interface Options { /** * Setting to `true` will ignore all output from the command (both stdout and stderr). * * @default false */ quiet: boolean; /** * Setting to `true` will ignore any errors that the command throws. * It will also ignore return values. * * @default false */ ignoreErrors: boolean; /** * Sets the current working directory for the command. * This is where the `node_modules/.bin` is searched for as well to be added to the path. * * @default `process.cwd()` * @link */ cwd: string; /** * The max time(in milliseconds) that the command is allowed to run. * * @default undefined (no timeout) */ timeout: number; /** * This object will be **added to** the normal environment, overwriting defaults with what you pass in. * So if your "main" environment includes`NODE_ENV="development"` and you pass in `{ NODE_ENV: "production"}` * the command will be run with `NODE_ENV="production"`. * * @default {} */ env: object } /** * A simple way to run command-line programs from gulp in a cross-platform way. * * @param command * A command that will be run "as if you typed it in the console". * An array of commands will be run sequentially (waiting for each to finish before the next begins), stdin will be blank for all commands. * Commands will be run like they are from `npm scripts`. Locally installed modules can be run without having to prefix `node_modules/.bin`. * * @param options * Additional options. * See {@link Options} for further details. * * @return * Async function to let gulp know it's complete when the promise resolves * * @example * import gulp from 'gulp'; * import run from 'gulp-run-command'; * * gulp.task('clean', run('rm -rf build')); * gulp.task('build', ['clean'], run('babel index.js --out-file index.es5.js', { * env: { NODE_ENV: 'production' } * })); */ declare function run(command: string | string[], options?: Options): () => Promise; export default run;