import { IgcColorScaleComponent } from "igniteui-webcomponents-charts"; import { IgcTriangulationStatusEventArgs } from "igniteui-webcomponents-core"; import { IgcGeographicXYTriangulatingSeriesComponent } from "./igc-geographic-xy-triangulating-series-component"; import { GeographicScatterAreaSeries } from "./GeographicScatterAreaSeries"; /** * Series class which draws a colored 2D surface, in a geographic context, based on a triangulation of XY data with numeric values assigned to each point. */ export declare class IgcGeographicScatterAreaSeriesComponent extends IgcGeographicXYTriangulatingSeriesComponent { protected createImplementation(): GeographicScatterAreaSeries; /** * @hidden */ get i(): GeographicScatterAreaSeries; constructor(); connectedCallback(): void; disconnectedCallback(): void; private static _observedAttributesIgcGeographicScatterAreaSeriesComponent; static get observedAttributes(): string[]; static htmlTagName: string; protected static _isElementRegistered: boolean; static register(): void; /** * Gets whether the current series shows an area shape. */ get isArea(): boolean; /** * The name of the property on each data item containing a numeric value which can be converted to a color by the ColorScale. */ get colorMemberPath(): string; set colorMemberPath(v: string); /** * The ColorScale used to resolve the color values of points in the series. */ get colorScale(): IgcColorScaleComponent; set colorScale(v: IgcColorScaleComponent); /** * Gets actual color scale that is set on ColorScale property or default ColorScale */ get actualColorScale(): IgcColorScaleComponent; set actualColorScale(v: IgcColorScaleComponent); findByName(name: string): any; protected _styling(container: any, component: any, parent?: any): void; /** * Updates ActualColorScale properties using HostedSeries's ColorScale properties */ updateActualColorScale(): void; private _triangulationStatusChanged; private _triangulationStatusChanged_wrapped; /** * Raised when the status of an ongoing Triangulation has changed. */ get triangulationStatusChanged(): (s: IgcGeographicScatterAreaSeriesComponent, e: IgcTriangulationStatusEventArgs) => void; set triangulationStatusChanged(ev: (s: IgcGeographicScatterAreaSeriesComponent, e: IgcTriangulationStatusEventArgs) => void); }