# {{{%= shortname(name) %}}} {%= badge("fury") %} > {%= description %} ## Install {%= include("install") %} To use with [Assemble](https://github.com/assemble/assemble), make sure you also specify the helper in the Assemble options, e.g.: ```js options: { helpers: ['handlebars-helper-analytics'] } ``` ## Usage ```handlebars {{analytics [context] [placement]}} ``` Assuming you have the following data object: ```js google: { analytics: { account: "UA-XXXXXX", domain: "assemble.github.io" siteid: "XXXXXXX" } } ``` You would pass the `google.analytics` object as context to the helper, like this: ```handlebars {{analytics google.analytics 'head'}} {{analytics google.analytics 'footer'}} ``` ### placement * `head` will render the script that should be used in the `` * `footer` will render the script that should be used in the footer, e.g. last thing inside the `` tag. ## Author {%= contrib("json") %} ## License {%= copyright() %} {%= license() %} *** {%= include("footer") %}