import { AutocompleteEditor, EDITOR_TYPE as AUTOCOMPLETE_EDITOR } from './autocompleteEditor'; import { BaseEditor, EDITOR_TYPE as BASE_EDITOR } from './baseEditor'; import { CheckboxEditor, EDITOR_TYPE as CHECKBOX_EDITOR } from './checkboxEditor'; import { DateEditor, EDITOR_TYPE as DATE_EDITOR } from './dateEditor'; import { DropdownEditor, EDITOR_TYPE as DROPDOWN_EDITOR } from './dropdownEditor'; import { HandsontableEditor, EDITOR_TYPE as HANDSONTABLE_EDITOR } from './handsontableEditor'; import { NumericEditor, EDITOR_TYPE as NUMERIC_EDITOR } from './numericEditor'; import { PasswordEditor, EDITOR_TYPE as PASSWORD_EDITOR } from './passwordEditor'; import { SelectEditor, EDITOR_TYPE as SELECT_EDITOR } from './selectEditor'; import { TextEditor, EDITOR_TYPE as TEXT_EDITOR } from './textEditor'; import { TimeEditor, EDITOR_TYPE as TIME_EDITOR } from './timeEditor'; export function registerAllEditors(): void; export interface Editors { autocomplete: typeof AutocompleteEditor; base: typeof BaseEditor; checkbox: typeof CheckboxEditor; date: typeof DateEditor; dropdown: typeof DropdownEditor; handsontable: typeof HandsontableEditor; numeric: typeof NumericEditor; password: typeof PasswordEditor; select: typeof SelectEditor; text: typeof TextEditor; time: typeof TimeEditor; } /** * The default editor aliases the table has built-in. */ export type EditorType = keyof Editors; export { AutocompleteEditor, AUTOCOMPLETE_EDITOR, BaseEditor, BASE_EDITOR, CheckboxEditor, CHECKBOX_EDITOR, DateEditor, DATE_EDITOR, DropdownEditor, DROPDOWN_EDITOR, HandsontableEditor, HANDSONTABLE_EDITOR, NumericEditor, NUMERIC_EDITOR, PasswordEditor, PASSWORD_EDITOR, SelectEditor, SELECT_EDITOR, TextEditor, TEXT_EDITOR, TimeEditor, TIME_EDITOR, }; export { RegisteredEditor, _getEditorInstance, getEditor, getEditorInstance, getRegisteredEditorNames, getRegisteredEditors, hasEditor, registerEditor } from './registry';