/** * An exported enum describing the different kinds of tokens that the * lexer emits. */ declare enum TokenKind { SOF = '', EOF = '', BANG = '!', DOLLAR = '$', AMP = '&', PAREN_L = '(', PAREN_R = ')', SPREAD = '...', COLON = ':', EQUALS = '=', AT = '@', BRACKET_L = '[', BRACKET_R = ']', BRACE_L = '{', PIPE = '|', BRACE_R = '}', NAME = 'Name', INT = 'Int', FLOAT = 'Float', STRING = 'String', BLOCK_STRING = 'BlockString', COMMENT = 'Comment', } export { TokenKind }; /** * The enum type representing the token kinds values. * * @deprecated Please use `TokenKind`. Will be remove in v17. */ export declare type TokenKindEnum = typeof TokenKind;