declare namespace gsap { type RegisterablePlugins = | Ease | EasePack | ExpoScaleEase | Plugin | RoughEase | SteppedEase | VelocityTracker | typeof core.Animation | typeof core.Tween | typeof core.Timeline | typeof Draggable | typeof GSDevTools | typeof MotionPathHelper | typeof SplitText; // querySelector returns type Element | null type DOMTarget = Element | string | null | ArrayLike; type TweenTarget = string | object | null; type Callback = (...args: any[]) => void; type CallbackType = "onComplete" | "onInterrupt" | "onRepeat" | "onReverseComplete" | "onStart" | "onUpdate"; type TickerCallback = (time: number, deltaTime: number, frame: number, elapsed: number) => void; type Point2D = { x: number, y: number }; type Position = number | string; type FunctionBasedValue = (index: number, target: any, targets: any[]) => T; type ArrayValue = any[] | FunctionBasedValue; type BooleanValue = boolean | FunctionBasedValue; type NumberValue = number | FunctionBasedValue; type StringValue = string | FunctionBasedValue; type ElementValue = Element | FunctionBasedValue; type TweenValue = NumberValue | StringValue; type SVGPathValue = string | SVGPathElement; type SVGPathTarget = SVGPathValue | ArrayLike; type SVGPrimitive = SVGCircleElement | SVGRectElement | SVGEllipseElement | SVGPolygonElement | SVGPolylineElement | SVGLineElement; interface AnimationVars extends CallbackVars { [key: string]: any; data?: any; id?: string | number; inherit?: boolean; paused?: boolean; repeat?: number; repeatDelay?: number; repeatRefresh?: boolean; reversed?: boolean; yoyo?: boolean; } interface CallbackVars { callbackScope?: object; onComplete?: Callback; onCompleteParams?: any[]; onRepeat?: Callback; onRepeatParams?: any[]; onReverseComplete?: Callback; onReverseCompleteParams?: any[]; onStart?: Callback; onStartParams?: any[]; onUpdate?: Callback; onUpdateParams?: any[]; } interface EaseMap { [key: string]: EaseFunction; } interface EffectsMap { [key: string]: any; } interface GSAPConfig { autoKillThreshold?: number; autoSleep?: number; force3D?: "auto" | boolean; nullTargetWarn?: boolean; resistance?: number; stringFilter?: Callback; // TODO: Find out signature unitFactors?: { time?: number, totalTime?: number }; units?: GSAPUnits } type GSAPUnits = { bottom?: string fontSize?: string height?: string left?: string lineHeight?: string margin?: string padding?: string perspective?: string right?: string rotation?: string rotationX?: string rotationY?: string skewX?: string skewY?: string top?: string width?: string x?: string y?: string z?: string } & { [key: string]: string } interface StaggerVars extends CallbackVars, utils.DistributeConfig { repeat?: number; repeatDelay?: number; yoyo?: boolean; yoyoEase?: boolean | string | EaseFunction; } interface Ticker { add(callback: TickerCallback): void; fps(fps: number): void; frame: number; lagSmoothing(threshold: number, adjustedLag?: number): void; remove(callback: Callback): void; sleep(): void; tick(): void; time: number; deltaRatio(fps?: number): number; wake(): void; } interface TimelineVars extends AnimationVars { autoRemoveChildren?: boolean; defaults?: TweenVars; delay?: number; smoothChildTiming?: boolean; } interface TweenVars extends AnimationVars { delay?: TweenValue; duration?: TweenValue; ease?: string | EaseFunction; endArray?: any[]; immediateRender?: boolean; lazy?: boolean; keyframes?: TweenVars[]; onInterrupt?: Callback; onInterruptParams?: any[]; overwrite?: "auto" | boolean; runBackwards?: boolean; stagger?: NumberValue | StaggerVars; startAt?: TweenVars; yoyoEase?: boolean | string | EaseFunction; } const effects: EffectsMap; const globalTimeline: core.Timeline; const ticker: Ticker; const version: string; /** * Gets or sets GSAP's global configuration settings. * * Options: autoSleep, force3D, nullTargetWarn, and units * * ```js * gsap.config({force3D: false}); * ``` * * @param {GSAPConfig} [config] * @returns {GSAPConfig} Configuration object * @memberof gsap */ function config(config?: GSAPConfig): GSAPConfig; /** * Gets or sets GSAP's global defaults. These will be inherited by every tween. * * ```js * gsap.defaults({ease: "none", duration: 1}); * ``` * * @param {TweenVars} [defaults] * @returns {TweenVars} Defaults object * @memberof gsap */ function defaults(defaults?: TweenVars): TweenVars; /** * Delays the call of a function by the specified amount. * * ```js * let delayTween = gsap.delayedCall(1, myFunc); * ``` * * @param {number} delay * @param {Function} callback * @param {any[]} [params] * @returns {Tween} Tween instance * @memberof gsap */ function delayedCall(delay: number, callback: Function, params?: any[]): core.Tween; /** * Transfers all tweens, timelines, and (optionally) delayed calls from the root timeline into a new timeline. * * ```js * const exportedTL = gsap.exportRoot(); * ``` * * @param {TimelineVars} [vars] * @param {boolean} [includeDelayedCalls] * @returns {Timeline} Timeline instance * @memberof gsap */ function exportRoot(vars?: TimelineVars, includeDelayedCalls?: boolean): core.Timeline; /** * Creates a tween coming FROM the given values. * * ```js * gsap.from(".class", {x: 100}); * ``` * * @param {TweenTarget} targets * @param {TweenVars} vars * @returns {Tween} Tween instance * @memberof gsap */ function from(targets: TweenTarget, vars: TweenVars): core.Tween; /** * **Deprecated method signature.** Use the `duration` property instead. * * ```js * gsap.from(".class", 1, {x: 100}); * ``` * @deprecated since version 2 * @param {TweenTarget} targets * @param {number} duration - The duration parameter is deprecated. Use the `duration` property instead. * @param {TweenVars} vars * @returns {Tween} Tween instance * @memberof gsap */ function from(targets: TweenTarget, duration: number, vars:TweenVars): core.Tween; /** * Creates a tween coming FROM the first set of values going TO the second set of values. * * ```js * gsap.fromTo(".class", {x: 0}, {x: 100}); * ``` * * @param {TweenTarget} targets * @param {TweenVars} fromVars * @param {TweenVars} toVars * @returns {Tween} Tween instance * @memberof gsap */ function fromTo(targets: TweenTarget, fromVars: TweenVars, toVars: TweenVars): core.Tween; /** * **Deprecated method signature.** Use the `duration` property instead. * * ```js * gsap.fromTo(".class", 1, {x: 0}, {x: 100}); * ``` * @deprecated since version 2 * @param {TweenTarget} targets * @param {number} duration - The duration parameter is deprecated. Use the `duration` property instead. * @param {TweenVars} fromVars * @param {TweenVars} toVars * @returns {Tween} Tween instance */ function fromTo(targets: TweenTarget, duration: number, fromVars: TweenVars, toVars: TweenVars): core.Tween; /** * Gets the tween or timeline with the specified ID if it exists. * * ```js *, {id: "myTween", x: 100}); * * // later * let tween = gsap.getById("myTween"); * ``` * * @param {string | number} id * @returns {Tween} Tween instance * @memberof gsap */ function getById(id: string | number): T; /** * Gets the specified property of the target (or first of the targets) if it exists. * * ```js * gsap.getProperty(element, "x"); * ``` * * @param {TweenTarget} target * @param {string} property * @param {string} [unit] * @returns {string | number} Value * @memberof gsap */ function getProperty(target: TweenTarget, property: string, unit?: string): string | number; function getProperty(target: TweenTarget): (property: string, unit?: string) => string | number; /** * Gets all of the tweens whose targets include the specified target or group of targets. * * ```js * gsap.getTweensOf(element); * ``` * * @param {TweenTarget} targets * @param {boolean} [onlyActive] * @returns {Tween} Tween instance * @memberof gsap */ function getTweensOf(targets: TweenTarget, onlyActive?: boolean): core.Tween[]; /** * Used to add all the GSAP globals to a particular tween object. * * ```js * gsap.install(myTween); * ``` * * @param {object} targets * @returns {gsap} The gsap object * @memberof gsap */ function install(targets: object): typeof gsap; /** * Reports whether or not a particular object is actively animating. * * ```js * gsap.isTweening("#id"); * ``` * * @param {TweenTarget} targets * @returns {boolean} Status * @memberof gsap */ function isTweening(targets: TweenTarget): boolean; /** * Kills all the tweens (or specific tweening properties) of a particular object or the delayedCalls to a particular function. * * ```js * gsap.killTweensOf(".myClass"); * gsap.killTweensOf(myObject, "opacity,x"); * ``` * * @param {TweenTarget} targets * @param {object | string} [properties] * @param {boolean} [onlyActive] * @returns {void} Void * @memberof gsap */ function killTweensOf(targets: TweenTarget, properties?: object | string, onlyActive?: boolean): void; /** * Returns the corresponding easing function for the given easing string. * * ```js * let ease = gsap.parseEase("power1"); * ``` * * @param {string | EaseFunction} ease * @returns {EaseFunction} Ease function * @memberof gsap */ function parseEase(ease: string | EaseFunction): EaseFunction; function parseEase(): EaseMap; /** * Returns a function that acts as a simpler alternative of gsap.set() that is more performant but less versatile. * * ```js * const setX = gsap.quickSetter("#id", "x", "px"); * * // later * setX(100); * ``` * * @param {TweenTarget} targets * @param {string} property * @param {string} [unit] * @returns {Function} Setter function * @memberof gsap */ function quickSetter(targets: TweenTarget, property: string, unit?: string): Function; /** * Register custom easing functions with GSAP, giving it a name so it can be referenced in any tweens. * * ```js * gsap.registerEase("myEaseName", function(progress) { * return progress; //linear * }); * ``` * * @param {string} name * @param {EaseFunction} ease * @memberof gsap */ function registerEase(name: string, ease: EaseFunction): void; // TODO: Create interface for effect /** * Registers custom effects (named tweens) for reuse with optional arguments. * * ```js * // register the effect with GSAP: * gsap.registerEffect({ * name: "fade", * effect: (targets, config) => { * return, {duration: config.duration, opacity: 0}); * }, * defaults: {duration: 2}, //defaults get applied to any "config" object passed to the effect * extendTimeline: true, //now you can call the effect directly on any GSAP timeline to have the result immediately inserted in the position you define (default is sequenced at the end) * }); * * // now we can use it like this: * gsap.effects.fade(".box"); * // or * tl.fade(".box", {duration: 3}) * ``` * * @param {object} effect * @memberof gsap */ function registerEffect(effect: object): void; /** * Installs the specified GSAP plugins, provided they have been loaded already. * * ```js * gsap.registerPlugin(MorphSVPlugin, MotionPathPlugin); * ``` * * @param {RegisterablePlugins[]} args * @memberof gsap */ function registerPlugin(...args: RegisterablePlugins[]): void; /** * Immediately sets properties of the target(s) to the properties specified. * * ```js * gsap.set(".class", {x: 100, y: 50, opacity: 0}); * ``` * * @param {TweenTarget} targets * @param {TweenVars} vars * @returns {Tween} Tween instance * @memberof gsap */ function set(targets: TweenTarget, vars: TweenVars): core.Tween; /** * Creates a new timeline, used to compose sequences of tweens. * * @param {TimelineVars} [vars] * @returns {Timeline} Timeline instance * @memberof gsap */ function timeline(vars?: TimelineVars): core.Timeline; /** * Creates a tween going TO the given values. * * ```js *".class", {x: 100}); * ``` * * @param {TweenTarget} targets * @param {TweenVars} vars * @returns {Tween} Tween instance * @memberof gsap */ function to(targets: TweenTarget, vars: TweenVars): core.Tween; /** * **Deprecated method signature.** Use the `duration` property instead. * * ```js *".class", 1, {x: 100}); * ``` * @deprecated since version 2 * @param {TweenTarget} targets * @param {number} duration - The duration parameter is deprecated. Use the `duration` property instead. * @param {TweenVars} vars * @returns {Tween} Tween instance * @memberof gsap */ function to(targets: TweenTarget, duration: number, vars: TweenVars): core.Tween; /** * Manually update the root (global) timeline. Make sure to unhook GSAP's default ticker. * * ```js * // unhooks the GSAP ticker * gsap.ticker.remove(gsap.updateRoot); * * // sets the root time to 20 seconds manually * gsap.updateRoot(20); * ``` * * @param {number} number * @returns {void} Void * @memberof gsap */ function updateRoot(time: number): void; } // TODO: Move to files where declared declare class TweenLite extends gsap.core.Tween {} declare class TweenMax extends gsap.core.Tween {} declare class TimelineLite extends gsap.core.Timeline {} declare class TimelineMax extends gsap.core.Timeline {} declare module "gsap/gsap-core" { const _gsap: typeof gsap; // TODO: Move to files where declared export class TweenLite extends gsap.core.Tween {} export class TweenMax extends gsap.core.Tween {} export class TimelineLite extends gsap.core.Timeline {} export class TimelineMax extends gsap.core.Timeline {} export { _gsap as gsap, _gsap as default } } declare module "gsap/src/gsap-core" { export * from "gsap/gsap-core"; export { gsap as default } from "gsap/gsap-core"; }