import { BackendModule, MultiReadCallback, ReadCallback, ResourceKey } from "i18next"; type LoadPathOption = | string | ((lngs: string[], namespaces: string[]) => string) | ((lngs: string[], namespaces: string[]) => Promise); type AddPathOption = | string | ((lng: string, namespace: string) => string); type FetchFunction = (input: string, init: RequestInit) => Promise | void export interface HttpBackendOptions { /** * Use an alternative fetch function that acts like an interecept, (usefull for low level mocks/simulations) * * This option is not called if: * * 1. There is an custom value set for the "request" property in this options object. * 2. The backend selected xmlHttpRequest over fetch * * If the function is called and it returns anything BUT a promise the fetch or xmlHttpRequest will be subsequentially called * */ alternateFetch?: FetchFunction; /** * path where resources get loaded from, or a function * returning a path: * function(lngs, namespaces) { return customPath; } * the returned path will interpolate lng, ns if provided like giving a static path */ loadPath?: LoadPathOption; /** * path to post missing resources, must be `string` or a `function` returning a path: * function(lng, namespace) { return customPath; } */ addPath?: AddPathOption; /** * parse data after it has been fetched * in example use * here it removes the letter a from the json (bad idea) */ parse?( data: string, languages?: string | string[], namespaces?: string | string[] ): { [key: string]: any }; /** * parse data before it has been sent by addPath */ parsePayload?( namespace: string, key: string, fallbackValue?: string ): { [key: string]: any }; /** * parse data before it has been sent by loadPath * if value returned it will send a POST request */ parseLoadPayload?( languages: string[], namespaces: string[] ): { [key: string]: any } | undefined; /** * allow cross domain requests */ crossDomain?: boolean; /** * allow credentials on cross domain requests */ withCredentials?: boolean; /** * define a custom xhr function * can be used to support XDomainRequest in IE 8 and 9 */ request?( options: HttpBackendOptions, url: string, payload: {} | string, callback: RequestCallback ): void; /** * adds parameters to resource URL. '' -> '' */ queryStringParams?: { [key: string]: string }; /** * allows an object containing custom headers or a function that when called returns * an object of custom headers */ customHeaders?: { [key: string]: string } | (() => { [key: string]: string }); /** * can be used to reload resources in a specific * interval (useful in server environments) */ reloadInterval?: false | number; /** * fetch api request options, can be a function */ requestOptions?: RequestInit | ((payload: {} | string) => RequestInit); } type RequestCallback = (error: any, response: RequestResponse) => void; interface RequestResponse { status: number; data: ResourceKey; } export default class I18NextHttpBackend implements BackendModule { static type: "backend"; constructor(services?: any, options?: HttpBackendOptions); init(services?: any, options?: HttpBackendOptions): void; readMulti?( languages: string[], namespaces: string[], callback: MultiReadCallback ): void; read(language: string, namespace: string, callback: ReadCallback): void; loadUrl( url: string, callback: ReadCallback, languages?: string | string[], namespaces?: string | string[] ): void; create?( languages: string[], namespace: string, key: string, fallbackValue: string ): void; type: "backend"; services: any; options: HttpBackendOptions; }