import type { Maybe } from '../jsutils/Maybe'; import type { ObjMap } from '../jsutils/ObjMap'; import type { Path } from '../jsutils/Path'; import type { PromiseOrValue } from '../jsutils/PromiseOrValue'; import type { EnumTypeDefinitionNode, EnumTypeExtensionNode, EnumValueDefinitionNode, FieldDefinitionNode, FieldNode, FragmentDefinitionNode, InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode, InputObjectTypeExtensionNode, InputValueDefinitionNode, InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode, InterfaceTypeExtensionNode, ObjectTypeDefinitionNode, ObjectTypeExtensionNode, OperationDefinitionNode, ScalarTypeDefinitionNode, ScalarTypeExtensionNode, UnionTypeDefinitionNode, UnionTypeExtensionNode, ValueNode, } from '../language/ast'; import type { GraphQLSchema } from './schema'; /** * These are all of the possible kinds of types. */ export declare type GraphQLType = | GraphQLScalarType | GraphQLObjectType | GraphQLInterfaceType | GraphQLUnionType | GraphQLEnumType | GraphQLInputObjectType | GraphQLList | GraphQLNonNull< | GraphQLScalarType | GraphQLObjectType | GraphQLInterfaceType | GraphQLUnionType | GraphQLEnumType | GraphQLInputObjectType | GraphQLList >; export declare function isType(type: unknown): type is GraphQLType; export declare function assertType(type: unknown): GraphQLType; /** * There are predicates for each kind of GraphQL type. */ export declare function isScalarType(type: unknown): type is GraphQLScalarType; export declare function assertScalarType(type: unknown): GraphQLScalarType; export declare function isObjectType(type: unknown): type is GraphQLObjectType; export declare function assertObjectType(type: unknown): GraphQLObjectType; export declare function isInterfaceType( type: unknown, ): type is GraphQLInterfaceType; export declare function assertInterfaceType( type: unknown, ): GraphQLInterfaceType; export declare function isUnionType(type: unknown): type is GraphQLUnionType; export declare function assertUnionType(type: unknown): GraphQLUnionType; export declare function isEnumType(type: unknown): type is GraphQLEnumType; export declare function assertEnumType(type: unknown): GraphQLEnumType; export declare function isInputObjectType( type: unknown, ): type is GraphQLInputObjectType; export declare function assertInputObjectType( type: unknown, ): GraphQLInputObjectType; export declare function isListType( type: GraphQLInputType, ): type is GraphQLList; export declare function isListType( type: GraphQLOutputType, ): type is GraphQLList; export declare function isListType( type: unknown, ): type is GraphQLList; export declare function assertListType(type: unknown): GraphQLList; export declare function isNonNullType( type: GraphQLInputType, ): type is GraphQLNonNull; export declare function isNonNullType( type: GraphQLOutputType, ): type is GraphQLNonNull; export declare function isNonNullType( type: unknown, ): type is GraphQLNonNull; export declare function assertNonNullType( type: unknown, ): GraphQLNonNull; /** * These types may be used as input types for arguments and directives. */ export declare type GraphQLInputType = | GraphQLScalarType | GraphQLEnumType | GraphQLInputObjectType | GraphQLList | GraphQLNonNull< | GraphQLScalarType | GraphQLEnumType | GraphQLInputObjectType | GraphQLList >; export declare function isInputType(type: unknown): type is GraphQLInputType; export declare function assertInputType(type: unknown): GraphQLInputType; /** * These types may be used as output types as the result of fields. */ export declare type GraphQLOutputType = | GraphQLScalarType | GraphQLObjectType | GraphQLInterfaceType | GraphQLUnionType | GraphQLEnumType | GraphQLList | GraphQLNonNull< | GraphQLScalarType | GraphQLObjectType | GraphQLInterfaceType | GraphQLUnionType | GraphQLEnumType | GraphQLList >; export declare function isOutputType(type: unknown): type is GraphQLOutputType; export declare function assertOutputType(type: unknown): GraphQLOutputType; /** * These types may describe types which may be leaf values. */ export declare type GraphQLLeafType = GraphQLScalarType | GraphQLEnumType; export declare function isLeafType(type: unknown): type is GraphQLLeafType; export declare function assertLeafType(type: unknown): GraphQLLeafType; /** * These types may describe the parent context of a selection set. */ export declare type GraphQLCompositeType = | GraphQLObjectType | GraphQLInterfaceType | GraphQLUnionType; export declare function isCompositeType( type: unknown, ): type is GraphQLCompositeType; export declare function assertCompositeType( type: unknown, ): GraphQLCompositeType; /** * These types may describe the parent context of a selection set. */ export declare type GraphQLAbstractType = | GraphQLInterfaceType | GraphQLUnionType; export declare function isAbstractType( type: unknown, ): type is GraphQLAbstractType; export declare function assertAbstractType(type: unknown): GraphQLAbstractType; /** * List Type Wrapper * * A list is a wrapping type which points to another type. * Lists are often created within the context of defining the fields of * an object type. * * Example: * * ```ts * const PersonType = new GraphQLObjectType({ * name: 'Person', * fields: () => ({ * parents: { type: new GraphQLList(PersonType) }, * children: { type: new GraphQLList(PersonType) }, * }) * }) * ``` */ export declare class GraphQLList { readonly ofType: T; constructor(ofType: T); get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string; toString(): string; toJSON(): string; } /** * Non-Null Type Wrapper * * A non-null is a wrapping type which points to another type. * Non-null types enforce that their values are never null and can ensure * an error is raised if this ever occurs during a request. It is useful for * fields which you can make a strong guarantee on non-nullability, for example * usually the id field of a database row will never be null. * * Example: * * ```ts * const RowType = new GraphQLObjectType({ * name: 'Row', * fields: () => ({ * id: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString) }, * }) * }) * ``` * Note: the enforcement of non-nullability occurs within the executor. */ export declare class GraphQLNonNull { readonly ofType: T; constructor(ofType: T); get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string; toString(): string; toJSON(): string; } /** * These types wrap and modify other types */ export declare type GraphQLWrappingType = | GraphQLList | GraphQLNonNull; export declare function isWrappingType( type: unknown, ): type is GraphQLWrappingType; export declare function assertWrappingType(type: unknown): GraphQLWrappingType; /** * These types can all accept null as a value. */ export declare type GraphQLNullableType = | GraphQLScalarType | GraphQLObjectType | GraphQLInterfaceType | GraphQLUnionType | GraphQLEnumType | GraphQLInputObjectType | GraphQLList; export declare function isNullableType( type: unknown, ): type is GraphQLNullableType; export declare function assertNullableType(type: unknown): GraphQLNullableType; export declare function getNullableType(type: undefined | null): void; export declare function getNullableType( type: T | GraphQLNonNull, ): T; export declare function getNullableType( type: Maybe, ): GraphQLNullableType | undefined; /** * These named types do not include modifiers like List or NonNull. */ export declare type GraphQLNamedType = | GraphQLNamedInputType | GraphQLNamedOutputType; export declare type GraphQLNamedInputType = | GraphQLScalarType | GraphQLEnumType | GraphQLInputObjectType; export declare type GraphQLNamedOutputType = | GraphQLScalarType | GraphQLObjectType | GraphQLInterfaceType | GraphQLUnionType | GraphQLEnumType; export declare function isNamedType(type: unknown): type is GraphQLNamedType; export declare function assertNamedType(type: unknown): GraphQLNamedType; export declare function getNamedType(type: undefined | null): void; export declare function getNamedType( type: GraphQLInputType, ): GraphQLNamedInputType; export declare function getNamedType( type: GraphQLOutputType, ): GraphQLNamedOutputType; export declare function getNamedType(type: GraphQLType): GraphQLNamedType; export declare function getNamedType( type: Maybe, ): GraphQLNamedType | undefined; /** * Used while defining GraphQL types to allow for circular references in * otherwise immutable type definitions. */ export declare type ThunkReadonlyArray = | (() => ReadonlyArray) | ReadonlyArray; export declare type ThunkObjMap = (() => ObjMap) | ObjMap; export declare function resolveReadonlyArrayThunk( thunk: ThunkReadonlyArray, ): ReadonlyArray; export declare function resolveObjMapThunk(thunk: ThunkObjMap): ObjMap; /** * Custom extensions * * @remarks * Use a unique identifier name for your extension, for example the name of * your library or project. Do not use a shortened identifier as this increases * the risk of conflicts. We recommend you add at most one extension field, * an object which can contain all the values you need. */ export interface GraphQLScalarTypeExtensions { [attributeName: string]: unknown; } /** * Scalar Type Definition * * The leaf values of any request and input values to arguments are * Scalars (or Enums) and are defined with a name and a series of functions * used to parse input from ast or variables and to ensure validity. * * If a type's serialize function returns `null` or does not return a value * (i.e. it returns `undefined`) then an error will be raised and a `null` * value will be returned in the response. It is always better to validate * * Example: * * ```ts * const OddType = new GraphQLScalarType({ * name: 'Odd', * serialize(value) { * if (!Number.isFinite(value)) { * throw new Error( * `Scalar "Odd" cannot represent "${value}" since it is not a finite number.`, * ); * } * * if (value % 2 === 0) { * throw new Error(`Scalar "Odd" cannot represent "${value}" since it is even.`); * } * return value; * } * }); * ``` */ export declare class GraphQLScalarType< TInternal = unknown, TExternal = TInternal, > { name: string; description: Maybe; specifiedByURL: Maybe; serialize: GraphQLScalarSerializer; parseValue: GraphQLScalarValueParser; parseLiteral: GraphQLScalarLiteralParser; extensions: Readonly; astNode: Maybe; extensionASTNodes: ReadonlyArray; constructor(config: Readonly>); get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string; toConfig(): GraphQLScalarTypeNormalizedConfig; toString(): string; toJSON(): string; } export declare type GraphQLScalarSerializer = ( outputValue: unknown, ) => TExternal; export declare type GraphQLScalarValueParser = ( inputValue: unknown, ) => TInternal; export declare type GraphQLScalarLiteralParser = ( valueNode: ValueNode, variables?: Maybe>, ) => TInternal; export interface GraphQLScalarTypeConfig { name: string; description?: Maybe; specifiedByURL?: Maybe; /** Serializes an internal value to include in a response. */ serialize?: GraphQLScalarSerializer; /** Parses an externally provided value to use as an input. */ parseValue?: GraphQLScalarValueParser; /** Parses an externally provided literal value to use as an input. */ parseLiteral?: GraphQLScalarLiteralParser; extensions?: Maybe>; astNode?: Maybe; extensionASTNodes?: Maybe>; } interface GraphQLScalarTypeNormalizedConfig extends GraphQLScalarTypeConfig { serialize: GraphQLScalarSerializer; parseValue: GraphQLScalarValueParser; parseLiteral: GraphQLScalarLiteralParser; extensions: Readonly; extensionASTNodes: ReadonlyArray; } /** * Custom extensions * * @remarks * Use a unique identifier name for your extension, for example the name of * your library or project. Do not use a shortened identifier as this increases * the risk of conflicts. We recommend you add at most one extension field, * an object which can contain all the values you need. * * We've provided these template arguments because this is an open type and * you may find them useful. */ export interface GraphQLObjectTypeExtensions<_TSource = any, _TContext = any> { [attributeName: string]: unknown; } /** * Object Type Definition * * Almost all of the GraphQL types you define will be object types. Object types * have a name, but most importantly describe their fields. * * Example: * * ```ts * const AddressType = new GraphQLObjectType({ * name: 'Address', * fields: { * street: { type: GraphQLString }, * number: { type: GraphQLInt }, * formatted: { * type: GraphQLString, * resolve(obj) { * return obj.number + ' ' + obj.street * } * } * } * }); * ``` * * When two types need to refer to each other, or a type needs to refer to * itself in a field, you can use a function expression (aka a closure or a * thunk) to supply the fields lazily. * * Example: * * ```ts * const PersonType = new GraphQLObjectType({ * name: 'Person', * fields: () => ({ * name: { type: GraphQLString }, * bestFriend: { type: PersonType }, * }) * }); * ``` */ export declare class GraphQLObjectType { name: string; description: Maybe; isTypeOf: Maybe>; extensions: Readonly>; astNode: Maybe; extensionASTNodes: ReadonlyArray; private _fields; private _interfaces; constructor(config: Readonly>); get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string; getFields(): GraphQLFieldMap; getInterfaces(): ReadonlyArray; toConfig(): GraphQLObjectTypeNormalizedConfig; toString(): string; toJSON(): string; } export declare function defineArguments( config: GraphQLFieldConfigArgumentMap, ): ReadonlyArray; /** * @internal */ export declare function argsToArgsConfig( args: ReadonlyArray, ): GraphQLFieldConfigArgumentMap; export interface GraphQLObjectTypeConfig { name: string; description?: Maybe; interfaces?: ThunkReadonlyArray; fields: ThunkObjMap>; isTypeOf?: Maybe>; extensions?: Maybe>>; astNode?: Maybe; extensionASTNodes?: Maybe>; } interface GraphQLObjectTypeNormalizedConfig extends GraphQLObjectTypeConfig { interfaces: ReadonlyArray; fields: GraphQLFieldConfigMap; extensions: Readonly>; extensionASTNodes: ReadonlyArray; } export declare type GraphQLTypeResolver = ( value: TSource, context: TContext, info: GraphQLResolveInfo, abstractType: GraphQLAbstractType, ) => PromiseOrValue; export declare type GraphQLIsTypeOfFn = ( source: TSource, context: TContext, info: GraphQLResolveInfo, ) => PromiseOrValue; export declare type GraphQLFieldResolver< TSource, TContext, TArgs = any, TResult = unknown, > = ( source: TSource, args: TArgs, context: TContext, info: GraphQLResolveInfo, ) => TResult; export interface GraphQLResolveInfo { readonly fieldName: string; readonly fieldNodes: ReadonlyArray; readonly returnType: GraphQLOutputType; readonly parentType: GraphQLObjectType; readonly path: Path; readonly schema: GraphQLSchema; readonly fragments: ObjMap; readonly rootValue: unknown; readonly operation: OperationDefinitionNode; readonly variableValues: { [variable: string]: unknown; }; } /** * Custom extensions * * @remarks * Use a unique identifier name for your extension, for example the name of * your library or project. Do not use a shortened identifier as this increases * the risk of conflicts. We recommend you add at most one extension field, * an object which can contain all the values you need. * * We've provided these template arguments because this is an open type and * you may find them useful. */ export interface GraphQLFieldExtensions<_TSource, _TContext, _TArgs = any> { [attributeName: string]: unknown; } export interface GraphQLFieldConfig { description?: Maybe; type: GraphQLOutputType; args?: GraphQLFieldConfigArgumentMap; resolve?: GraphQLFieldResolver; subscribe?: GraphQLFieldResolver; deprecationReason?: Maybe; extensions?: Maybe< Readonly> >; astNode?: Maybe; } export declare type GraphQLFieldConfigArgumentMap = ObjMap; /** * Custom extensions * * @remarks * Use a unique identifier name for your extension, for example the name of * your library or project. Do not use a shortened identifier as this increases * the risk of conflicts. We recommend you add at most one extension field, * an object which can contain all the values you need. */ export interface GraphQLArgumentExtensions { [attributeName: string]: unknown; } export interface GraphQLArgumentConfig { description?: Maybe; type: GraphQLInputType; defaultValue?: unknown; deprecationReason?: Maybe; extensions?: Maybe>; astNode?: Maybe; } export declare type GraphQLFieldConfigMap = ObjMap< GraphQLFieldConfig >; export interface GraphQLField { name: string; description: Maybe; type: GraphQLOutputType; args: ReadonlyArray; resolve?: GraphQLFieldResolver; subscribe?: GraphQLFieldResolver; deprecationReason: Maybe; extensions: Readonly>; astNode: Maybe; } export interface GraphQLArgument { name: string; description: Maybe; type: GraphQLInputType; defaultValue: unknown; deprecationReason: Maybe; extensions: Readonly; astNode: Maybe; } export declare function isRequiredArgument(arg: GraphQLArgument): boolean; export declare type GraphQLFieldMap = ObjMap< GraphQLField >; /** * Custom extensions * * @remarks * Use a unique identifier name for your extension, for example the name of * your library or project. Do not use a shortened identifier as this increases * the risk of conflicts. We recommend you add at most one extension field, * an object which can contain all the values you need. */ export interface GraphQLInterfaceTypeExtensions { [attributeName: string]: unknown; } /** * Interface Type Definition * * When a field can return one of a heterogeneous set of types, a Interface type * is used to describe what types are possible, what fields are in common across * all types, as well as a function to determine which type is actually used * when the field is resolved. * * Example: * * ```ts * const EntityType = new GraphQLInterfaceType({ * name: 'Entity', * fields: { * name: { type: GraphQLString } * } * }); * ``` */ export declare class GraphQLInterfaceType { name: string; description: Maybe; resolveType: Maybe>; extensions: Readonly; astNode: Maybe; extensionASTNodes: ReadonlyArray; private _fields; private _interfaces; constructor(config: Readonly>); get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string; getFields(): GraphQLFieldMap; getInterfaces(): ReadonlyArray; toConfig(): GraphQLInterfaceTypeNormalizedConfig; toString(): string; toJSON(): string; } export interface GraphQLInterfaceTypeConfig { name: string; description?: Maybe; interfaces?: ThunkReadonlyArray; fields: ThunkObjMap>; /** * Optionally provide a custom type resolver function. If one is not provided, * the default implementation will call `isTypeOf` on each implementing * Object type. */ resolveType?: Maybe>; extensions?: Maybe>; astNode?: Maybe; extensionASTNodes?: Maybe>; } export interface GraphQLInterfaceTypeNormalizedConfig extends GraphQLInterfaceTypeConfig { interfaces: ReadonlyArray; fields: GraphQLFieldConfigMap; extensions: Readonly; extensionASTNodes: ReadonlyArray; } /** * Custom extensions * * @remarks * Use a unique identifier name for your extension, for example the name of * your library or project. Do not use a shortened identifier as this increases * the risk of conflicts. We recommend you add at most one extension field, * an object which can contain all the values you need. */ export interface GraphQLUnionTypeExtensions { [attributeName: string]: unknown; } /** * Union Type Definition * * When a field can return one of a heterogeneous set of types, a Union type * is used to describe what types are possible as well as providing a function * to determine which type is actually used when the field is resolved. * * Example: * * ```ts * const PetType = new GraphQLUnionType({ * name: 'Pet', * types: [ DogType, CatType ], * resolveType(value) { * if (value instanceof Dog) { * return DogType; * } * if (value instanceof Cat) { * return CatType; * } * } * }); * ``` */ export declare class GraphQLUnionType { name: string; description: Maybe; resolveType: Maybe>; extensions: Readonly; astNode: Maybe; extensionASTNodes: ReadonlyArray; private _types; constructor(config: Readonly>); get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string; getTypes(): ReadonlyArray; toConfig(): GraphQLUnionTypeNormalizedConfig; toString(): string; toJSON(): string; } export interface GraphQLUnionTypeConfig { name: string; description?: Maybe; types: ThunkReadonlyArray; /** * Optionally provide a custom type resolver function. If one is not provided, * the default implementation will call `isTypeOf` on each implementing * Object type. */ resolveType?: Maybe>; extensions?: Maybe>; astNode?: Maybe; extensionASTNodes?: Maybe>; } interface GraphQLUnionTypeNormalizedConfig extends GraphQLUnionTypeConfig { types: ReadonlyArray; extensions: Readonly; extensionASTNodes: ReadonlyArray; } /** * Custom extensions * * @remarks * Use a unique identifier name for your extension, for example the name of * your library or project. Do not use a shortened identifier as this increases * the risk of conflicts. We recommend you add at most one extension field, * an object which can contain all the values you need. */ export interface GraphQLEnumTypeExtensions { [attributeName: string]: unknown; } /** * Enum Type Definition * * Some leaf values of requests and input values are Enums. GraphQL serializes * Enum values as strings, however internally Enums can be represented by any * kind of type, often integers. * * Example: * * ```ts * const RGBType = new GraphQLEnumType({ * name: 'RGB', * values: { * RED: { value: 0 }, * GREEN: { value: 1 }, * BLUE: { value: 2 } * } * }); * ``` * * Note: If a value is not provided in a definition, the name of the enum value * will be used as its internal value. */ export declare class GraphQLEnumType { name: string; description: Maybe; extensions: Readonly; astNode: Maybe; extensionASTNodes: ReadonlyArray; private _values; private _valueLookup; private _nameLookup; constructor(config: Readonly); get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string; getValues(): ReadonlyArray; getValue(name: string): Maybe; serialize(outputValue: unknown): Maybe; parseValue(inputValue: unknown): Maybe; parseLiteral( valueNode: ValueNode, _variables: Maybe>, ): Maybe; toConfig(): GraphQLEnumTypeNormalizedConfig; toString(): string; toJSON(): string; } export interface GraphQLEnumTypeConfig { name: string; description?: Maybe; values: GraphQLEnumValueConfigMap; extensions?: Maybe>; astNode?: Maybe; extensionASTNodes?: Maybe>; } interface GraphQLEnumTypeNormalizedConfig extends GraphQLEnumTypeConfig { extensions: Readonly; extensionASTNodes: ReadonlyArray; } export declare type GraphQLEnumValueConfigMap = ObjMap; /** * Custom extensions * * @remarks * Use a unique identifier name for your extension, for example the name of * your library or project. Do not use a shortened identifier as this increases * the risk of conflicts. We recommend you add at most one extension field, * an object which can contain all the values you need. */ export interface GraphQLEnumValueExtensions { [attributeName: string]: unknown; } export interface GraphQLEnumValueConfig { description?: Maybe; value?: any; deprecationReason?: Maybe; extensions?: Maybe>; astNode?: Maybe; } export interface GraphQLEnumValue { name: string; description: Maybe; value: any; deprecationReason: Maybe; extensions: Readonly; astNode: Maybe; } /** * Custom extensions * * @remarks * Use a unique identifier name for your extension, for example the name of * your library or project. Do not use a shortened identifier as this increases * the risk of conflicts. We recommend you add at most one extension field, * an object which can contain all the values you need. */ export interface GraphQLInputObjectTypeExtensions { [attributeName: string]: unknown; } /** * Input Object Type Definition * * An input object defines a structured collection of fields which may be * supplied to a field argument. * * Using `NonNull` will ensure that a value must be provided by the query * * Example: * * ```ts * const GeoPoint = new GraphQLInputObjectType({ * name: 'GeoPoint', * fields: { * lat: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLFloat) }, * lon: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLFloat) }, * alt: { type: GraphQLFloat, defaultValue: 0 }, * } * }); * ``` */ export declare class GraphQLInputObjectType { name: string; description: Maybe; extensions: Readonly; astNode: Maybe; extensionASTNodes: ReadonlyArray; private _fields; constructor(config: Readonly); get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string; getFields(): GraphQLInputFieldMap; toConfig(): GraphQLInputObjectTypeNormalizedConfig; toString(): string; toJSON(): string; } export interface GraphQLInputObjectTypeConfig { name: string; description?: Maybe; fields: ThunkObjMap; extensions?: Maybe>; astNode?: Maybe; extensionASTNodes?: Maybe>; } interface GraphQLInputObjectTypeNormalizedConfig extends GraphQLInputObjectTypeConfig { fields: GraphQLInputFieldConfigMap; extensions: Readonly; extensionASTNodes: ReadonlyArray; } /** * Custom extensions * * @remarks * Use a unique identifier name for your extension, for example the name of * your library or project. Do not use a shortened identifier as this increases * the risk of conflicts. We recommend you add at most one extension field, * an object which can contain all the values you need. */ export interface GraphQLInputFieldExtensions { [attributeName: string]: unknown; } export interface GraphQLInputFieldConfig { description?: Maybe; type: GraphQLInputType; defaultValue?: unknown; deprecationReason?: Maybe; extensions?: Maybe>; astNode?: Maybe; } export declare type GraphQLInputFieldConfigMap = ObjMap; export interface GraphQLInputField { name: string; description: Maybe; type: GraphQLInputType; defaultValue: unknown; deprecationReason: Maybe; extensions: Readonly; astNode: Maybe; } export declare function isRequiredInputField(field: GraphQLInputField): boolean; export declare type GraphQLInputFieldMap = ObjMap; export {};