/* * Copyright (C) 1998-2023 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library. * Note that the API for this class may change with any version, even point releases. * If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory. * Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions or extensionsJSM folders. * See the Extensions intro page (https://gojs.net/latest/intro/extensions.html) for more information. */ import * as go from '../release/go.js'; /** * A custom {@link Layout} that lays out hierarchical data using nested rectangles. * * If you want to experiment with this extension, try the Tree Map Layout sample. * @category Layout Extension */ export class TreeMapLayout extends go.Layout { private _isTopLevelHorizontal: boolean = false; /** * Gets or sets whether top level Parts are laid out horizontally. */ get isTopLevelHorizontal(): boolean { return this._isTopLevelHorizontal; } set isTopLevelHorizontal(val: boolean) { if (this._isTopLevelHorizontal !== val) { this._isTopLevelHorizontal = val; this.invalidateLayout(); } } /** * Copies properties to a cloned Layout. */ public override cloneProtected(copy: this): void { super.cloneProtected(copy); copy._isTopLevelHorizontal = this._isTopLevelHorizontal; } /** * This method actually positions all of the nodes by determining total area and then recursively tiling nodes from the top-level down. * @param {Diagram|Group|Iterable.} coll A {@link Diagram} or a {@link Group} or a collection of {@link Part}s. */ public override doLayout(coll: go.Diagram | go.Group | go.Iterable): void { if (!(coll instanceof go.Diagram)) throw new Error('TreeMapLayout only works as the Diagram.layout'); const diagram = coll; this.computeTotals(diagram); // make sure data.total has been computed for every node // figure out how large an area to cover; // perhaps this should be a property that could be set, rather than depending on the current viewport this.arrangementOrigin = this.initialOrigin(this.arrangementOrigin); const x = this.arrangementOrigin.x; const y = this.arrangementOrigin.y; let w = diagram.viewportBounds.width; let h = diagram.viewportBounds.height; if (isNaN(w)) w = 1000; if (isNaN(h)) h = 1000; // collect all top-level nodes, and sum their totals const tops = new go.Set(); let total = 0; diagram.nodes.each((n) => { if (n.isTopLevel) { tops.add(n); total += n.data.total; } }); const horiz = this.isTopLevelHorizontal; // initially horizontal layout? // the following was copied from the layoutNode method let gx = x; let gy = y; const lay = this; tops.each(part => { const tot = part.data.total; if (horiz) { const pw = w * tot / total; lay.layoutNode(!horiz, part, gx, gy, pw, h); gx += pw; } else { const ph = h * tot / total; lay.layoutNode(!horiz, part, gx, gy, w, ph); gy += ph; } }); } /** * @hidden @internal */ public layoutNode(horiz: boolean, part: go.Part, x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number): void { part.moveTo(x, y); part.desiredSize = new go.Size(w, h); if (part instanceof go.Group) { const g = part; const total = g.data.total; let gx = x; let gy = y; const lay = this; g.memberParts.each(p => { if (p instanceof go.Link) return; const tot = p.data.total; if (horiz) { const pw = w * tot / total; lay.layoutNode(!horiz, p, gx, gy, pw, h); gx += pw; } else { const ph = h * tot / total; lay.layoutNode(!horiz, p, gx, gy, w, ph); gy += ph; } }); } } /** * Compute the `data.total` for each node in the Diagram, with a {@link Group}'s being a sum of its members. */ public computeTotals(diagram: go.Diagram): void { if (!diagram.nodes.all((g: go.Node) => !(g instanceof go.Group) || g.data.total >= 0)) { let groups = new go.Set(); diagram.nodes.each((n: go.Node) => { if (n instanceof go.Group) { // collect all groups groups.add(n); } else { // regular nodes just have their total == size n.data.total = n.data.size; } }); // keep looking for groups whose total can be computed, until all groups have been processed while (groups.count > 0) { const grps = new go.Set(); groups.each((g: go.Group) => { // for a group all of whose member nodes have an initialized data.total, if (g.memberParts.all((m) => !(m instanceof go.Group) || m.data.total >= 0)) { // compute the group's total as the sum of the sizes of all of the member nodes g.data.total = 0; g.memberParts.each((m) => { if (m instanceof go.Node) g.data.total += m.data.total; }); } else { // remember for the next iteration grps.add(g); } }); groups = grps; } } } }