import { IgcStyleShapeEventArgs } from "igniteui-webcomponents-charts"; import { IgcGeographicShapeSeriesBaseComponent } from "./igc-geographic-shape-series-base-component"; import { GeographicPolylineSeries } from "./GeographicPolylineSeries"; /** * Series class used for displaying multiple polylines, in a geographic context, for datasources which contain multiple lists of points. */ export declare class IgcGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent extends IgcGeographicShapeSeriesBaseComponent { protected createImplementation(): GeographicPolylineSeries; /** * @hidden */ get i(): GeographicPolylineSeries; constructor(); connectedCallback(): void; disconnectedCallback(): void; private static _observedAttributesIgcGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent; static get observedAttributes(): string[]; static htmlTagName: string; protected static _isElementRegistered: boolean; static register(): void; /** * Gets whether the current series shows a polyline shape. */ get isPolyline(): boolean; /** * Gets or sets the fill brush. */ get shapeFill(): string; set shapeFill(v: string); /** * Gets or sets the stroke brush. */ get shapeStroke(): string; set shapeStroke(v: string); /** * Gets or sets the stroke thickness. */ get shapeStrokeThickness(): number; set shapeStrokeThickness(v: number); /** * Gets or sets the opacity. */ get shapeOpacity(): number; set shapeOpacity(v: number); ensureShapeStyle(): void; private _styleShape; private _styleShape_wrapped; get styleShape(): (s: IgcGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent, e: IgcStyleShapeEventArgs) => void; set styleShape(ev: (s: IgcGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent, e: IgcStyleShapeEventArgs) => void); }