/* * Copyright (C) 1998-2023 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ // These are the definitions for all of the predefined templates and tool archetypes. // You do not need to load this file in order to use the default templates and archetypes. // Although we have tried to provide definitions here that are faithful to how they // are actually implemented, there may be some differences from what is in the library. // Caution: these may change in a future version. // @ts-nocheck import * as go from '../release/go.js'; // Set up the default templates that each Diagram starts off with. function setupDiagramTemplates(diagram: go.Diagram) { // Node Templates const nodeTemplateMap: go.Map = new go.Map<'string', go.Part>(); // create the default Node template const archnode = new go.Node(); const nodet = new go.TextBlock(); nodet.bind(new go.Binding('text', '', go.Binding.toString)); archnode.add(nodet); nodeTemplateMap.add('', archnode); // create the default Comment Node template const archcmnt = new go.Node(); const nodec = new go.TextBlock(); nodec.stroke = 'brown'; nodec.bind(new go.Binding('text', '', go.Binding.toString)); archcmnt.add(nodec); nodeTemplateMap.add('Comment', archcmnt); // create the default Link Label Node template const archllab = new go.Node(); archllab.selectable = false; archllab.avoidable = false; const nodel = new go.Shape(); nodel.figure = 'Ellipse'; nodel.fill = 'black'; nodel.stroke = null; nodel.desiredSize = new go.Size(3, 3); archllab.add(nodel); nodeTemplateMap.add('LinkLabel', archllab); diagram.nodeTemplateMap = nodeTemplateMap as any; // Group Templates const groupTemplateMap = new go.Map(); // create the default Group template const archgrp = new go.Group(); archgrp.selectionObjectName = 'GROUPPANEL'; archgrp.type = go.Panel.Vertical; const grpt = new go.TextBlock(); grpt.font = 'bold 12pt sans-serif'; grpt.bind(new go.Binding('text', '', go.Binding.toString)); archgrp.add(grpt); const grppan = new go.Panel(go.Panel.Auto); grppan.name = 'GROUPPANEL'; const grpbord = new go.Shape(); grpbord.figure = 'Rectangle'; grpbord.fill = 'rgba(128,128,128,0.2)'; grpbord.stroke = 'black'; grppan.add(grpbord); const phold = new go.Placeholder(); phold.padding = new go.Margin(5, 5, 5, 5); grppan.add(phold); archgrp.add(grppan); groupTemplateMap.add('', archgrp); diagram.groupTemplateMap = groupTemplateMap as any; // Link Templates const linkTemplateMap = new go.Map(); // create the default Link template const archlink = new go.Link(); const archpath = new go.Shape(); archpath.isPanelMain = true; archlink.add(archpath); const archarrow = new go.Shape(); archarrow.toArrow = 'Standard'; archarrow.fill = 'black'; archarrow.stroke = null; archarrow.strokeWidth = 0; archlink.add(archarrow); linkTemplateMap.add('', archlink); // create the default Comment Link template const archcmntlink = new go.Link(); const archcmntpath = new go.Shape(); archcmntpath.isPanelMain = true; archcmntpath.stroke = 'brown'; archcmntlink.add(archcmntpath); linkTemplateMap.add('Comment', archcmntlink); diagram.linkTemplateMap = linkTemplateMap as any; } // Set up the default Panel.itemTemplate. function setupDefaultItemTemplate(panel: go.Panel) { const architem = new go.Panel(); const itemtxt = new go.TextBlock(); itemtxt.bind(new go.Binding('text', '', go.Binding.toString)); architem.add(itemtxt); panel.itemTemplate = architem; } // Set up the diagram's selection Adornments function setupSelectionAdornments(diagram: go.Diagram) { // create the default Adornment for selection let selad = new go.Adornment(); selad.type = go.Panel.Auto; let seladhandle = new go.Shape(); seladhandle.fill = null; seladhandle.stroke = 'dodgerblue'; seladhandle.strokeWidth = 3; selad.add(seladhandle); const selplace = new go.Placeholder(); selplace.margin = new go.Margin(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5); selad.add(selplace); diagram.nodeSelectionAdornmentTemplate = selad; // reuse the default Node Adornment for selection diagram.groupSelectionAdornmentTemplate = selad; // create the default Link Adornment for selection selad = new go.Adornment(); selad.type = go.Panel.Link; seladhandle = new go.Shape(); seladhandle.isPanelMain = true; seladhandle.fill = null; seladhandle.stroke = 'dodgerblue'; seladhandle.strokeWidth = 3; // ?? zero to use selection object's strokeWidth is often not wide enough selad.add(seladhandle); diagram.linkSelectionAdornmentTemplate = selad; } // Set up the background Grid Panel. function setupDefaultBackgroundGrid(diagram: go.Diagram) { const grid = new go.Panel(go.Panel.Grid); grid.name = 'GRID'; let hlines = new go.Shape(); hlines.figure = 'LineH'; hlines.stroke = 'lightgray'; hlines.strokeWidth = 0.5; hlines.interval = 1; grid.add(hlines); hlines = new go.Shape(); hlines.figure = 'LineH'; hlines.stroke = 'gray'; hlines.strokeWidth = 0.5; hlines.interval = 5; grid.add(hlines); hlines = new go.Shape(); hlines.figure = 'LineH'; hlines.stroke = 'gray'; hlines.strokeWidth = 1; hlines.interval = 10; grid.add(hlines); let vlines = new go.Shape(); vlines.figure = 'LineV'; vlines.stroke = 'lightgray'; vlines.strokeWidth = 0.5; vlines.interval = 1; grid.add(vlines); vlines = new go.Shape(); vlines.figure = 'LineV'; vlines.stroke = 'gray'; vlines.strokeWidth = 0.5; vlines.interval = 5; grid.add(vlines); vlines = new go.Shape(); vlines.figure = 'LineV'; vlines.stroke = 'gray'; vlines.strokeWidth = 1; vlines.interval = 10; grid.add(vlines); grid.visible = false; // by default the grid is not visible // Create the Part that holds the grid. // const gridpart = new go.Part(); // gridpart.add(grid); // gridpart.layerName = 'Grid'; // goes in the "Grid" layer // gridpart.zOrder = 0; // to make it easier for other background parts to be behind the grid // gridpart.isInDocumentBounds = false; // never part of the document bounds // gridpart.isAnimated = false; // not animated // gridpart.pickable = false; // user cannot pick it with mouse/touch/stylus // gridpart.locationObjectName = 'GRID'; // diagram.add(gridpart); // So then: diagram.grid === grid // BUT, the gridpart is not actually in the Diagram.parts collection, // and that Part cannot be replaced; so the above code is commented out. // Instead, this works in an existing GoJS environment: diagram.grid = grid; } // Set up the "viewport" box part that is the initial value of Overview.box. function setupOverviewBox(overview: go.Overview) { const box = new go.Part(); const s = new go.Shape(); s.stroke = 'magenta'; s.strokeWidth = 2; s.fill = 'transparent'; s.name = 'BOXSHAPE'; box.selectable = true; box.selectionObjectName = 'BOXSHAPE'; box.locationObjectName = 'BOXSHAPE'; // box.resizable = true; box.resizeObjectName = 'BOXSHAPE'; box.cursor = 'move'; box.add(s); // only resize the bottom-right corner const ad = new go.Adornment(); ad.type = go.Panel.Spot; ad.locationSpot = go.Spot.Center; const ph = new go.Placeholder(); ph.isPanelMain = true; ad.add(ph); const hnd = new go.Shape(); hnd.alignmentFocus = go.Spot.Center; hnd.figure = 'Rectangle'; hnd.desiredSize = new go.Size(64, 64); hnd.cursor = 'se-resize'; hnd.alignment = go.Spot.BottomRight; ad.add(hnd); box.resizeAdornmentTemplate = ad; overview.box = box; } // Set up LinkingBaseTool's default temporary nodes and link. function setupLinkingToolTemporaryNodesAndLink(tool: go.LinkingBaseTool) { // LinkingTool.temporaryLink const link = new go.Link(); const path = new go.Shape(); path.isPanelMain = true; path.stroke = 'blue'; link.add(path); const arrow = new go.Shape(); arrow.toArrow = 'Standard'; arrow.fill = 'blue'; arrow.stroke = 'blue'; link.add(arrow); link.layerName = 'Tool'; tool.temporaryLink = link; // LinkingTool.temporaryFromNode and .temporaryFromPort const fromNode = new go.Node(); const fromPort = new go.Shape(); fromPort.portId = ''; fromPort.figure = 'Rectangle'; fromPort.fill = null; fromPort.stroke = 'magenta'; fromPort.strokeWidth = 2; fromPort.desiredSize = new go.Size(1, 1); fromNode.add(fromPort); fromNode.selectable = false; fromNode.layerName = 'Tool'; tool.temporaryFromNode = fromNode; tool.temporaryFromPort = fromPort; // LinkingTool.temporaryToNode and .temporaryToPort const toNode = new go.Node(); const toPort = new go.Shape(); toPort.portId = ''; toPort.figure = 'Rectangle'; toPort.fill = null; toPort.stroke = 'magenta'; toPort.strokeWidth = 2; toPort.desiredSize = new go.Size(1, 1); toNode.add(toPort); toNode.selectable = false; toNode.layerName = 'Tool'; tool.temporaryToNode = toNode; tool.temporaryToPort = toPort; } // Set up RelinkingTool's default handle archetypes function setupRelinkingToolHandles(tool: go.RelinkingTool) { let h = new go.Shape(); h.figure = 'Diamond'; h.desiredSize = new go.Size(8, 8); h.fill = 'lightblue'; h.stroke = 'dodgerblue'; h.cursor = 'pointer'; h.segmentIndex = 0; tool.fromHandleArchetype = h; h = new go.Shape(); h.figure = 'Diamond'; h.desiredSize = new go.Size(8, 8); h.fill = 'lightblue'; h.stroke = 'dodgerblue'; h.cursor = 'pointer'; h.segmentIndex = -1; tool.toHandleArchetype = h; } // Set up LinkReshapingTool's default handle archetypes function setupLinkReshapingToolHandles(tool: go.LinkReshapingTool) { let h = new go.Shape(); h.figure = 'Rectangle'; h.desiredSize = new go.Size(6, 6); h.fill = 'lightblue'; h.stroke = 'dodgerblue'; tool.handleArchetype = h; h = new go.Shape(); h.figure = 'Diamond'; h.desiredSize = new go.Size(8, 8); h.fill = 'lightblue'; h.stroke = 'dodgerblue'; h.cursor = 'move'; tool.midHandleArchetype = h; } // Set up ResizingTool's default handle archetype function setupResizingToolHandles(tool: go.ResizingTool) { const h = new go.Shape(); h.alignmentFocus = go.Spot.Center; h.figure = 'Rectangle'; h.desiredSize = new go.Size(6, 6); h.fill = 'lightblue'; h.stroke = 'dodgerblue'; h.strokeWidth = 1; h.cursor = 'pointer'; tool.handleArchetype = h; } // Set up RotatingTool's default handle archetype function setupRotatingToolHandles(tool: go.RotatingTool) { const h = new go.Shape(); h.figure = 'Ellipse'; h.desiredSize = new go.Size(8, 8); h.fill = 'lightblue'; h.stroke = 'dodgerblue'; h.strokeWidth = 1; h.cursor = 'pointer'; tool.handleArchetype = h; } // Set up DragSelectingTool's default box function setupDragSelectingToolBox(tool: go.DragSelectingTool) { const b = new go.Part(); b.layerName = 'Tool'; b.selectable = false; const r = new go.Shape(); r.name = 'SHAPE'; r.figure = 'Rectangle'; r.fill = null; r.stroke = 'magenta'; b.add(r); tool.box = b; }