapeStyle/StyleShape/ShapeStyleSelector. */ get assigningShapeStyle(): (s: IgcGeographicShapeSeriesBaseComponent, e: IgcAssigningShapeStyleEventArgs) => void; set assigningShapeStyle(ev: (s: IgcGeographicShapeSeriesBaseComponent, e: IgcAssigningShapeStyleEventArgs) => void); private _assigningShapeMarkerStyle; private _assigningShapeMarkerStyle_wrapped; /** * Event raised when Assigning Shape Marker Style */ get assigningShapeMarkerStyle(): (s: IgcGeographicShapeSeriesBaseComponent, e: IgcAssigningShapeMarkerStyleEventArgs) => void; set assigningShapeMarkerStyle(ev: (s: IgcGeographicShapeSeriesBaseComponent, e: IgcAssigningShapeMarkerStyleEventArgs) => void); }