import { IgcSeriesComponent } from "igniteui-webcomponents-charts"; import { IgcSeriesViewerComponent } from "igniteui-webcomponents-charts"; import { IgRect } from "igniteui-webcomponents-core"; import { IgPoint } from "igniteui-webcomponents-core"; import { XamGeographicMap } from './XamGeographicMap'; import { IgcSeriesCollection } from "igniteui-webcomponents-charts"; import { IgcNumericXAxisComponent } from "igniteui-webcomponents-charts"; import { IgcNumericYAxisComponent } from "igniteui-webcomponents-charts"; import { IgcImageTilesReadyEventArgs } from './igc-image-tiles-ready-event-args'; import { IgcGeographicMapImagery } from './igc-geographic-map-imagery'; import { MapResizeBehavior } from './MapResizeBehavior'; import { MapBackgroundTilingMode } from './MapBackgroundTilingMode'; export declare class IgcGeographicMapComponent extends IgcSeriesViewerComponent { contentSeries: IgcSeriesComponent[]; private _height; private _width; set height(value: string); get height(): string; set width(value: string); get width(): string; notifyContainerResized(): void; /** * Gets or sets the legend used for the current chart. */ get legend(): any; set legend(v: any); /** * The series actually present in the chart. Do not directly modify this array. * This array's contents can be modified by causing Angular to reproject the child content. * Or adding and removing series from the manual series collection on the series property. */ actualSeries: IgcSeriesComponent[]; private _container; private _series; /** * A collection or manually added series for the chart. */ get series(): IgcSeriesCollection; private _renderer; constructor(); destroy(): void; private _wrapper; protected createImplementation(): XamGeographicMap; private _chart; private _dataSource; set dataSource(value: any); get dataSource(): any; bindData(): void; private updateContentChildren; private _seriesAdapter; private _disconnected; disconnectedCallback(): void; connectedCallback(): void; afterContentInit(): void; private _ensureTooltipCreated; private _defaultTooltips; private _ensureDefaultTooltip; private _onDefaultTooltipsReady; private createTooltip; /** * An imagery to display behind all series, inside the viewport of the IgxGeographicMapComponent control. */ get backgroundContent(): IgcGeographicMapImagery; set backgroundContent(v: IgcGeographicMapImagery); /** * @hidden */ get i(): XamGeographicMap; private static _observedAttributesIgcGeographicMapComponent; static get observedAttributes(): string[]; static htmlTagName: string; protected static _isElementRegistered: boolean; static register(): void; /** * Gets or sets zoomability of the current control */ get zoomable(): boolean; set zoomable(v: boolean); /** * Gets or sets the behavior to use during resize. */ get resizeBehavior(): MapResizeBehavior; set resizeBehavior(v: MapResizeBehavior); /** * Gets or sets if the map should horizontally wrap. */ get isHorizontalWrappingEnabled(): boolean; set isHorizontalWrappingEnabled(v: boolean); /** * Gets or sets if the map should horizontally wrap. */ get backgroundTilingMode(): MapBackgroundTilingMode; set backgroundTilingMode(v: MapBackgroundTilingMode); /** * Gets or sets whether to use the uncoerced world rect to constrain the zoom bounds. */ get useWorldRectForZoomBounds(): boolean; set useWorldRectForZoomBounds(v: boolean); /** * Gets or sets whether skip resetting the zoom when the world rect changes. */ get suppressZoomResetOnWorldRectChange(): boolean; set suppressZoomResetOnWorldRectChange(v: boolean); /** * Gets or sets the world bounding rectangle. */ get worldRect(): IgRect; set worldRect(v: IgRect); /** * Gets the actual value of the WorldRect. */ get actualWorldRect(): IgRect; set actualWorldRect(v: IgRect); /** * The X-axis for this IgxGeographicMap.Component * Under normal circumstances, this property should not be set in application code. By default, it will be set to a numeric axis with a spherical mercator scaler. */ get xAxis(): IgcNumericXAxisComponent; set xAxis(v: IgcNumericXAxisComponent); /** * The Y-axis for this IgxGeographicMap.Component * Under normal circumstances, this property should not be set in application code. By default, it will be set to a numeric axis with a spherical mercator scaler. */ get yAxis(): IgcNumericYAxisComponent; set yAxis(v: IgcNumericYAxisComponent); /** * Indicates if this SeriesViewer is a map. */ get isMap(): boolean; /** * A number between 0 and 1 determining the scale of the horizontal/vertical zoom. * This property is effectively a shortcut to the Width/Height of the WindowRect property. */ get windowScale(): number; set windowScale(v: number); /** * A number between 0 and 1 determining the scale of the horizontal/vertical zoom. * This property is effectively a shortcut to the Width/Height of the ActualWindowRect property. */ get actualWindowScale(): number; set actualWindowScale(v: number); /** * Gets whether or not the control is ready for zooming */ get zoomIsReady(): boolean; findByName(name: string): any; protected _styling(container: any, component: any, parent?: any): void; /** * Gets current world rect in geographic coordinates */ getCurrentActualWorldRect(): IgRect; /** * Given the current plot area of the control and a geographic region, get the WindowRect that would encompass that geographic region. * @param geographic * The geographic area. */ getZoomRectFromGeoRect(geographic: IgRect): IgRect; /** * Updates zoom window using window coordinates */ updateZoomWindow(zoomWindow: IgRect): void; /** * Updates world rect in geographic coordinates */ updateWorldRect(worldRect: IgRect): void; /** * Given the current plot area of the control and a geographic region, get the WindowRect that would encompass that geographic region. * @param geographic * The geographic area. */ getZoomFromGeographicRect(geographic: IgRect): IgRect; convertGeographicToZoom(geographic: IgRect, extraPixelPadding: number): IgRect; getZoomFromGeographicPoints(northWest: IgPoint, southEast: IgPoint): IgRect; /** * Given a WindowRect and the current plot area, get the geographic region represented by that WindowRect. * @param windowRect * The zoom area. */ getGeographicFromZoom(windowRect: IgRect): IgRect; /** * Convert a pixel-based coordinate to a geographic coordinate. * @param pixelCoordinate * A pixel-based coordinate */ getGeographicPoint(pixelCoordinate: IgPoint): IgPoint; /** * Convert a geographic coordinate to a pixel-based coordinate. * @param geographicCoordinate * A geographic coordinate */ getPixelPoint(geographicCoordinate: IgPoint): IgPoint; /** * Convert a geographic coordinate to a pixel-based coordinate. * @param geographicCoordinate * A geographic coordinate */ getWindowPoint(geographicCoordinate: IgPoint): IgPoint; /** * Removes all cached tile images from the map imagery assigned to the map's background content. */ clearTileCache(): void; /** * Notifies the chart that the CSS styles in effect have been updated. */ styleUpdated(): void; /** * Gets actual window scale for horizontal dimension of the control */ getActualWindowScaleHorizontal(): number; /** * Gets actual window scale for vertical dimension of the control */ getActualWindowScaleVertical(): number; /** * Calls for a deferred refresh to the GeographicMap's background. */ deferredRefresh(): void; /** * Returns the chart visuals expressed as a ChartVisualData object. */ exportVisualData(): any; /** * Zoom in to the geographic region specified, when possible (may need to wait for map to be initialized). * @param geographic * The geographic region to zoom to. */ zoomToGeographic(geographic: IgRect): void; private _imageTilesReady; private _imageTilesReady_wrapped; /** * This event is fired whenever the image tiles transition from a loading state (e.g. some are fading in) to a loaded state. */ get imageTilesReady(): (s: IgcGeographicMapComponent, e: IgcImageTilesReadyEventArgs) => void; set imageTilesReady(ev: (s: IgcGeographicMapComponent, e: IgcImageTilesReadyEventArgs) => void); }